This repository contains a collection of C programs developed as part of the Bytexl project. Each program addresses a specific application, demonstrating fundamental and advanced concepts in C programming.
- Calculator
- Contact Management System
- Employee Payroll System
- Library Management System
- Student Grades Management
File: Calculator.c
A console-based calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It takes user input for the desired operation and operands, then displays the result.
File: ContactManagement.c
A program to manage personal contacts, allowing users to add, view, search, edit, and delete contact information. It stores details like name, phone number, and email address.
File: EmployeePayroll.c
An application designed to manage employee payroll information. It calculates salaries based on input parameters and maintains records of employee payments.
File: Library.c
A system to manage library resources, including adding new books, searching for books, issuing books to members, and tracking returns. It helps in organizing and maintaining library inventory efficiently.
File: StudentGrades.c
A tool for managing student academic records. It allows input of student details and their grades, computes overall performance, and generates reports.
To run any of these programs:
- Clone the repository:
git clone