We have plenty of general-purpose voice assistants, but are there any that are focused on developers 👨💻?
I want to introduce you to Mason Speaker 👩 a voice assistant for developers that I have been working on.
- Whisper👂 : Voice recognition - OpenAI
- gTTS 🔉 : Text-to-Speech - Google
- Mason 🧱 : Generation of code templates - Felix Angelov
My goal was to create a voice interface to use Mason which is a great tool for generating boilerplate code templates through bricks and thus avoiding boring code.
You can take this project as a basis to automate your repetitive tasks through voice commands.
- select project : To locate your project directory
- open project. : Open your selected project in VS-Code
- create feature : Create the template of your new features using your bricks
- search brick. : Search for a new brick on brickhub.dev
You just need to run install.sh to create a Python environment ready to use Mason Speaker
For Linux:
. linux_install.sh
For Mac:
souce mac_install.sh
Run the next command to use and config your personal Mason Speaker
python main.py
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.