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The Fastify Workshop

Introduction: Why Fastify

  • An efficient server implies lower infrastructure costs, better responsiveness under load, and happy users

  • How can you efficiently handle the server resources, while serving the highest number of requests possible, without sacrificing security validations and handy development?

Introduction: Why Fastify /2

  • Fastify is a Node.js web framework focused on performance and developer experience
  • The Fastify team has spent considerable time building a highly supportive and encouraging community
  • Fastify gained adoption by solving real needs of Node.js developers

Core features

  • Highly performant: as far as we know, Fastify is one of the fastest web frameworks in town, depending on the code complexity we can serve up to 30k requests per second.
  • Extensible: fully extensible via hooks, plugins and decorators.
  • Schema based: It isn't mandatory, but we recommend to use JSON Schema to validate your routes and serialize your outputs. Fastify compiles the schema in a highly performant function.

Core features /2

  • Logging: logs are extremely important but are costly; we chose the best logger to almost remove this cost, Pino!
  • Developer friendly: the framework is built to be very expressive and to help developers in their daily use, without sacrificing performance and security
  • TypeScript ready: we work hard to maintain a TypeScript type declaration file so we can support the growing TypeScript community

Who is using Fastify

Who is using Fastify


  • There are 45 core plugins and 155 community plugins

  • Can't find the plugin you are looking for? No problem, it's very easy to write one!


  • Leveraging our experience with Node.js performance, Fastify has been built from the ground up to be as fast as possible

  • All the code used for our benchmarks is available on GitHub

Getting setup


  • Node LTS
  • npm >= 7
  • docker
  • docker-compose


git clone
npm ci
npm run db:up
npm run db:migrate

# make sure you're all set
npm test --workspaces

Workshop structure

  • This workshop is made of multiple, incremental modules
  • Each module builds on top of the previous one
  • At each step you are asked to add features and solve problems
  • You will find the solution to each step in the src/step-{n}-{name} folder
  • The πŸ† icon indicates bonus features
  • The πŸ’‘ icon indicates hints

Running the modules

  • cd src/step-{n}-{name}

  • Check out


cd src/step-01-hello-world

npm run start

Step 1: Exercise πŸ’»

Write a Fastify program in a server.js file which:

  • Exposes a GET / route
  • Listens on port 3000
  • Responds with the JSON object
  "hello": "world"

πŸ† use ES modules!

Step 1: Solution

// server.js
import Fastify from 'fastify'

const start = async function () {
  const fastify = Fastify()

  fastify.get('/', () => {
    return { hello: 'world' }

  try {
    await fastify.listen({ port: 3000 })
  } catch (err) {


Step 1: Trying it out

In the terminal:

curl http://localhost:3000


In the browser:

Step 2: Plugins

  • As with JavaScript, where everything is an object, with Fastify everything is a plugin

  • Fastify allows you to extend its functionalities with plugins. A plugin can be a set of routes, a server decorator or whatever. The API to use one or more plugins is register

Step 2: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Split server.js into two files:

    • server.js contains only the server startup logic
    • index.js contains the code to instantiate Fastify and register plugins
  • Create a GET /users route in routes/users.js and export it as a Fastify plugin

Step 2: Solution

// index.js
import Fastify from 'fastify'

function buildServer() {
  const fastify = Fastify()


  return fastify

export default buildServer

Step 2: Solution /2

// server.js
import buildServer from './index.js'

const fastify = buildServer()

const start = async function () {
  try {
    await fastify.listen({ port: 3000 })
  } catch (err) {


Step 2: Solution /3

// routes/users.js
export default async function users(fastify) {
  fastify.get('/users', {}, async () => [
    { username: 'alice' },
    { username: 'bob' },

Step 2: Trying it out

Note that the / route is now not found

curl http://localhost:3000/
  "message": "Route GET:/ not found",
  "error": "Not Found",
  "statusCode": 404

We'll find our response at /users

curl http://localhost:3000/users
[{ "username": "alice" }, { "username": "bob" }]

Step 3: Logging

  • Fastify ships by default with pino
  • Pino is a logger that aims to lower as much as possible its impact on the application performance
  • The 2 base principles it follows are:
    1. Log processing should be conducted in a separate process
    2. Use minimum resources for logging
  • Fastify has a logger option you can use to enable logging and configure it

Step 3: Logging Readability / 2

  • Pino provides a child logger to each route which includes the request id, enabling the developer to group log outputs under the request that generated them
  • By using transports we can also send logs for further processing, for example the pino-pretty transport will output the logs in a more human readable form. Note that this option should only be used during development.
  • Options like this improve understandability for developers, making it easier to develop.

