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some work on spherical harmonics, and written testsagainst sf_analysi…
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Jesper Brunnstroem committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent 295670b commit a9f206e
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import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as distfuncs
import scipy.special as special

This module is lifted directly from
Only temporarily here to check results against.

def coefEstOprGen(posEst, orderEst, posMic, orderMic, coefMic, k, reg=1e-3):
"""Generate operator to estimate expansion coefficients of spherical wavefunctions from measurement vectors
- N. Ueno, S. Koyama, and H. Saruwatari, 'Sound Field Recording Using Distributed Microphones Based on
Harmonic Analysis of Infinite Order,' IEEE SPL, DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2017.2775242, 2018.
posEst: Position of expansion center for estimation
orderEst: Maximum order for estimation
poMic: Microphone positions
orderMic: Maximum order of microphone directivity
coefMic: Expansion coefficients of microphone directivity
Operator for estimation
(Expansion coefficeints are estimated by multiplying with measurement vectors)
numMic = posMic.shape[0]
if np.isscalar(k):
numFreq = 1
k = np.array([k])
numFreq = k.shape[0]

Xi = np.zeros((numFreq, (orderEst+1)**2, numMic), dtype=complex)
Psi = np.zeros((numFreq, numMic, numMic), dtype=complex)
for ff in np.arange(numFreq):
print('Frequency: %d/%d' % (ff, numFreq))
for j in np.arange(numMic):
T = trjmat3d(orderEst, orderMic, posEst[0, 0]-posMic[j, 0], posEst[0, 1]-posMic[j, 1], posEst[0, 2]-posMic[j, 2], k[ff])
Xi[ff, :, j] = T @ coefMic[:, j]
Psi[ff, j, j] = coefMic[:, j].conj().T @ coefMic[:, j]
for i in np.arange(j, numMic):
T = trjmat3d(orderMic, orderMic, posMic[i, 0]-posMic[j, 0], posMic[i, 1]-posMic[j, 1], posMic[i, 2]-posMic[j, 2], k[ff])
Psi[ff, i, j] = coefMic[:, i].conj().T @ T @ coefMic[:, j]
Psi[ff, j, i] = Psi[ff, i, j].conj()
eigPsi, _ = np.linalg.eig(Psi)
regPsi = eigPsi[:,0] * reg
Psi_inv = np.linalg.inv(Psi + regPsi[:,None,None] * np.eye(numMic, numMic)[None, :, :])
coefEstOpr = Xi @ Psi_inv

return coefEstOpr

def trjmat3d(order1, order2, x, y, z, k):
"""Translation operator in 3D
Taken directly from
if np.all([x, y, z] == 0):
T = np.eye((order1+1)**2, (order2+1)**2)
return T
order = order1 + order2
n, m = sph_harm_nmvec(order)
P = sf_int_basis3d(n, m, x, y, z, k)
T = np.zeros(((order1+1)**2, (order2+1)**2), dtype=complex)

icol = 0
for n in np.arange(0, order2+1):
for m in np.arange(-n, n+1):
irow = 0
for nu in np.arange(0, order1+1):
for mu in np.arange(-nu, nu+1):
l = np.arange((n+nu), max( [np.abs(n-nu), np.abs(m-mu)] )-1, -2)
G = np.zeros(l.shape)
for ll in np.arange(0, l.shape[0]):
G[ll] = gaunt_coef(n, m, nu, -mu, l[ll])
T[irow, icol] = np.sqrt(4.*np.pi) * 1j**(nu-n) * (-1.)**m * np.sum( 1j**(l) * P[l**2 + l - (mu-m)] * G )
irow = irow + 1
icol = icol+1
return T

def gaunt_coef(l1, m1, l2, m2, l3):
"""Gaunt coefficients
Taken directly from
m3 = -m1 - m2
l = int((l1 + l2 + l3) / 2)

t1 = l2 - m1 - l3
t2 = l1 + m2 - l3
t3 = l1 + l2 - l3
t4 = l1 - m1
t5 = l2 + m2

tmin = max([0, max([t1, t2])])
tmax = min([t3, min([t4, t5])])

t = np.arange(tmin, tmax+1)
gl_tbl = np.array(special.gammaln(np.arange(1, l1+l2+l3+3)))
G = np.sum( (-1.)**t * np.exp( -np.sum( gl_tbl[np.array([t, t-t1, t-t2, t3-t, t4-t, t5-t])] ) \
+np.sum( gl_tbl[np.array([l1+l2-l3, l1-l2+l3, -l1+l2+l3, l])] ) \
-np.sum( gl_tbl[np.array([l1+l2+l3+1, l-l1, l-l2, l-l3])] ) \
+np.sum( gl_tbl[np.array([l1+m1, l1-m1, l2+m2, l2-m2, l3+m3, l3-m3])] ) * 0.5 ) ) \
* (-1.)**( l + l1 - l2 - m3) * np.sqrt( (2*l1+1) * (2*l2+1) * (2*l3+1) / (4*np.pi) )
return G

def sph_harm_nmvec(order, rep=None):
"""Vectors of spherical harmonic orders and degrees
Returns (order+1)**2 size vectors of n and m
n = [0, 1, 1, 1, ..., order, ..., order]^T
m = [0, -1, 0, 1, ..., -order, ..., order]^T
order: Maximum order
rep: Same vectors are copied as [n, .., n] and [m, ..., m]
n, m: Vectors of orders and degrees
Taken directly from
n = np.array([0])
m = np.array([0])
for nn in np.arange(1, order+1):
nn_vec = np.tile([nn], 2*nn+1)
n = np.append(n, nn_vec)
mm = np.arange(-nn, nn+1)
m = np.append(m, mm)
if rep is not None:
n = np.tile(n[:, None], (1, rep))
m = np.tile(m[:, None], (1, rep))
return n, m

def sf_int_basis3d(n, m, x, y, z, k):
"""Spherical wavefunction for interior sound field in 3D
n, m: orders and degrees
x, y, z: Position in Cartesian coordinates
k: Wavenumber
sqrt(4pi) j_n(kr) Y_n^m(phi,theta)
(Normalized so that 0th order coefficient corresponds to pressure)
Taken directly from
phi, theta, r = cart2sph(x, y, z)
J = special.spherical_jn(n, k * r)
Y = special.sph_harm(m, n, phi, theta)
f = np.sqrt(4*np.pi) * J * Y
return f

def sph2cart(phi, theta, r):
"""Conversion from spherical to Cartesian coordinates
phi, theta, r: Azimuth angle, zenith angle, distance
x, y, z : Position in Cartesian coordinates
Taken directly from
should be replaced with util.spherical2cart
x = r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
y = r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
z = r * np.cos(theta)
return x, y, z

def cart2sph(x, y, z):
"""Conversion from Cartesian to spherical coordinates
x, y, z : Position in Cartesian coordinates
phi, theta, r: Azimuth angle, zenith angle, distance
Taken directly from
should be replaced with util.cart2spherical
r_xy = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
theta = np.arctan2(r_xy, z)
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
return phi, theta, r

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