This app saves your public IP and send a report when is different.
By default generates a cron job that checks every hour your public IP against the page jsonip if is different will send you an email with the new IP.
You need to add your gmail details as environment variables using GMAIL_USER
(check the docker-compose.yml). The account that you specify will be the sender and receiver of the email.
Execute: pip install --user -r dev-requirements.txt
Execute: python sdist;twine upload dist/*;rm dist/*
Execute: behave
Create a file in /etc/profile.d/ with the variables:
export GMAIL_USER=''
export GMAIL_PASS='Password'
export IP_PROVIDER='jsonip'
and then in execute crontab -e
and add this line at the end:
0 * * * * source /etc/profile.d/;~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipteller/