Hi there! I'm Samitha Randika, a passionate Software Engineer and founder of Bytenest. I specialize in software development, web design, and graphic design, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to build innovative solutions.
1. Full-Stack Development (PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL)
2. Mobile App Development (Flutter, Dart, GetX)
3. Web Technologies (React, Angular, Vue, WordPress, REST APIs, HTML, CSS, Laravel)
4. AI & ML (TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV)
5. UI/UX Design (Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Canva)
What I'm Working On:
Developing innovative projects like:
1. Smart IoT Crime Monitoring and Alert System
2. Crowd-Sourced Traffic Analysis and Routing
3. Elephant Collision Prediction and Alert System
4. AI-Based Mental Health Monitoring System
5. HUCM (Home Utility Consumption Managing System