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Google Images for AutoML Vision

Want to train a model but don't have enough images? Want more images for your model than the ones you have taken? I decided to make this repository after struggling to have a large enough dataset to get good results off of the Google AutoML Vision API.

At the moment it is a rough guide as I have only just got it to work myself.


Getting Started

Its best if you have a basic understanding of Google Cloud, AutoML, compute engines and storage buckets, as I will not go into detail in these areas. Before you use the code in this repository you should...

  • have a Google Cloud project set up
  • create a compute engine
  • enable AutoML Vision API
  • create a storage bucket
  • make sure these are all connected with your service account

Setting up the Compute Engine

  • After having created an instance, follow Google's guide on setting up a python environment.

  • Next, go ahead and pip install google_images_download:

pip install google_images_download
  • Create a file called and copy the contents of from this link and run:
chmod +x ./
  • Follow the instructions here except for the last step where they create a python file.

scraper py

Create a file and add the contents of

Alter the following:

  • arguments - this should include the things you wish to search for on Google images. For example if your project was to distinguish different types of trees, arguments might include "oak tree, palm tree, maple tree".
  • folder - this is the output directory your want all your downloads to go into. Keeping in mind the tree project, you might want to call this folder trees.
  • limit - this is the number of images you which to download for each search category. It is set at 500 by default.

You can now run:


to collect all your images. NB: this will take a long time.

Method 1

In this method image files are not "cleaned" before uploading to your bucket and AutoML. This will require you to sift through the images on AutoML yourself and remove any that are not right. i.e. not what you actually searched for.

bucket_to_csv py

Now that you have your scraped images, you should have a file structure similar to this (keeping in mind the trees example from before):

trees > oak tree > (lots of images)

trees > palm tree > (lots of images)

trees > maple tree > (lots of images) iterates through all these files and...

  • removes any files that are not of type .jpg .jpeg .png .webp
  • alters folder and file names to conform to AutoML naming
  • produces a csv file with the exact location of the images to where they will be found in your cloud storage bucket
  • attatches two labels for each image, in the trees example you might find an image with labels: tree and palm tree.

NB: On line 32 you must replace YOUR-BUCKET-NAME with your actual cloud bucket name


python3 bucket_to_csv

Will return the following prompt:

Output directory (e.g. 'trees'):

Here you need to enter the output directory folder name you specified in, following our trees example:

Output directory (e.g. 'trees'): trees

Method 2

In this method, an attempt has been made to automatically "clean" or rid of any images that are not what you searched for. The generic Vision API is used here to remove any images that are not of the general category you specify.

For example, the Vision API is able to recognise whether an image is food, cuisine or a dish. Therefore if you were wanting to train a model to detect a specific dish (e.g. lasagne), the Vision API could first be used to check whether the image is food, cuisine or a dish. If it is not, it will most likely not be a picture of lasagne!

NB: this takes about as much time as it did to download your images in the first place

sort_images py

After you have scraped your images, you will need to install a couple of things to be able to run sort_images, clean and

More setup

Only do the following steps once

  • Get pip3 on your instance, but do not upgrade it
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  • Install google dependencies
pip3 install --user google
pip3 install --user google-cloud
pip3 install --user google-cloud-vision

You will now be able to run

After setup will call methods to rid of any images due to their size, type and contents and then call methods to rename files to conform to AutoML rules.

  • To run it, simply:


  • You will then be prompted for the output directory you used in
  • And finally you will be promted for the exact name of your google cloud storage bucket

clean py contains the method to "clean" your downloaded images.

You will need to alter lines 33, 35 and 37. Instead of GENERAL LABEL#, you should enter the generic categories your images may satisfy. For example if you were creating the lasagne model, these three categories could be food, dish and cuisine.

For help on knowing what categories you should enter here, use the Google Vision drag and drop tool to see what kind of things the Vision API returns.

csv_formatting py simply alters the names of folders and files to conform to the rules of AuoML. Nothing is needed to be changed here.

Uploading your files to the bucket

Becuase you will probably have a lot of images to upload to your bucket, run the following as Google recommends:

gsutil -m cp -r [SOURCE_DIRECTORY] gs://[BUCKET_NAME]

This will take a while.

Now all your images are in your bucket you need to upload the csv file that created. It has been named bucket.csv by default.

gsutil cp [SOURCE_DIRECTORY]/bucket.csv gs://my-bucket

Next Steps

Now you can transfer your dataset to AutoML and train your model!