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Mission to Mars

Build a web application that scrapes various websites for data related to the Mission to Mars and displays the information in a single HTML page.

Flask API data visualization: Run "python" using Conda commend line.




The following outlines what you need to do.

Step 1 - Scraping----mission_to_mars.ipynb

Complete initial scraping using Jupyter Notebook, BeautifulSoup, Pandas, and Requests/Splinter.

  • Create a Jupyter Notebook file called mission_to_mars.ipynb and use this to complete all of your scraping and analysis tasks.

NASA Mars News

  • Scrape the NASA Mars News Site and collect the latest News Title and Paragragh Text. Assign the text to variables that you can reference later.

JPL Mars Space Images - Featured Image

  • Visit the url for JPL's Featured Space Image here.

  • Use splinter to navigate the site and find the image url for the current Featured Mars Image and assign the url string to a variable called featured_image_url.

Mars Weather

  • Visit the Mars Weather twitter account here and scrape the latest Mars weather tweet from the page. Save the tweet text for the weather report as a variable called mars_weather.

Mars Facts

  • Visit the Mars Facts webpage here and use Pandas to scrape the table containing facts about the planet including Diameter, Mass, etc.

  • Use Pandas to convert the data to a HTML table string.

Mars Hemisperes

  • Visit the USGS Astrogeology site here to obtain high resolution images for each of Mar's hemispheres.

  • You will need to click each of the links to the hemispheres in order to find the image url to the full resolution image.

  • Save both the image url string for the full resolution hemipshere image, and the Hemisphere title containing the hemisphere name. Use a Python dictionary to store the data using the keys img_url and title.

  • Append the dictionary with the image url string and the hemisphere title to a list. This list will contain one dictionary for each hemisphere.

Step 2 - MongoDB and Flask and and index.html/templates

Use MongoDB with Flask templating to create a new HTML page that displays all of the information that was scraped from the URLs above.

  • Start by converting your Jupyter notebook into a Python script called with a function called scrape that will execute all of your scraping code from above and return one Python dictionary containing all of the scraped data.

  • Next, create a route called /scrape that will import your script and call your scrape function.

    • Store the return value in Mongo as a Python dictionary.
  • Create a root route / that will query your Mongo database and pass the mars data into an HTML template to display the data.

  • Create a template HTML file called index.html that will take the mars data dictionary and display all of the data in the appropriate HTML elements.


  • Use splinter to navigate the sites when needed and BeautifulSoup to help find and parse out the necessary data.

  • Use Pymongo for CRUD applications for your database. For this homework, you can simply overwrite the existing document each time the /scrape url is visited and new data is obtained.

  • Use Bootstrap to structure your HTML template.

  • "Jinja2 template variable if None Object set a default value" following is one of the solutions learned from Stackoverflow:

    Use the none builtin function (
          {% if mars is not None %}   
          {{ mars.mars_hemisphere[i].image_url }}
          {% else %}
          {%endif %}
          or   {{ mars.mars_hemisphere[i].image_url if mars != None else 'NONE' }}
          or if you need an empty string:
           {{ mars.mars_hemisphere[i].image_url  if mars != None }}
  • There’s also a simpler way to put the table in HTML: {{mars.mars_facts|safe}} -- mars is my dictionary with all the scraped data, and mars_facts is the “html” table created from scraping. All you need to do in the HTML is: {{mars.mars_facts|safe}} That will read in the HTML from mars_facts and interpret the HTML tags and display the table.


Mission to Mars







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