Step 3: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Enable built-in request logging in the application
  • Use the pino-pretty transport for pretty printing of logs
  • Use the request logging that Pino provides when logging from the users route.
  • Programmatically write logs in the application.

Step 3: Solution /1

// index.js
import Fastify from 'fastify'

function buildServer() {
  const fastify = Fastify({
    logger: {
      transport: {
        target: 'pino-pretty',

  fastify.register(import('./routes/users.js'))'Fastify is starting up!')

  return fastify

export default buildServer

Step 3: Solution /2

// routes/users.js
export default async function users(fastify) {
  fastify.get('/users', async req => {'Users route called')

    return [{ username: 'alice' }, { username: 'bob' }]

Step 3: Trying it out

npm run start

[1612530447393] INFO (62680 on HostComputer):
  Fastify is starting up!
[1612530447411] INFO (62680 on HostComputer):
  Server listening at

Step 3: Trying it out /2

curl http://localhost:3000/users

[1612531288501] INFO (63322 on Softwares-MBP): incoming request
    req: {
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "/users",
      "hostname": "localhost:3000",
      "remoteAddress": "",
      "remotePort": 54847
    reqId: 1
[1612531288503] INFO (63322 on Softwares-MBP): Users route called
    reqId: 1
[1612531288515] INFO (63322 on Softwares-MBP): request completed
    res: {
      "statusCode": 200
    responseTime: 13.076016008853912
    reqId: 1

Step 4 Validation

  • Route validation internally relies upon Ajv, which is a high-performance JSON Schema validator


Step 4: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Create and register a POST /login route in routes/login.js

  • Validate the body of the request to ensure it is a JSON object containing two required string properties: username and password with fluent-json-schema

Step 4: Solution

// routes/login.js
import S from 'fluent-json-schema'

const schema = {
  body: S.object()
    .prop('username', S.string().required())
    .prop('password', S.string().required()),

export default async function login(fastify) {'/login', { schema }, async req => {
    const { username, password } = req.body
    return { username, password }

Step 4: Trying it out

With right credentials

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "username": "alice", "password": "alice" }'
  "username": "alice",
  "password": "alice"

Step 4: Trying it out /2

With wrong credentials

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "name": "alice", "passcode": "alice" }'
  "statusCode": 400,
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "message": "body should have required property 'username'"

Step 5 Constraints

  • Route matching can also be constrained to match properties of the request. By default fastify supports version (via Accept-Version header) and host (via Host header)

πŸ† Custom constraints can be added via find-my-way

Step 5: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Add a new GET /version route that only accepts requests matching version 1.0.0

πŸ’‘ The Accept-Version header should accept 1.x, 1.0.x and 1.0.0

πŸ† Add Vary header to the response to avoid cache poisoning

Step 5: Solution

// routes/version.js
export default async function version(fastify) {
    method: 'GET',
    url: '/version',
    constraints: { version: '1.0.0' },
    handler: async (req) => {
      return { version: '1.0.0' }

Step 5: Trying it out

With right version

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept-Version: 1.0.0" \
  "version": "1.0.0"

Step 5: Trying it out /2

With wrong version

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept-Version: 2.0.0" \
  "statusCode": 404,
  "error": "Not Found",
  "message": "Route GET:/version not found"

For the rest of the workshop the GET /version route will be removed

Step 6: Testing

  • Fastify is very flexible when it comes to testing and is compatible with most testing frameworks
  • Built-in support for fake http injection thanks to light-my-request
  • Fastify can also be tested after starting the server with fastify.listen() or after initializing routes and plugins with fastify.ready()

Step 6: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Write a unit test for the index.js module
  • Use node --test
  • Use fastify.inject
  • Check that GETting the /users route:
    • Responds with status code 200
    • Returns the expected array of users

πŸ’‘ you don't need to start the server

Step 6: Solution

// test/index.test.js
import buildServer from '../index.js'

import {test} from "node:test"
import assert from "node:assert/strict"

test('GET /users', async t => {
  await t.test('returns users', async t => {
    const fastify = buildServer()

    const res = await fastify.inject('/users')

    assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200)

    assert.deepEqual(res.json(), [
      { username: 'alice' },
      { username: 'bob' },

