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SAP BTP Spring XSUAA Security Library

⚠️ Deprecation Notice

This library is deprecated and will be removed with the next major release 4.x, do not use it for new projects. Follow the migration guide to switch to the successor spring-security library.

This library enhances the Springframework spring-security project. As of version 5 of Springframework spring-security, this includes the OAuth resource-server functionality. A Spring Boot application needs a security configuration class that enables the resource server and configures authentication using JWT tokens.


📣 Service configuration in Kubernetes/Kyma environment

Library supports services provisioned by SAP BTP service-operator To access service instance configurations from the application, Kubernetes secrets need to be provided as files in a volume mounted on application's container.

  • BTP Service-operator up to v0.2.2 - Library will look up the configuration files in the following paths:
    • XSUAA: /etc/secrets/sapbtp/xsuaa/<YOUR XSUAA INSTANCE NAME>
  • BTP Service-operator starting from v0.2.3 - Library reads the configuration from k8s secret that is stored in a volume, this volume's mountPath must be defined in environment variable SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT.
    • upon creation of service binding a kubernetes secret with the same name as the binding is created. This binding secret needs to be stored to pod's volume.
    • SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT environment variable needs to be defined with value that points to volume mount's directory (mounthPath) where service binding secret will be stored. e.g. like here


  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3
  • Spring Framework 6

Maven Dependencies

These (spring) dependencies need to be provided:

<dependency> <!-- includes spring-security-oauth2 -->
<dependency> <!-- new with version 1.5.0 -->

Or for Spring Boot applications you can leverage autoconfiguration:



As autoconfiguration requires Spring Boot specific dependencies, autoconfiguration is enabled when using xsuaa-spring-boot-starter Spring Boot Starter. Then Xsuaa integration libraries autoconfigures beans, that are required to initialize the Spring Boot application as OAuth resource server.

Autoconfiguration class Description
XsuaaAutoConfiguration Adds xsuaa.* properties to Spring's Environment. The properties are by default parsed from VCAP_SERVICES system environment variables and can be overwritten by properties such as xsuaa.xsappname e.g. for testing purposes. Furthermore, it exposes an XsuaaServiceConfiguration bean that can be used to access Xsuaa service information. Alternatively, you can access them with @Value annotation e.g. @Value("${xsuaa.xsappname:}") String appId.
XsuaaResourceServerJwkAutoConfiguration Configures a JwtDecoder bean with a JWK (JSON Web Keys) endpoint from where to download the tenant (subdomain) specific public key.
XsuaaTokenFlowAutoConfiguration Configures an XsuaaTokenFlows bean using the provided RestOperations and XsuaaServiceConfiguration beans to obtain the Xsuaa service binding information. Starting from version 2.10.0, it also supports X.509-based authentication.

You can gradually replace autoconfigurations as explained here.

RestTemplate / RestOperations

Please note, in case your application exposes already one or more Spring beans of type RestOperations (or its subclasses such as RestTemplate), XsuaaAutoConfiguration will not create a bean, but reuse the existing one.

In case there are multiple ones the autoconfigurations do not know, which RestOperations bean to select. In this case you can annotate the preferred RestOperations bean with @Primary.

In case you do not want to use the RestOperations bean, that is specified in your Spring application context but still like to leverage the autoconfiguration of spring-xsuaa you can also provide a dedicated bean with name xsuaaRestOperations:

public static class RestClientConfiguration {

	public OAuth2RestTemplate myOAuth2RestTemplate() {
		return new OAuth2RestTemplate(...)

	public RestTemplate xsuaaRestOperations(XsuaaServiceConfiguration xsuaaServiceConfiguration) {
		// Example that supports both: client secret and client certificate based authentication.
		// This is especially relevant if you want to leverage token exchange with XsuaaTokenFlows.
		return SpringHttpClientFactory.createRestTemplate(xsuaaServiceConfiguration.getClientIdentity());

The spring-xsuaa includes a default implementation called DefaultSpringHttpClientFactory for the SpringHttpClientFactory. If you encounter performance issues related to token signature validations or token flows, you may want to create your own implementation using an HttpClient customized for your application's workload. Refer to this section for instructions on how to achieve this.

