Alexandre Lemonnier <>
Alexandre Rulleau <>
Baptiste Bourdet <>
Eliott Bouhana <>
Marius Dubosc <>
Philippe Bernet <>
Sarah Gutierez <>
Victor Simonin <>
The goal of the project is to analyse this . Then you will have to select at least 6 trackers and compare them qualitatively and quantitatively on different datasets.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
This github contains multiple notebook to execute in a specific order.
The following notebooks creates .py files that are used by the other notebooks.
- dataset : Download the dataset and extract it with a specific structure
- model : Load the models with their default values from different github
- scoring : Define function to score the models predictions
The following notebook will create folder containing the results of the benchmark.
- benchmark : Run the benchmark for each model on the dataset using the scoring functions
The following notebooks will create graphs and tables to analyse the results of the benchmark.
- benchmark_stats : Compute the statistics of the benchmark using the files generated by the previous notebook