Step 6: Trying it out

Run the tests

❯ npm run test
$ node --test
[10:30:06.058] INFO (1601): Fastify is starting up!
[10:30:06.098] INFO (1601): incoming request
 βœ” test/index.test.js (123.827ms)

β„Ή tests 3
β„Ή suites 0
β„Ή pass 3
β„Ή fail 0
β„Ή cancelled 0
β„Ή skipped 0
β„Ή todo 0
β„Ή duration_ms 346.373708

✨  Done in 2.70s.

Step 7: Serialization

  • Fastify uses a schema-based approach, and even if it is not mandatory we recommend using JSON Schema to validate your routes and serialize your outputs. Internally, Fastify compiles the schema into a highly performant function
  • We encourage you to use an output schema, as it can drastically increase throughput and help prevent accidental disclosure of sensitive information

Step 7: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Validate the response in the users route
  • Ensure that the response is serialized properly and contains the required property username in each array item

Step 7: Solution

// routes/users.js
import S from 'fluent-json-schema'

const schema = {
  response: {
    200: S.array().items(
      S.object().prop('username', S.string().required())

export default async function users(fastify) {
  fastify.get('/users', { schema }, async req => {'Users route called')

    return [{ username: 'alice' }, { username: 'bob' }]

Step 7: Trying it out

Make the response invalid

In routes/users.js change the hardcoded response so it doesn't match the schema:

[{ "wrong": "alice" }, { "wrong": "bob" }]

You will need to restart the server in step-4-serialization for these changes to take effect.

curl http://localhost:3000/users
  "statusCode": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "message": "\"username\" is required!"

Step 8: Authentication

Step 8: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Change index.js so that it:

    • Registers the @fastify/jwt plugin using a hardcoded string as the secret property of the plugin's configuration options

Step 8: Solution

// index.js
import Fastify from 'fastify'

function buildServer() {
  const fastify = Fastify({
    logger: {
      transport: {
        target: 'pino-pretty',

  fastify.register(import('@fastify/jwt'), {
    secret: 'supersecret',
  fastify.register(import('./routes/users.js'))'Fastify is starting up!')

  return fastify

export default buildServer

Step 8: Exercise /2 πŸ’»

  • Change routes/login.js to add an auth check:

    • Perform a dummy check on the auth: if username === password then the user is authenticated

    • If the auth check fails, respond with a 401 Unauthorized HTTP error

    πŸ’‘ you can use the http-errors package

Step 8: Exercise /2 πŸ’»

  • Still on routes/login.js:

    • If the auth check succeeds, respond with a JSON object containing a token property, whose value is the result of signing the object { username } using the fastify.jwt.sign decorator added by the @fastify/jwt plugin

    • Change the response schema to ensure the 200 response is correctly formatted

Step 8: Solution

// routes/login.js
const schema = {
  body: S.object()
    .prop('username', S.string().required())
    .prop('password', S.string().required()),
  response: {
    200: S.object().prop('token', S.string().required()),

export default async function login(fastify) {'/login', { schema }, async req => {
    const { username, password } = req.body

    // sample auth check
    if (username !== password) {
      throw errors.Unauthorized()

    return { token: fastify.jwt.sign({ username }) }

Step 8: Trying it out

With right credentials

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "username": "alice", "password": "alice" }'
  "token": "eyJhbGciOi ..."

Step 8: Trying it out /2

With wrong credentials

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "username": "alice", "password": "wrong" }'
  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Unauthorized"

Step 9: Config

  • It is preferable to use environment variables to configure your app. Example: the JWT secret from the previous step
  • This makes it easier to deploy the same code into different environments
  • Typically config values are not committed to a repository and they are managed with environment variables. An example would be the logging level: in production it's usually better to have only important info, while in a dev env it may be useful to show more

πŸ’‘ As we only refactor in this step we don't have a try it out slide. You can try things from earlier steps and expect them to work

Step 9: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Create a config.js file which:
    • Uses env-schema to load a JWT_SECRET environment variable, with fallback to a .env file
    • Validates its value with fluent-json-schema
  • Change server.js so that it imports the config.js module and provides it to the buildServer function
  • Change index.js so that it:
    • Accepts the configuration provided by server.js in the exported buildServer function

