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This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 5, 2024. It is now read-only.


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User Guide

The user guide is available here.


All non code related files are stored in following OneDrive directory. This includes functional analysis, use cases, endpoint guides, figma designs... OneDrive


Project Leader: Maxim Stockmans

System Admin: Joris Peeters

API Manager: Jef Roosens

Test Manager: Pim Pieters

Documentation Manager: Jahid Chetti

Customer Relations Officer: Bavo Verstraeten

UI/UX: Lander Durie

GitHub Branch Rules

Main: contains a fully functional version that has no half implemented features and is production ready. Only accepts changes from the development branch.

Development: also needs to be a fully functional version, personal development branches are merged into this branch. Once this branch is fully tested it can be moved up to main.

Personal development branches: use the following naming convention: "firstnamelastname/githubissuenumber-description". A branch created by Maxim Stockmans for creating the domain model (issue #2) would be the following: "maximstockmans/2-create-domain-model". After this is done and the branch is finished, a pull request from this branch to development should be made, where it will be reviewed by at least two other developers.


The documentation for both the backend and frontend are automatically generated based on the comments in the files. The docs of the backend and frontend are seperated, so you will need to build them independently. For generating and reading them, see the files in backend/docs and frontend/docs.


Entire stack

To start the development environment, run

./ full

The frontend will be available at http://localhost/, the api at http://localhost/backend/, and the docs at http://localhost/docs/.

Services can also be reached directly via the ports specified here:

Service Port
Frontend 8000
Backend 8001
Docs 8002
Postgres 5432

Mock data

To load mock data, run

./dev/sh full mockdata

Individual services

To just run frontend, backend, or docs, run

./ {frontend|backend|docs} [--build|down]

Rebuilding image

To rebuild a docker image, add --build. This is necessary in some cases, for example when the dependencies changed. Docs will also only be updated when rebuilding the image.

Deploy to production

For deployment, all the variables in the file must be set. Then de can be used to start the production version in docker in deamon mode.

Mock data

To add the mock data to the database the following command can be used:

docker exec drtrottoir-backend-1 python mockdata password

Where password is the password for the default account.