export { dark as theme } from 'mdx-deck/themes' import { SplitRight, Split } from 'mdx-deck/layouts' import { Notes, Appear } from 'mdx-deck'
- 3rd year Security & forensics
- GitHub Campus Expert 🚩
- widely used version control
- distrabuted, every copy of the code has full commit history
- Track changes
- Not just for software development
- Repository
- .git folder in each project folder
- holds git related stuff
git tracks changes
- branches
- master - main branch
- Dev/feature branches for changes or revisions
- made of commits
- a commit is a submitted change
- commits have messages
- EXAMPLE: branches for different conference papers
export default SplitRight
- Create a branch
- Make your changes
- Create a pull request
- Review
- Merge
export default Split
- Pull request description
- Latest commit in PR
- Label the PR
- Comments
- PR referenced in an issue
- Suggested changes
- Pull requests allow discussion and collaboration before merging to master
- discuss top down
- You can comment line by line, easy to accept suggested changes
- Issues: discussion before a pull request
- or issues with a current 'release'
GitHub encourages collaboration with:
- Issues
- Pull requests
- Feedback and review
- Toolset to collaborate
- Feedback is a key component
- Reviews and approvals (supervisors)
export default SplitRight
Plain text markdown language
- format
text - write notes
- write slides
- build web pages
- GitHub documentation
- format text
- these slides are written in markdown (mdx-deck)
- markdown to pdfs
- supports basic html
- add tables etc
- Each commit is traceable and visible
- Roll back to previous commits
- See who has edited what
- what they have done
- Kanban style project management
- Automatically move cards with issues and PR
- Projects are another feature of github
- Kanban style
- Make an issue
- Add it to part of the project
- issue gets automatically added to the board
- closing issues and PR will move them to complete
- Git is designed to work with your current workflow
- Lots of tools have native github support
- if they dont its okay
- use desktop apps or command line
- overleaf intigrations
- Free plans for students/researchers
- private repos
- licences for tools
🦉 @scottlb
🚩 github.com/scottlb