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A simple, responsive task management application built with React and TypeScript. This app allows users to add, view, and delete tasks, filter and sort tasks by priority, and save tasks in localStorage
to persist them across sessions. GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is used for smooth, engaging animations.
- Add, View, and Delete Tasks: Create tasks with titles, descriptions, and priorities. View tasks in a structured layout, with options to delete tasks as needed.
- Search & Sort: Search tasks by title and sort by priority levels (Low, Medium, and High).
- Task Persistence: Stores tasks in
, keeping them available even after a page refresh. - Smooth Animations: GSAP powers animations, adding transitions for task addition, deletion, and selection.
- Main Screen: Shows task list with search and sort options.
- Add Task Modal: Add task details, including title, description, and priority level.
- Node.js and npm installed on your system.
- Clone this repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
npm install
To start the app in development mode:
npm run dev
The app will run at http://localhost:3000.
- Add a Task: Click "Add Task" to open a modal for creating a new task with a title, description, and priority.
- Search: Use the search bar to filter tasks by title.
- Sort by Priority: Use the dropdown menu to sort tasks based on priority (Low, Medium, High).
- Select/Unselect a Task: Click the checkbox icon on a task to mark it as selected/unselected.
- Delete a Task: Click the trash icon to remove a task from the list.
This app utilizes GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) to add animations.
npm install gsap
import gsap from 'gsap';
useEffect(() => {
gsap.from(".task", { opacity: 0, y: -20, stagger: 0.2 });
}, [tasks]);
- Task Addition/Deletion: Animate tasks in or out as they are added or deleted.
- Modal Animations: Animate modal opening and closing.
- Hover Effects: Add interactive hover effects for buttons and icons.
- components: Holds reusable components (e.g., TaskMain.tsx). App.tsx: Main application file. index.tsx: Entry point for the React app. Technologies React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces. TypeScript: For static type-checking and improved code quality.
Add notifications for task creation or deletion. Expand task filtering with more options. Improve accessibility features.
This project is open source.