Step 9: Solution

// config.js
import { join } from 'desm'
import envSchema from 'env-schema'
import S from 'fluent-json-schema'

const schema = S.object()
  .prop('JWT_SECRET', S.string().required())
  .prop('LOG_LEVEL', S.string().default('info'))
  .prop('PRETTY_PRINT', S.string().default(true))

export default envSchema({
  dotenv: { path: join(import.meta.url, '.env') },

Step 9: Solution /2

// server.js
import buildServer from './index.js'
import config from './config.js'

const fastify = buildServer(config)

const start = async function () {
  try {
    await fastify.listen({ port: 3000 })
  } catch (err) {


Step 9: Solution /3

// index.js
import Fastify from 'fastify'

function buildServer(config) {
  const opts = {
    logger: {
      level: config.LOG_LEVEL,

  const fastify = Fastify(opts)


  return fastify

export default buildServer

Step 10: Decorators

  • In the previous step we generated a JWT token that can be used to access protected routes. In this step we're going to create a protected route and allow access only to authenticated users via a Fastify decorator

πŸ’‘ This step and the next one work together and we'll get to try it all out after the next step

Fastify extensibility

Step 10: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Create a plugins/authentication.js plugin which:

    • Registers @fastify/jwt with a secret provided via plugin options

      πŸ’‘ move the plugin registration from index.js to the new plugin module

    • Exposes an authenticate decorator on the Fastify instance which verifies the authentication token and responds with an error if invalid

  • Register the new plugin in index.js

Step 10: Solution

// plugins/authenticate.js
async function authenticate(fastify, opts) {
  fastify.register(import('@fastify/jwt'), {
    secret: opts.JWT_SECRET,

  fastify.decorate('authenticate', async (req, reply) => {
    try {
      await req.jwtVerify()
    } catch (err) {

authenticate[Symbol.for('skip-override')] = true

export default authenticate

πŸ† why is skip-override necessary? what is the alternative?

Step 10: Solution/2

// index.js
import Fastify from 'fastify'

function buildServer(config) {
  const opts = {

  const fastify = Fastify(opts)

  fastify.register(import('./plugins/authenticate.js'), opts)

  fastify.register(import('./routes/users.js'))'Fastify is starting up!')

  return fastify

export default buildServer

Step 11: Hooks

  • In this step we're going to build on the previous step by using a fastify hook with our decorator for the protected route

Fastify lifecycle hooks

Step 11: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Create a GET /user route in routes/user/index.js
  • Require authentication using the onRequest Fastify hook
  • Use the fastify.authenticate decorator
  • Return the information about the currently authenticated user in the response

πŸ’‘ you can get the current user from request.user

Step 11: Solution

// routes/user/index.js
import S from 'fluent-json-schema'

const schema = {
  response: {
    200: S.object().prop('username', S.string().required()),

export default async function user(fastify) {
      onRequest: [fastify.authenticate],
    async req => req.user

Steps 10 & 11: Trying it out

πŸ’‘ you need a valid JWT by logging in via the POST /login route

Hit the user route with a token in the headers

curl http://localhost:3000/user \
-H "Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5c..."

With valid token

{ "username": "alice" }

With a wrong token (the error message will vary)

  "statusCode": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Authorization token ..."

Step 12: Fastify autoload

  • @fastify/autoload is a convenience plugin for Fastify that loads all plugins found in a directory and automatically configures routes matching the folder structure
  • Note that as we only refactor in this step we don't have a try it out slide. You can try things from earlier steps and expect them to work
  • In this step we have also introduced integration tests. You can see these running if you run npm run test

Step 12: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Remove all the manual route registrations.
  • Register the autoload plugin two times:
    • one for the plugins folder
    • one for the routes folder
  • Remove the user path in user/index.js as autoload will derive this from the folder structure

πŸ† does the route need to be registered explicitly?

πŸ† what is the url the route will respond to?

