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Shortest problems on Codeforces

(Updated on 2021-06-30)

List of Codeforces problems with a short problem statement of 1000 characters or less. Sorted for each rating level.

Special problems from April Fools Contests are excluded.


Inspired by this blog with lists of short problems but missing some from my bracket, I set out to compile a more complete list and also a SQL database to cater for customized queries. As a start, I have made a general list for all 1000+ problems with a statement of 1000 characters or less, ordered by statement length and rating.

I plan to add at least one more list filtered by tags and ratings but I have no idea how to best organize the duplicates, as the shortest problems with multiple tags will show up in many lists. Any suggestion is welcome.

If there is any additional list you'd like to see, please let me know. For those feeling adventurous, a quick-and-dirty Python script as well as SQL data dump can be found within the repository, add battery to a MariaDB server and you are good to go.


Title Links
Newbie 800(110) 900(43) 1000(63) 1100(50)
Pupil 1200(59) 1300(48)
Specialist 1400(54) 1500(44)
Expert 1600(73) 1700(44) 1800(51)
Candidate Master 1900(60) 2000(44)
Master 2100(41) 2200(42)
International Master 2300(44)
Grandmaster 2400(46) 2500(35)
International Grandmaster 2600(22) 2700(15) 2800(14) 2900(16)
Legendary Grandmaster 3000(11) 3100(18) 3200(6) 3300(3) 3400(2) 3500(4)
# ID Problem Rating
1 1351A A+B (Trial Problem) 800
2 281A Word Capitalization 800
3 1088A Ehab and another construction problem 800
4 1096A Find Divisible 800
5 266A Stones on the Table 800
6 1028A Find Square 800
7 1389A LCM Problem 800
8 678A Johny Likes Numbers 800
9 1493A Anti-knapsack 800
10 1047A Little C Loves 3 I 800
11 1520B Ordinary Numbers 800
12 271A Beautiful Year 800
13 22A Second Order Statistics 800
14 1512A Spy Detected! 800
15 702A Maximum Increase 800
16 1328A Divisibility Problem 800
17 32B Borze 800
18 16A Flag 800
19 443A Anton and Letters 800
20 1385A Three Pairwise Maximums 800
21 440A Forgotten Episode 800
22 1283A Minutes Before the New Year 800
23 1003A Polycarp's Pockets 800
24 1269A Equation 800
25 1517A Sum of 2050 800
26 1228A Distinct Digits 800
27 900A Find Extra One 800
28 1183A Nearest Interesting Number 800
29 520A Pangram 800
30 1514A Perfectly Imperfect Array 800
31 546A Soldier and Bananas 800
32 630A Again Twenty Five! 800
33 34A Reconnaissance 2 800
34 1411A In-game Chat 800
35 1296A Array with Odd Sum 800
36 486A Calculating Function 800
37 1154A Restoring Three Numbers 800
38 50A Domino piling 800
39 749A Bachgold Problem 800
40 41A Translation 800
41 1005A Tanya and Stairways 800
42 710A King Moves 800
43 339A Helpful Maths 800
44 384A Coder 800
45 47A Triangular numbers 800
46 1220A Cards 800
47 1325A EhAb AnD gCd 800
48 1030A In Search of an Easy Problem 800
49 386A Second-Price Auction 800
50 837A Text Volume 800
51 802G Fake News (easy) 800
52 454A Little Pony and Crystal Mine 800
53 1230A Dawid and Bags of Candies 800
54 615A Bulbs 800
55 1421A XORwice 800
56 421A Pasha and Hamsters 800
57 1118A Water Buying 800
58 1194A Remove a Progression 800
59 158A Next Round 800
60 1065A Vasya and Chocolate 800
61 1176A Divide it! 800
62 965A Paper Airplanes 800
63 228A Is your horseshoe on the other hoof? 800
64 426A Sereja and Mugs 800
65 14A Letter 800
66 1436A Reorder 800
67 32A Reconnaissance 800
68 1370A Maximum GCD 800
69 181A Series of Crimes 800
70 411A Password Check 800
71 469A I Wanna Be the Guy 800
72 467A George and Accommodation 800
73 1512B Almost Rectangle 800
74 1527A And Then There Were K 800
75 831B Keyboard Layouts 800
76 996A Hit the Lottery 800
77 977A Wrong Subtraction 800
78 705A Hulk 800
79 884A Book Reading 800
80 988A Diverse Team 800
81 978A Remove Duplicates 800
82 1343B Balanced Array 800
83 1325B CopyCopyCopyCopyCopy 800
84 1513A Array and Peaks 800
85 1445A Array Rearrangment 800
86 1323A Even Subset Sum Problem 800
87 1454A Special Permutation 800
88 1061A Coins 800
89 112A Petya and Strings 800
90 984A Game 800
91 1398A Bad Triangle 800
92 1352A Sum of Round Numbers 800
93 1422A Fence 800
