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garyo edited this page Dec 13, 2014 · 2 revisions

The default behavior of SCons is to print the raw build commands being executed. This can cause a lot of text to fly across the screen and make it difficult to see what is going on.

CMake has nice colored output messages displaying the current source being built or the library/program being linked.

Here is something you can add to your scripts to get some nice colored output.

import sys
import os

colors = {}
colors['cyan']   = '\033[96m'
colors['purple'] = '\033[95m'
colors['blue']   = '\033[94m'
colors['green']  = '\033[92m'
colors['yellow'] = '\033[93m'
colors['red']    = '\033[91m'
colors['end']    = '\033[0m'

#If the output is not a terminal, remove the colors
if not sys.stdout.isatty():
   for key, value in colors.iteritems():
      colors[key] = ''

compile_source_message = '%sCompiling %s==> %s$SOURCE%s' % \
   (colors['blue'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end'])

compile_shared_source_message = '%sCompiling shared %s==> %s$SOURCE%s' % \
   (colors['blue'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end'])

link_program_message = '%sLinking Program %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % \
   (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end'])

link_library_message = '%sLinking Static Library %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % \
   (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end'])

ranlib_library_message = '%sRanlib Library %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % \
   (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end'])

link_shared_library_message = '%sLinking Shared Library %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % \
   (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end'])

java_library_message = '%sCreating Java Archive %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % \
   (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end'])

env = Environment(
  CXXCOMSTR = compile_source_message,
  CCCOMSTR = compile_source_message,
  SHCCCOMSTR = compile_shared_source_message,
  SHCXXCOMSTR = compile_shared_source_message,
  ARCOMSTR = link_library_message,
  RANLIBCOMSTR = ranlib_library_message,
  SHLINKCOMSTR = link_shared_library_message,
  LINKCOMSTR = link_program_message,
  JARCOMSTR = java_library_message,
  JAVACCOMSTR = compile_source_message

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