SapCxChromeDebbuger | author : Youssef El Omari alaoui © 2021
/!\ compatibility : Sap Sx 19005 and later
1- Clone source or download zip from gitHub
2- Take the downloaded ZIP file and extract it. We need to give it a permanent home because Chrome will externally load the files (if they get moved/deleted then the extension will stop working).
3- With the extension downloaded and extracted, we can now install it.In Chrome
4- navigate to chrome://extensions and turn on "Developer mode"
5- drag-and-drop the src we extracted onto Chrome’s Extensions page. Or click "Load unpacked" button and navivigate to the folder you downloaded from GitHub.
6- make sure that the extension is activated.
7-in the options of the extension you must configure the regex of your Front store and the url of your backoffice
Environment ( regEx) :
-> Environment ( regEx) : powertools.*
repalce powertools by your storeFront Url (example : if my sotre front url is => mystorename.*)
-> backoffice URL : https://localhost:9002/backoffice/
repalce this url by your backoffice Url
/!\ To activate all the options of the extension you must modify in your project (source code)
1- in the projectNamestorefront/web/webroot/WEB-INF/tags/shared/debug/debugFooter.tag file inside the tag <c:if test="${showStorefrontDebugInfo}"> add the following lines :
2- add '<' property name="pk" type="java.lang.String" '/>' in your bean '<'bean class=""'>' in projectNamefacades-beans.xml file.
3- in your add productData.setPk(productSource.getPk().toString());
!!!! Enjoy It !!!!