94 1102A Integer Sequence Dividing 800
95 49A Sleuth 800
96 214A System of Equations 800
97 734A Anton and Danik 800
98 701A Cards 800
99 59A Word 800
100 1056A Determine Line 800
101 492A Vanya and Cubes 800
102 1374A Required Remainder 800
103 1207A There Are Two Types Of Burgers 800
104 1472B Fair Division 800
105 472A Design Tutorial: Learn from Math 800
106 1454B Unique Bid Auction 800
107 1526A Mean Inequality 800
108 581A Vasya the Hipster 800
109 38A Army 800
110 1080A Petya and Origami 800
# ID Problem Rating
1 1462C Unique Number 900
2 26A Almost Prime 900
3 44A Indian Summer 900
4 1351B Square? 900
5 130A Hexagonal numbers 900
6 1475A Odd Divisor 900
7 1380A Three Indices 900
8 52A 123-sequence 900
9 1057A Bmail Computer Network 900
10 267A Subtractions 900
11 622B The Time 900
12 320A Magic Numbers 900
13 1225A Forgetting Things 900
14 474A Keyboard 900
15 34B Sale 900
16 275A Lights Out 900
17 424A Squats 900
18 96A Football 900
19 1535B Array Reodering 900
20 621A Wet Shark and Odd and Even 900
21 670A Holidays 900
22 1110A Parity 900
23 808A Lucky Year 900
24 1436B Prime Square 900
25 863A Quasi-palindrome 900
26 914A Perfect Squares 900
27 1047B Cover Points 900
28 1208A XORinacci 900
29 892A Greed 900
30 299B Ksusha the Squirrel 900
31 16B Burglar and Matches 900
32 11A Increasing Sequence 900
33 1175A From Hero to Zero 900
34 263B Squares 900
35 1475B New Year's Number 900
36 598A Tricky Sum 900
37 6A Triangle 900
38 847G University Classes 900
39 980A Links and Pearls 900
40 1496A Split it! 900
41 870A Search for Pretty Integers 900
42 1095B Array Stabilization 900
43 318A Even Odds 900
# ID Problem Rating
1 37A Towers 1000
2 1177A Digits Sequence (Easy Edition) 1000
3 753A Santa Claus and Candies 1000
4 1256A Payment Without Change 1000
5 691A Fashion in Berland 1000
6 299A Ksusha and Array 1000
7 560A Currency System in Geraldion 1000
8 1101A Minimum Integer 1000
9 1174A Ehab Fails to Be Thanos 1000
10 462A Appleman and Easy Task 1000
11 1051B Relatively Prime Pairs 1000
12 43A Football 1000
13 35A Shell Game 1000
14 584A Olesya and Rodion 1000
15 124A The number of positions 1000
16 29A Spit Problem 1000
17 1A Theatre Square 1000
18 1312B Bogosort 1000
19 1230B Ania and Minimizing 1000
20 1133A Middle of the Contest 1000
21 1090M The Pleasant Walk 1000
22 1520C Not Adjacent Matrix 1000
23 1211A Three Problems 1000
24 798A Mike and palindrome 1000
25 1182A Filling Shapes 1000
26 118A String Task 1000
27 109A Lucky Sum of Digits 1000
28 13A Numbers 1000
29 72G Fibonacci army 1000
30 352A Jeff and Digits 1000
31 1107B Digital root 1000
32 476A Dreamoon and Stairs 1000
33 219A k-String 1000
34 58A Chat room 1000
35 1411B Fair Numbers 1000
36 887A Div. 64 1000
37 108A Palindromic Times 1000
38 1405B Array Cancellation 1000
39 1199B Water Lily 1000
40 622A Infinite Sequence 1000
41 3A Shortest path of the king 1000
42 1485A Add and Divide 1000
43 535A Tavas and Nafas 1000
44 1257B Magic Stick 1000
45 118B Present from Lena 1000
46 859B Lazy Security Guard 1000
47 131A cAPS lOCK 1000
48 379A New Year Candles 1000
49 1418A Buying Torches 1000
50 1088B Ehab and subtraction 1000
51 1476A K-divisible Sum 1000
52 322A Ciel and Dancing 1000
53 1165B Polycarp Training 1000
54 420A Start Up 1000
55 1008B Turn the Rectangles 1000
56 577A Multiplication Table 1000
57 452A Eevee 1000
58 69A Young Physicist 1000
59 334A Candy Bags 1000
60 102B Sum of Digits 1000
61 507A Amr and Music 1000
62 1346A Color Revolution 1000
63 120A Elevator 1000
# ID Problem Rating
1 797A k-Factorization 1100
2 188D Asterisks 1100
3 188A Hexagonal Numbers 1100
4 919B Perfect Number 1100
5 162A Pentagonal numbers 1100
6 911A Nearest Minimums 1100
7 630C Lucky Numbers 1100
8 382A Ksenia and Pan Scales 1100
9 224A Parallelepiped 1100
10 25B Phone numbers 1100
11 501B Misha and Changing Handles 1100
12 312A Whose sentence is it? 1100
13 43B Letter 1100
14 1117A Best Subsegment 1100
15 349A Cinema Line 1100
16 365A Good Number 1100
17 100A Carpeting the Room 1100
18 456A Laptops 1100
19 1478B Nezzar and Lucky Number 1100
20 12B Correct Solution? 1100
21 39D Cubical Planet 1100
22 534A Exam 1100
23 1213B Bad Prices 1100
24 300A Array 1100
25 825A Binary Protocol 1100
