This is a simple weather App project based on Grails
The data used in this project is the city.list.json
a collection of a million plus cities around the globe that is publically available via the Open Weather website
The purpose of this project is to create a simple Application that outputs the weather of any city selected from the database with Groovy and its Grails framework, working with RESTFul APIs and clients.
The APIs used for this project is Open Weather Map and MapQuest (To be implemented)
The RESTFul API Client that I used is Postman
I created a basic logic.js
file to manipulate the DOM by passing the values to and from PHP via AJAX by utilizing jQuery. The projectlet consists of a form that asks the user to input a cityname and the project would retrieve the states corresponding to the city from the database. The purpose of this simple exercise is two-fold:
- To setup the base for incorporating Groovy into the future phases of the project
- Refresh jQuery, AJAX, PHP Scripting, and SQL concepts
Migration from the HTML, CSS, JS
Combo to the utilization of the Groovy Programming Language, along with its Grails web development framework. The front-end utilizes Bootstrap for its styling and includes elements of JQuery for AJAX.
Currently, the code has an intuitive UI to input the location, sign-in (To be implemented), and a user-friendly output which includes an icon for the weather along with information about the weather.
The updated code files are contained in the grails-app
directory. As of now, the code fetches the weather information for any (City, Country Code)
combo or Zip Code
. I will include the type-ahead functionality for prediction of inputs along with setting up the Database for the same.
Added Unit Tests for different model classes in the src/test/..
directory and would add the remaining tests for the classes. Included a basic typeahead script in form.gsp
to model a typeahead
I'll be using [Auth0]( "Click here to go to Auth0 page)), an authentication and authorization platform, to keep a track of different users. Spring Security Plugin + Auth0 takes care of the login page.
Added Logger Files to the project to bulletproof debugging capabilties down-the-road
Added Logging feature to the app using Loggly and keeping a track of the logs out there. Also, I added i18n to the project by implementing the functionality to switch the language of the website to Spanish and English in the dropdown menu on the navbar in the app.
Added the Spring Security Login to the website with implementing a basic User Dashboard. Also created separate controllers for Registering new users and adding the 'Forgot Password' functionality.
Deployed Weather+ on Tomcat server by utilizing its Web Archive (WAR) files
Implemented a basic JMS system to send and receive messages
PS The project is still in progress and will be updated as soon as I work on the remaining parts of it. I am using Test-driven development along with Continuous Integration and other standard Software Development practices on this project. The current repository includes limited functionality in the project and is essentially a prototype
IN THE PIPELINE: a more comprehensive user dashboard