Sights Locator is an Android application for searching and viewing information about famous landscapes near you (currently only island Krk in Croatia is available as a destination). Sights Locator is written in Java using Model-View-ViewModel pattern.
Download project and open it with Android Studio. Open
and add Google Map API key which you can obtain here: Add generated key in the file as follows:
Start the application on Android with SDK version 28 or higher.
Splash screen uses RxJava (ReactiveX) observable to download data from the REST API (using Retrofit) and storing it in a local database (using RoomDAO). Splash screen also show few animations while the user waits for the data.
After all data is downloaded/stored user is presented with a list of sights. The list is presented in RecyclerView that uses CardView layout (ViewHolder pattern).
It's possible to delete items from the list by swiping to the right.
By clicking the item on the list or click the button in navigation, users can see more info about sight (using ViewPager).
From the bottom menu user can view all the nearby sights interactively on the map. By clicking on the marker user gets more info about sight.
User can also exit the application by pressing the most left button. Before exiting confirmation prompt will be raised.
Technologies and patterns:
- Java
- SOC, SRP, Contractors
- ViewBinding & DataBinding
- Fragments
- Bottom navigation
- RecyclerView
- Adapters
- ViewHolder
- ViewPager
- NavigationDrawer
- Google maps
- Animations
- AndroidX AppCompat
- AndroidX ConstraintLayout
- AndroidX NavigationUI
- AndroidX Preference
- AndroidX RoomDAO
- Lombok
- Picasso & Picasso transformations
- ReactiveX (RxAndroid, RxJava)
- Retrofit
- RippleBackground