26 1366A Shovels and Swords 1100
27 53A Autocomplete 1100
28 1288B Yet Another Meme Problem 1100
29 296A Yaroslav and Permutations 1100
30 630J Divisibility 1100
31 1001A Generate plus state or minus state 1100
32 841B Godsend 1100
33 835B The number on the board 1100
34 755B PolandBall and Game 1100
35 1060B Maximum Sum of Digits 1100
36 433A Kitahara Haruki's Gift 1100
37 82A Double Cola 1100
38 877A Alex and broken contest 1100
39 12C Fruits 1100
40 362B Petya and Staircases 1100
41 1327A Sum of Odd Integers 1100
42 858A k-rounding 1100
43 270A Fancy Fence 1100
44 186A Comparing Strings 1100
45 1511B GCD Length 1100
46 475A Bayan Bus 1100
47 596A Wilbur and Swimming Pool 1100
48 1115G1 AND oracle 1100
49 6B President's Office 1100
50 1490C Sum of Cubes 1100
# ID Problem Rating
1 1520D Same Differences 1200
2 23A You're Given a String... 1200
3 1315C Restoring Permutation 1200
4 5B Center Alignment 1200
5 1352C K-th Not Divisible by n 1200
6 803B Distances to Zero 1200
7 1001H Oracle for f(x) = parity of the number of 1s in x 1200
8 38B Chess 1200
9 47B Coins 1200
10 18C Stripe 1200
11 134A Average Numbers 1200
12 55A Flea travel 1200
13 489A SwapSort 1200
14 1352B Same Parity Summands 1200
15 459A Pashmak and Garden 1200
16 1213C Book Reading 1200
17 754A Lesha and array splitting 1200
18 1028B Unnatural Conditions 1200
19 27A Next Test 1200
20 217A Ice Skating 1200
21 1497C1 k-LCM (easy version) 1200
22 683A The Check of the Point 1200
23 254A Cards with Numbers 1200
24 31A Worms Evolution 1200
25 660A Co-prime Array 1200
26 1076B Divisor Subtraction 1200
27 53C Little Frog 1200
28 1143B Nirvana 1200
29 630B Moore's Law 1200
30 6C Alice, Bob and Chocolate 1200
31 489B BerSU Ball 1200
32 1363A Odd Selection 1200
33 1203B Equal Rectangles 1200
34 1514B AND 0, Sum Big 1200
35 239A Two Bags of Potatoes 1200
36 1406B Maximum Product 1200
37 552B Vanya and Books 1200
38 466A Cheap Travel 1200
39 749B Parallelogram is Back 1200
40 1068B LCM 1200
41 9C Hexadecimal's Numbers 1200
42 1174B Ehab Is an Odd Person 1200
43 802M April Fools' Problem (easy) 1200
44 1104B Game with string 1200
45 982A Row 1200
46 630R Game 1200
47 59B Fortune Telling 1200
48 78B Easter Eggs 1200
49 1364A XXXXX 1200
50 999C Alphabetic Removals 1200
51 842A Kirill And The Game 1200
52 1512D Corrupted Array 1200
53 523A Rotate, Flip and Zoom 1200
54 454B Little Pony and Sort by Shift 1200
55 765C Table Tennis Game 2 1200
56 892B Wrath 1200
57 554B Ohana Cleans Up 1200
58 1433D Districts Connection 1200
59 977C Less or Equal 1200
# ID Problem Rating
1 64A Factorial 1300
2 1294C Product of Three Numbers 1300
3 770B Maximize Sum of Digits 1300
4 188B A + Reverse B 1300
5 1076C Meme Problem 1300
6 25A IQ test 1300
7 661A Lazy Caterer Sequence 1300
8 600B Queries about less or equal elements 1300
9 630F Selection of Personnel 1300
10 1220B Multiplication Table 1300
11 1203C Common Divisors 1300
12 876B Divisiblity of Differences 1300
13 221B Little Elephant and Numbers 1300
14 39H Multiplication Table 1300
15 1029A Many Equal Substrings 1300
16 493A Vasya and Football 1300
17 58B Coins 1300
18 1001F Distinguish multi-qubit basis states 1300
19 147A Punctuation 1300
20 844B Rectangles 1300
21 630N Forecast 1300
22 312B Archer 1300
23 181B Number of Triplets 1300
24 665C Simple Strings 1300
25 36A Extra-terrestrial Intelligence 1300
26 57A Square Earth? 1300
27 1157B Long Number 1300
28 1030C Vasya and Golden Ticket 1300
29 1454D Number into Sequence 1300
30 485B Valuable Resources 1300
31 189A Cut Ribbon 1300
32 1373C Pluses and Minuses 1300
33 1165C Good String 1300
34 1424G Years 1300
35 251A Points on Line 1300
36 1174C Ehab and a Special Coloring Problem 1300
37 230B T-primes 1300
38 94B Friends 1300
39 135A Replacement 1300
40 887B Cubes for Masha 1300
41 1260B Obtain Two Zeroes 1300
42 276B Little Girl and Game 1300
43 1422B Nice Matrix 1300
44 573A Bear and Poker 1300
45 1016B Segment Occurrences 1300
46 965B Battleship 1300
47 203B Game on Paper 1300
48 40A Find Color 1300
# ID Problem Rating
1 130B Gnikool Ssalg 1400
2 188C LCM 1400
3 710B Optimal Point on a Line 1400
4 188F Binary Notation 1400
5 538B Quasi Binary 1400
6 100C A+B 1400
7 435B Pasha Maximizes 1400