Step 12: Solution

// index.js
import { join } from 'desm'
import Fastify from 'fastify'
import autoload from '@fastify/autoload'

function buildServer(config) {

  fastify.register(autoload, {
    dir: join(import.meta.url, 'plugins'),
    options: opts,

  fastify.register(autoload, {
    dir: join(import.meta.url, 'routes'),
    options: opts,
  })'Fastify is starting up!')

  return fastify

Step 12: Solution /2

// routes/user/index.js

export default async function user(fastify) {


Step 13: Database πŸ†

  • Use @fastify/postgres, which allows to share the same PostgreSQL connection pool in every part of your server
  • Use @nearform/sql to create database queries using template strings without introducing SQL injection vulnerabilities

Make sure you setup the db first with:

npm run db:up
npm run db:migrate

πŸ’‘ check the migrations folder to see the database schema.

Step 13: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Change config.js to support a PG_CONNECTION_STRING variable
  • Enrich .env with:
  • Register @fastify/postgres in index.js, providing the variable's value as the connectionString plugin option

Step 13: Solution

// index.js
function buildServer(config) {
  fastify.register(import('@fastify/postgres'), {
    connectionString: opts.PG_CONNECTION_STRING,
  // ...

  return fastify

export default buildServer

Step 13: Exercise πŸ’»

Change routes/login.js:

  • After carrying out the existing dummy auth check, look up the user in the users database table via the username property provided in the request body

πŸ’‘ write the query using @nearform/sql

  • If the user does not exist in the database, return a 401 Unauthorized error

Step 13: Solution

// routes/login.js
import SQL from '@nearform/sql'

export default async function login(fastify) {'/login', { schema }, async req => {
    const { username, password } = req.body

    // sample auth check
    if (username !== password) throw errors.Unauthorized()

    const {
      rows: [user],
    } = await
      SQL`SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE username = ${username}`

    if (!user) throw errors.Unauthorized()

    return { token: fastify.jwt.sign({ username }) }

Step 13: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Move the existing routes/users.js route to routes/users/index.js and make it an auto-prefixed route responding to GET /users
  • Change the response schema so that it requires an array of objects with properties username of type string and id of type integer
  • Load all users from the database instead of returning an hardcoded array of users

Step 13: Solution

// routes/users/index.js
const schema = {
  response: {
    200: S.array().items(
        .prop('id', S.integer().required())
        .prop('username', S.string().required())
export default async function users(fastify) {
    { onRequest: [fastify.authenticate], schema },
    async () => {
      const { rows: users } = await
        'SELECT id, username FROM users'
      return users

Step 14: Exercise πŸ’»

  • Let's create an Fastify application using TypeScript.
  • We will transpose the application that you did in the Step 10 to TypeScript
  • Use declaration merging to add the custom authenticate decorator property to FastifyInstance
  • Use @sinclair/typebox to transform JSON Schema into types

Step 14: Solution/1

// routes/login.ts
import { Type, Static } from '@sinclair/typebox'
import { FastifyInstance, FastifyRequest } from 'fastify'
import errors from 'http-errors'

const BodySchema = Type.Object({
  username: Type.String(),
  password: Type.String(),

// Generate type from JSON Schema
type BodySchema = Static<typeof BodySchema>

const ResponseSchema = Type.Object({
  token: Type.String(),
type ResponseSchema = Static<typeof ResponseSchema>

const schema = {
  body: BodySchema,
  response: { 200: ResponseSchema },

Step 14: Solution/2

// routes/login.ts
export default async function login(fastify: FastifyInstance) {
    { schema },
    async (
      req: FastifyRequest<{ Body: BodySchema }>
    ): Promise<ResponseSchema> => {
      const { username, password } = req.body

      if (username !== password) {
        throw new errors.Unauthorized()

      return { token: fastify.jwt.sign({ username }) }

Step 14: Solution/3

// plugins/authenticate.ts
async function authenticate(
  fastify: FastifyInstance,
  opts: FastifyPluginOptions
): Promise<void> {
  fastify.register(fastifyJwt, { secret: opts.JWT_SECRET })
    async (req: FastifyRequest, reply: FastifyReply) => {
      try {
        await req.jwtVerify()
      } catch (err) {

export default fp(authenticate)

Step 14: Solution/4

// @types/index.d.ts
import type { FastifyRequest, FastifyReply } from 'fastify'

declare module 'fastify' {
  export interface FastifyInstance {
    authenticate: (
      request: FastifyRequest,
      reply: FastifyReply
    ) => Promise<void>

It adds the authenticate property to FastifyInstance:

πŸ† Write Tests πŸ†

πŸ’‘ inspire from the code in the completed steps

Thanks For Having Us!
