This Simple Program written entirely from c language can encrypt and decrypt a binary file (txt jpg png pdf etc.).
- Mode : E for encrypting / D for decrypting.
- File Name : Source file you want to encrypt/decrypt.
- Output Name : A name for the processed file.
- Rerun : To re-run the program.
- Encrypted/Decrypted File
- A valid binary file to Encrypt (.txt, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .c, etc..)
- Every Input/Output file MUST be inside " Vault/ "
- Use "File_Name.extention" format when giving names. [Sometimes program still runs without .extension]
- Undifined inputs will lead to errors.
Handled Error behavior:
- Wrong mode
- Input file doesn't exist.
- Output file name already exist.
- user can overwrite it / give a new name
- wrong input for re-run.
Other Notes:
- "Vault/" already has some sample files. You can use your own files.
- Encrypted file's extension doesn't has to be same as the Original file.
- But decrypted file need same extension as the Orginal file to work properly.