8 489C Given Length and Sum of Digits... 1400
9 1001G Oracle for f(x) = k-th element of x 1400
10 44E Anfisa the Monkey 1400
11 1526B I Hate 1111 1400
12 1215B The Number of Products 1400
13 1324D Pair of Topics 1400
14 470A Crystal Ball Sequence 1400
15 1285C Fadi and LCM 1400
16 1095C Powers Of Two 1400
17 1380C Create The Teams 1400
18 125A Measuring Lengths in Baden 1400
19 888C K-Dominant Character 1400
20 1355D Game With Array 1400
21 131C The World is a Theatre 1400
22 124B Permutations 1400
23 1463B Find The Array 1400
24 630H Benches 1400
25 1046C Space Formula 1400
26 803A Maximal Binary Matrix 1400
27 41B Martian Dollar 1400
28 1057B DDoS 1400
29 683D Chocolate Bar 1400
30 1167C News Distribution 1400
31 1351C Skier 1400
32 248B Chilly Willy 1400
33 26B Regular Bracket Sequence 1400
34 1354C1 Simple Polygon Embedding 1400
35 289B Polo the Penguin and Matrix 1400
36 699B One Bomb 1400
37 111A Petya and Inequiations 1400
38 379C New Year Ratings Change 1400
39 797B Odd sum 1400
40 1506D Epic Transformation 1400
41 315A Sereja and Bottles 1400
42 1131B Draw! 1400
43 45I TCMCF+++ 1400
44 260A Adding Digits 1400
45 24A Ring road 1400
46 219B Special Offer! Super Price 999 Bourles! 1400
47 520B Two Buttons 1400
48 245E Mishap in Club 1400
49 180C Letter 1400
50 1494B Berland Crossword 1400
51 544B Sea and Islands 1400
52 762A k-th divisor 1400
53 1001D Distinguish plus state and minus state 1400
54 513B1 Permutations 1400
# ID Problem Rating
1 130C Decimal sum 1500
2 670D2 Magic Powder - 2 1500
3 710C Magic Odd Square 1500
4 130D Exponentiation 1500
5 100I Rotation 1500
6 1409D Decrease the Sum of Digits 1500
7 530A Quadratic equation 1500
8 100B Friendly Numbers 1500
9 64B Expression 1500
10 530C Diophantine equation 1500
11 550C Divisibility by Eight 1500
12 982C Cut 'em all! 1500
13 50B Choosing Symbol Pairs 1500
14 1416A k-Amazing Numbers 1500
15 325A Square and Rectangles 1500
16 1201B Zero Array 1500
17 1051C Vasya and Multisets 1500
18 748B Santa Claus and Keyboard Check 1500
19 276C Little Girl and Maximum Sum 1500
20 1169B Pairs 1500
21 22B Bargaining Table 1500
22 1133D Zero Quantity Maximization 1500
23 468A 24 Game 1500
24 746D Green and Black Tea 1500
25 845C Two TVs 1500
26 1141C Polycarp Restores Permutation 1500
27 630K Indivisibility 1500
28 39J Spelling Check 1500
29 1325C Ehab and Path-etic MEXs 1500
30 274A k-Multiple Free Set 1500
31 1213D1 Equalizing by Division (easy version) 1500
32 18A Triangle 1500
33 868C Qualification Rounds 1500
34 1105C Ayoub and Lost Array 1500
35 1272D Remove One Element 1500
36 328B Sheldon and Ice Pieces 1500
37 991D Bishwock 1500
38 1490F Equalize the Array 1500
39 1516B AGAGA XOOORRR 1500
40 1101C Division and Union 1500
41 550A Two Substrings 1500
42 31B Sysadmin Bob 1500
43 425A Sereja and Swaps 1500
44 114B PFAST Inc. 1500
# ID Problem Rating
1 683C Symmetric Difference 1600
2 188G Array Sorting 1600
3 1458A Row GCD 1600
4 683B The Teacher of Physical Education 1600
5 153A A + B 1600
6 219C Color Stripe 1600
7 597A Divisibility 1600
8 407A Triangle 1600
9 23B Party 1600
10 375A Divisible by Seven 1600
11 11B Jumping Jack 1600
12 530D Set subtraction 1600
13 440B Balancer 1600
14 52B Right Triangles 1600
15 1396A Multiples of Length 1600
16 1342C Yet Another Counting Problem 1600
17 1165E Two Arrays and Sum of Functions 1600
18 1165D Almost All Divisors 1600
19 1364C Ehab and Prefix MEXs 1600
20 323A Black-and-White Cube 1600
21 1511D Min Cost String 1600
22 825B Five-In-a-Row 1600
23 372A Counting Kangaroos is Fun 1600
24 377A Maze 1600
25 660C Hard Process 1600
26 1497C2 k-LCM (hard version) 1600
27 130H Balanced brackets 1600
28 1175C Electrification 1600
29 130E Tribonacci numbers 1600
30 1352G Special Permutation 1600
31 1514C Product 1 Modulo N 1600
32 232A Cycles 1600
33 64C Table 1600
34 1003D Coins and Queries 1600
35 1482C Basic Diplomacy 1600
36 493C Vasya and Basketball 1600
37 40B Repaintings 1600
38 1373D Maximum Sum on Even Positions 1600
39 1213D2 Equalizing by Division (hard version) 1600
40 1184C1 Heidi and the Turing Test (Easy) 1600
41 605A Sorting Railway Cars 1600
42 888D Almost Identity Permutations 1600
43 373B Making Sequences is Fun 1600
44 322B Ciel and Flowers 1600
45 597B Restaurant 1600
46 958E1 Guard Duty (easy) 1600
47 980B Marlin 1600
48 55B Smallest number 1600
49 305A Strange Addition 1600
50 1288C Two Arrays 1600
51 125C Hobbits' Party 1600
52 691B s-palindrome 1600
53 1519D Maximum Sum of Products 1600
54 348A Mafia 1600
55 845B Luba And The Ticket 1600
56 1363C Game On Leaves 1600
57 28A Bender Problem 1600
58 1234D Distinct Characters Queries 1600
59 1B Spreadsheet 1600
60 1398C Good Subarrays 1600
61 678B The Same Calendar 1600
62 1015D Walking Between Houses 1600
63 214B Hometask 1600
64 1098A Sum in the tree 1600
65 1334C Circle of Monsters 1600
66 1295C Obtain The String 1600
67 1115G2 OR oracle 1600
68 1395C Boboniu and Bit Operations 1600
69 1513C Add One 1600
70 1140C Playlist 1600
71 235A LCM Challenge 1600
72 616D Longest k-Good Segment 1600
73 1423K Lonely Numbers 1600
# ID Problem Rating
1 76E Points 1700
2 130G CAPS LOCK ON 1700
3 1512G Short Task 1700
4 530E Sum and product 1700
5 632C The Smallest String Concatenation 1700
6 1325D Ehab the Xorcist 1700
7 915C Permute Digits 1700
8 1268A Long Beautiful Integer 1700
9 14C Four Segments 1700
10 1132C Painting the Fence 1700
11 983A Finite or not? 1700
12 919D Substring 1700
13 349B Color the Fence 1700
14 581D Three Logos 1700
15 466C Number of Ways 1700
16 31C Schedule 1700
17 926I A Vital Problem 1700
18 439C Devu and Partitioning of the Array 1700
19 1485C Floor and Mod 1700
20 18B Platforms 1700
21 1329B Dreamoon Likes Sequences 1700
22 627A XOR Equation 1700
23 53B Blog Photo 1700
24 1217C The Number Of Good Substrings 1700
25 678D Iterated Linear Function 1700
26 22C System Administrator 1700
27 1157E Minimum Array 1700
28 1144F Graph Without Long Directed Paths 1700
29 20A BerOS file system 1700
30 1343D Constant Palindrome Sum 1700
31 216B Forming Teams 1700
32 1468F Full Turn 1700
33 598D Igor In the Museum 1700
34 140A New Year Table 1700
35 1102E Monotonic Renumeration 1700
36 1497E1 Square-free division (easy version) 1700
37 1312D Count the Arrays 1700
38 275B Convex Shape 1700
39 622C Not Equal on a Segment 1700
40 1141E Superhero Battle 1700
41 900C Remove Extra One 1700
42 490C Hacking Cypher 1700
43 578A A Problem about Polyline 1700
44 1219C Periodic integer number 1700
# ID Problem Rating
1 802B Heidi and Library (medium) 1800
2 652D Nested Segments 1800
3 162H Alternating case 1800
4 153B Binary notation 1800
5 162B Binary notation 1800
6 1177B Digits Sequence (Hard Edition) 1800
7 440C One-Based Arithmetic 1800
8 7C Line 1800
9 470B Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia 1800
10 1295D Same GCDs 1800
11 64D Presents 1800
12 663A Rebus 1800
13 162F Factorial zeros 1800
14 1267L Lexicography 1800
15 612D The Union of k-Segments 1800
16 1225D Power Products 1800
17 64E Prime Segment 1800
18 69E Subsegments 1800
19 1076D Edge Deletion 1800
20 683E Hammer throwing 1800
21 162J Brackets 1800
22 1249D2 Too Many Segments (hard version) 1800
23 1249D1 Too Many Segments (easy version) 1800
24 16C Monitor 1800
25 45J Planting Trees 1800
26 67A Partial Teacher 1800
27 100G Name the album 1800
28 926B Add Points 1800
29 1152C Neko does Maths 1800
30 1213G Path Queries 1800
31 1466E Apollo versus Pan 1800
32 846F Random Query 1800
33 130J Date calculation 1800
34 883H Palindromic Cut 1800
35 1286B Numbers on Tree 1800
36 691C Exponential notation 1800
37 1327E Count The Blocks 1800
38 1329A Dreamoon Likes Coloring 1800
39 301A Yaroslav and Sequence 1800
40 49D Game 1800
41 1208C Magic Grid 1800
42 1030D Vasya and Triangle 1800
43 1491D Zookeeper and The Infinite Zoo 1800
44 1462F The Treasure of The Segments 1800
45 161D Distance in Tree 1800
46 452B 4-point polyline 1800
47 404C Restore Graph 1800
48 1442A Extreme Subtraction 1800
49 1042D Petya and Array 1800
50 513B2 Permutations 1800
51 33B String Problem 1800
# ID Problem Rating
1 162D Remove digits 1900
2 660D Number of Parallelograms 1900
3 20C Dijkstra? 1900
4 597C Subsequences 1900
5 661F Primes in Interval 1900
6 661B Seasons 1900
7 470E Chessboard 1900
8 22D Segments 1900
9 683G The Fraction 1900
10 27C Unordered Subsequence 1900
11 1272E Nearest Opposite Parity 1900
12 1036C Classy Numbers 1900
13 1303D Fill The Bag 1900
14 45D Event Dates 1900
15 1400D Zigzags 1900
16 540D Bad Luck Island 1900
17 1089F Fractions 1900
18 470C Eval 1900
19 335B Palindrome 1900
20 1205B Shortest Cycle 1900
21 1285D Dr. Evil Underscores 1900
22 846D Monitor 1900
23 294C Shaass and Lights 1900
24 463D Gargari and Permutations 1900
25 550D Regular Bridge 1900
26 803C Maximal GCD 1900
27 999D Equalize the Remainders 1900
28 19B Checkout Assistant 1900
29 41E 3-cycles 1900
30 1168B Good Triple 1900
31 16E Fish 1900
32 1360G A/B Matrix 1900
33 138B Digits Permutations 1900
34 388B Fox and Minimal path 1900
35 134B Pairs of Numbers 1900
36 1174D Ehab and the Expected XOR Problem 1900
37 55C Pie or die 1900
38 463C Gargari and Bishops 1900
39 41D Pawn 1900
40 25D Roads not only in Berland 1900
41 883G Orientation of Edges 1900
42 1175D Array Splitting 1900
43 1488C Two Policemen 1900
44 37C Old Berland Language 1900
45 5C Longest Regular Bracket Sequence 1900
46 1311F Moving Points 1900
47 552D Vanya and Triangles 1900
48 1041E Tree Reconstruction 1900
49 746E Numbers Exchange 1900
50 45C Dancing Lessons 1900
51 319B Psychos in a Line 1900
52 1276B Two Fairs 1900
53 14D Two Paths 1900
54 1423B Valuable Paper 1900
55 57C Array 1900
56 1067A Array Without Local Maximums 1900
57 455B A Lot of Games 1900
58 470D Caesar Cipher 1900
59 1492D Genius's Gambit 1900
60 25C Roads in Berland 1900
# ID Problem Rating
1 600D Area of Two Circles' Intersection 2000
2 661C Array Sum 2000
3 162G Non-decimal sum 2000
4 661E Divisibility Check 2000
5 20B Equation 2000
6 27E Number With The Given Amount Of Divisors 2000
7 267B Dominoes 2000
8 153D Date Change 2000
9 21C Stripe 2 2000
10 490E Restoring Increasing Sequence 2000
11 162I Truncatable primes 2000
12 345C Counting Fridays 2000
13 2B The least round way 2000
14 1132F Clear the String 2000
15 101C Vectors 2000
16 128D Numbers 2000
17 21B Intersection 2000
18 1288D Minimax Problem 2000
19 1416B Make Them Equal 2000
20 26C Parquet 2000
21 1101D GCD Counting 2000
22 1200E Compress Words 2000
23 118E Bertown roads 2000
24 1082E Increasing Frequency 2000
25 117C Cycle 2000
26 1156C Match Points 2000
27 29D Ant on the Tree 2000
28 1311D Three Integers 2000
29 1366D Two Divisors 2000
30 64F Domain 2000
31 1354C2 Not So Simple Polygon Embedding 2000
32 461B Appleman and Tree 2000
33 47C Crossword 2000
34 466B Wonder Room 2000
35 961D Pair Of Lines 2000
36 710E Generate a String 2000
37 388C Fox and Card Game 2000
38 1211D Teams 2000
39 1092E Minimal Diameter Forest 2000
40 514C Watto and Mechanism 2000
41 18E Flag 2 2000
42 1209E1 Rotate Columns (easy version) 2000
43 1244E Minimizing Difference 2000
44 963B Destruction of a Tree 2000
# ID Problem Rating
1 661D Maximal Difference 2100
2 919E Congruence Equation 2100
3 1217D Coloring Edges 2100
4 153E Euclidean Distance 2100
5 457C Elections 2100
6 530H Points in triangle 2100
7 226D The table 2100
8 609E Minimum spanning tree for each edge 2100
9 1207F Remainder Problem 2100
10 1499D The Number of Pairs 2100
11 12E Start of the session 2100
12 1003E Tree Constructing 2100
13 620E New Year Tree 2100
14 955C Sad powers 2100
15 1C Ancient Berland Circus 2100
16 484B Maximum Value 2100
17 980D Perfect Groups 2100
18 546E Soldier and Traveling 2100
19 632D Longest Subsequence 2100
20 431D Random Task 2100
21 45H Road Problem 2100
22 340B Maximal Area Quadrilateral 2100
23 615E Hexagons 2100
24 1098B Nice table 2100
25 348B Apple Tree 2100
26 530G Levenshtein distance 2100
27 1355E Restorer Distance 2100
28 475C Kamal-ol-molk's Painting 2100
29 260D Black and White Tree 2100
30 1431G Number Deletion Game 2100
31 1454F Array Partition 2100
32 1493D GCD of an Array 2100
33 1167E Range Deleting 2100
34 100H Battleship 2100
35 1387A Graph 2100
36 491B New York Hotel 2100
37 837E Vasya's Function 2100
38 1213F Unstable String Sort 2100
39 1486D Max Median 2100
40 1184A2 Heidi Learns Hashing (Medium) 2100
41 630P Area of a Star 2100
# ID Problem Rating
1 1070A Find a Number 2200
2 1373E Sum of Digits 2200
3 802E Marmots (medium) 2200
4 11D A Simple Task 2200
5 1154G Minimum Possible LCM 2200
6 42C Safe cracking 2200
7 1156E Special Segments of Permutation 2200
8 1437E Make It Increasing 2200
9 662B Graph Coloring 2200
10 622E Ants in Leaves 2200
11 272E Dima and Horses 2200
12 323B Tournament-graph 2200
13 1196F K-th Path 2200
14 690C3 Brain Network (hard) 2200
15 1140E Palindrome-less Arrays 2200
16 47D Safe 2200
17 28C Bath Queue 2200
18 723E One-Way Reform 2200
19 1424M Ancient Language 2200
20 946E Largest Beautiful Number 2200
21 36C Bowls 2200
22 1389E Calendar Ambiguity 2200
23 25E Test 2200
24 575G Run for beer 2200
25 274D Lovely Matrix 2200
26 661G Hungarian Notation 2200
27 13C Sequence 2200
28 19C Deletion of Repeats 2200
29 1168C And Reachability 2200
30 1157G Inverse of Rows and Columns 2200
31 1278E Tests for problem D 2200
32 1220E Tourism 2200
33 1249F Maximum Weight Subset 2200
34 1438D Powerful Ksenia 2200
35 1400E Clear the Multiset 2200
36 678E Another Sith Tournament 2200
37 1156D 0-1-Tree 2200
38 1503C Travelling Salesman Problem 2200
39 1468A LaIS 2200
40 153C Caesar Cipher 2200
41 52C Circular RMQ 2200
42 1034B Little C Loves 3 II 2200
# ID Problem Rating
1 470H Array Sorting 2300
2 130I Array sorting 2300
3 306D Polygon 2300
4 470G Hamming Distance 2300
5 470F Pairwise Sums 2300
6 425D Sereja and Squares 2300
7 277B Set of Points 2300
8 1132E Knapsack 2300
9 1182E Product Oriented Recurrence 2300
10 1468M Similar Sets 2300
11 641G Little Artem and Graph 2300
12 598C Nearest vectors 2300
13 1276C Beautiful Rectangle 2300
14 888G Xor-MST 2300
15 845G Shortest Path Problem? 2300
16 111D Petya and Coloring 2300
17 64H Table Bowling 2300
18 1268C K Integers 2300
19 1093G Multidimensional Queries 2300
20 993E Nikita and Order Statistics 2300
21 690A2 Collective Mindsets (medium) 2300
22 1198D Rectangle Painting 1 2300
23 42D Strange town 2300
24 24E Berland collider 2300
25 1188B Count Pairs 2300
26 432E Square Tiling 2300
27 487C Prefix Product Sequence 2300
28 838E Convex Countour 2300
29 97B Superset 2300
30 1346G Two IP Cameras 2300
31 995C Leaving the Bar 2300
32 36D New Game with a Chess Piece 2300
33 1488F Dogecoin 2300
34 294E Shaass the Great 2300
35 585D Lizard Era: Beginning 2300
36 762D Maximum path 2300
37 1211F kotlinkotlinkotlinkotlin... 2300
38 1385G Columns Swaps 2300
39 600E Lomsat gelral 2300
40 660E Different Subsets For All Tuples 2300
41 429C Guess the Tree 2300
42 364C Beautiful Set 2300
43 40C Berland Square 2300
44 727E Games on a CD 2300
# ID Problem Rating
1 661H Rotate Matrix 2400
2 21D Traveling Graph 2400
3 1051F The Shortest Statement 2400
4 990G GCD Counting 2400
5 1374F Cyclic Shifts Sorting 2400
6 962F Simple Cycles Edges 2400
7 720B Cactusophobia 2400
8 417E Square Table 2400
9 1186F Vus the Cossack and a Graph 2400
10 1473E Minimum Path 2400
11 1184E3 Daleks' Invasion (hard) 2400
12 632E Thief in a Shop 2400
13 1423J Bubble Cup hypothesis 2400
14 1202E You Are Given Some Strings... 2400
15 266D BerDonalds 2400
16 911F Tree Destruction 2400
17 1187D Subarray Sorting 2400
18 1027F Session in BSU 2400
19 125E MST Company 2400
20 1083E The Fair Nut and Rectangles 2400
21 1401E Divide Square 2400
22 64I Sort the Table 2400
23 1000F One Occurrence 2400
24 277E Binary Tree on Plane 2400
25 303C Minimum Modular 2400
26 1059E Split the Tree 2400
27 1089K King Kog's Reception 2400
28 915F Imbalance Value of a Tree 2400
29 1028E Restore Array 2400
30 1070I Privatization of Roads in Berland 2400
31 1114F Please, another Queries on Array? 2400
32 912E Prime Gift 2400
33 1042F Leaf Sets 2400
34 1036E Covered Points 2400
35 342E Xenia and Tree 2400
36 856D Masha and Cactus 2400
37 534F Simplified Nonogram 2400
38 441E Valera and Number 2400
39 1485F Copy or Prefix Sum 2400
40 1093F Vasya and Array 2400
41 24D Broken robot 2400
42 959F Mahmoud and Ehab and yet another xor task 2400
43 5E Bindian Signalizing 2400
44 865D Buy Low Sell High 2400
45 1257F Make Them Similar 2400
46 1436E Complicated Computations 2400
# ID Problem Rating
1 401E Olympic Games 2500
2 55E Very simple problem 2500
3 23C Oranges and Apples 2500
4 55D Beautiful numbers 2500
5 23E Tree 2500
6 1488G Painting Numbers 2500
7 1468I Plane Tiling 2500
8 813F Bipartite Checking 2500
9 963D Frequency of String 2500
10 449C Jzzhu and Apples 2500
11 946G Almost Increasing Array 2500
12 1418G Three Occurrences 2500
13 1513F Swapping Problem 2500
14 333E Summer Earnings 2500
15 710D Two Arithmetic Progressions 2500
16 1467E Distinctive Roots in a Tree 2500
17 678F Lena and Queries 2500
18 1198E Rectangle Painting 2 2500
19 1043F Make It One 2500
20 884E Binary Matrix 2500
21 1427E Xum 2500
22 442C Artem and Array 2500
23 734F Anton and School 2500
24 911G Mass Change Queries 2500
25 840D Destiny 2500
26 986C AND Graph 2500
27 530I Different variables 2500
28 1516E Baby Ehab Plays with Permutations 2500
29 1117G Recursive Queries 2500
30 1539E Game with Cards 2500
31 1188C Array Beauty 2500
32 1209E2 Rotate Columns (hard version) 2500
33 1521D Nastia Plays with a Tree 2500
34 1327F AND Segments 2500
35 1175F The Number of Subpermutations 2500
# ID Problem Rating
1 23D Tetragon 2600
2 13D Triangles 2600
3 1120E The very same Munchhausen 2600
4 1348F Phoenix and Memory 2600
5 1278F Cards 2600
6 662C Binary Table 2600
7 1493E Enormous XOR 2600
8 1389F Bicolored Segments 2600
9 1430G Yet Another DAG Problem 2600
10 925D Aztec Catacombs 2600
11 1325E Ehab's REAL Number Theory Problem 2600
12 1140F Extending Set of Points 2600
13 547D Mike and Fish 2600
14 1209F Koala and Notebook 2600
15 241E Flights 2600
16 1070L Odd Federalization 2600
17 2C Commentator problem 2600
18 690E2 Photographs (II) 2600
19 802C Heidi and Library (hard) 2600
20 682E Alyona and Triangles 2600
21 1227G Not Same 2600
22 338E Optimize! 2600
# ID Problem Rating
1 1182F Maximum Sine 2700
2 958E3 Guard Duty (hard) 2700
3 1270G Subset with Zero Sum 2700
4 1019D Large Triangle 2700
5 995E Number Clicker 2700
6 293B Distinct Paths 2700
7 827D Best Edge Weight 2700
8 1194G Another Meme Problem 2700
9 293E Close Vertices 2700
10 107E Darts 2700
11 293D Ksusha and Square 2700
12 70D Professor's task 2700
13 1366G Construct the String 2700
14 1205D Almost All 2700
15 982F The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed 2700
# ID Problem Rating
1 600F Edge coloring of bipartite graph 2800
2 1067E Random Forest Rank 2800
3 1442D Sum 2800
4 575I Robots protection 2800
5 819E Mister B and Flight to the Moon 2800
6 802F Marmots (hard) 2800
7 418D Big Problems for Organizers 2800
8 1039D You Are Given a Tree 2800
9 1436F Sum Over Subsets 2800
10 480E Parking Lot 2800
11 983E NN country 2800
12 908G New Year and Original Order 2800
13 1031F Familiar Operations 2800
14 325E The Red Button 2800
# ID Problem Rating
1 1285F Classical? 2900
2 1198F GCD Groups 2 2900
3 1487F Ones 2900
4 802O April Fools' Problem (hard) 2900
5 598F Cut Length 2900
6 1032G Chattering 2900
7 1221G Graph And Numbers 2900
8 1129D Isolation 2900
9 1310E Strange Function 2900
10 1452F Divide Powers 2900
11 871E Restore the Tree 2900
12 128E Birthday 2900
13 19E Fairy 2900
14 455E Function 2900
15 980F Cactus to Tree 2900
16 886F Symmetric Projections 2900
# ID Problem Rating
1 364E Empty Rectangles 3000
2 1418F Equal Product 3000
3 1476F Lanterns 3000
4 335F Buy One, Get One Free 3000
5 243E Matrix 3000
6 1175G Yet Another Partiton Problem 3000
7 618F Double Knapsack 3000
8 57E Chess 3000
9 504E Misha and LCP on Tree 3000
10 1211I Unusual Graph 3000
11 375E Red and Black Tree 3000
# ID Problem Rating
1 1168E Xor Permutations 3100
2 1463F Max Correct Set 3100
3 720F Array Covering 3100
4 164D Minimum Diameter 3100
5 804E The same permutation 3100
6 1329D Dreamoon Likes Strings 3100
7 1307G Cow and Exercise 3100
8 1476G Minimum Difference 3100
9 468E Permanent 3100
10 1425C Captain of Knights 3100
11 1188D Make Equal 3100
12 986D Perfect Encoding 3100
13 1225G To Make 1 3100
14 1286D LCC 3100
15 1067D Computer Game 3100
16 720C Homework 3100
17 407E k-d-sequence 3100
18 442E Gena and Second Distance 3100
# ID Problem Rating
1 690F3 Tree of Life (hard) 3200
2 1408I Bitwise Magic 3200
3 1007D Ants 3200
4 571E Geometric Progressions 3200
5 1268D Invertation in Tournament 3200
6 457F An easy problem about trees 3200
# ID Problem Rating
1 1329E Dreamoon Loves AA 3300
2 906E Reverses 3300
3 1266G Permutation Concatenation 3300
# ID Problem Rating
1 1268E Happy Cactus 3400
2 1431J Zero-XOR Array 3400
# ID Problem Rating
1 1458F Range Diameter Sum 3500
2 1054H Epic Convolution 3500
3 1470F Strange Covering 3500
4 799G Cut the pie 3500