Setup Security Context for HTTP requests

Configure the OAuth Resource Server

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    XsuaaServiceConfiguration xsuaaServiceConfiguration;

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        // @formatter:off
		.authorizeHttpRequests(authz ->
        // @formatter:on

    Converter<Jwt, AbstractAuthenticationToken> getJwtAuthoritiesConverter() {
        TokenAuthenticationConverter converter = new TokenAuthenticationConverter(xsuaaServiceConfiguration);
        converter.setLocalScopeAsAuthorities(true); // not applicable in case of multiple Xsuaa bindings!
        return converter;


Setup Security Context for non-HTTP requests

In case of non-HTTP requests, you may need to initialize the Spring Security Context with a JWT token you've received from a message / event or you've requested from Xsuaa directly:

XsuaaServiceConfiguration xsuaaServiceConfiguration;

JwtDecoder jwtDecoder;

public void onEvent(String myEncodedJwtToken) {
    if (myEncodedJwtToken != null) {
        SpringSecurityContext.init(myEncodedJwtToken, jwtDecoder, new LocalAuthoritiesExtractor(xsuaaServiceConfiguration.getAppId()));
    try {
    } finally {

In detail wraps the Spring Security Context (namely SecurityContextHolder.getContext()), which stores by default the information in ThreadLocals. In order to avoid memory leaks it is recommended to remove the current thread's value for garbage collection.

Note that Spring Security Context is thread-bound and is NOT propagated to child-threads. This Baeldung tutorial: Spring Security Context Propagation article provides more information on how to propagate the context.


Access user/token information

In the Java coding, use the Token to extract user information:

public String getGivenName(@AuthenticationPrincipal Token token) {
    return token.getGivenName();

Or alternatively:

public String getGivenName() {
    Token token = SpringSecurityContext.getToken();
    return token.getGivenName();

Note: make sure that you've imported the right Token:

Check authorization within a method

@GetMapping(@AuthenticationPrincipal Token token)
public ResponseEntity<YourDto> readAll() {
    if (!token.getAuthorities().contains(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("Display"))) {
        throw new NotAuthorizedException("This operation requires \"Display\" scope");


@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN) //set status code to '403'
class NotAuthorizedException extends RuntimeException {
    public NotAuthorizedException(String message) {

Check authorization on method level

Spring Security supports authorization semantics at the method level. As a prerequisite you need to enable global Method Security as explained in Baeldung tutorial: Introduction to Spring Method Security.

public Map<String, String> message() {

[Optional] Audit Logging

In case you have implemented a central Exception Handler as described with Baeldung Tutorial: Error Handling for REST with Spring you may want to emit logs to the audit log service in case of AccessDeniedExceptions.

Alternatively, there are also various options provided with For example, you can integrate SAP audit log service with Spring Boot Actuator audit framework as described here.


In case you face issues, file an issue on GitHub and provide these details:

Increase log level to DEBUG

First, configure the Debug log level for Spring Framework Web and all Security related libs. This can be done as part of your application.yml or file.

logging.level: DEBUG                      # set SAP-class loggers to DEBUG. Set to ERROR for production setups.
  org.springframework: ERROR          # set to DEBUG to see all beans loaded and autoconfig conditions met. DEBUG # set to ERROR for production setups. 
  org.springframework.web: DEBUG      # set to ERROR for production setups.

Then, in case you like to see what kind of filters are applied to a particular request set the debug flag to true in the @EnableWebSecurity annotation:

@EnableWebSecurity(debug = true) // TODO "debug" may include sensitive information. Do not use in a production system!
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

Finally, you need do re-deploy your application for the changes to take effect.

Insufficient performance for token validations or token flows

If you observe performance degradation for token validation or token flows, HttpClient configuration should be adjusted according to your platform's requirements, infrastructure, and anticipated load. You should monitor the performance of your HttpClient under various loads and adjust these parameters accordingly to achieve optimal performance.

You may need to configure the timeouts to specify how long to wait until a connection is established and how long a socket should be kept open (i.e. how long to wait for the (next) data package). As the SSL handshake is time-consuming, it might be recommended to configure an HTTP connection pool to reuse connections by keeping the sockets open. See also Baeldung: HttpClient Connection Management.
To adjust the HttpClient parameters you will need to provide your own implementation of SpringHttpClientFactory interface.

  • Create an SPI configuration file with name in src/main/resources/META-INF/services directory
  • Enter the fully qualified name of your SpringHttpClientFactory implementation class, e.g. com.mypackage.CustomSpringHttpClientFactory
  • The implementation could look like this:
public class CustomSpringHttpClientFactory implements SpringHttpClientFactory {
    public RestTemplate createRestTemplateClient(ClientIdentity clientIdentity) throws HttpClientException {
        // here comes your implementation

‼️ For your custom RestTemplate always disable redirects ‼️

Common Pitfalls

Compile error when upgrading from version 1.5.0 to 1.6.0:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext
   Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'springSecurityFilterChain' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/security/config/annotation/web/configuration/WebSecurityConfiguration.class]: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [javax.servlet.Filter]: Factory method 'springSecurityFilterChain' threw exception; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type '' available

As of version 1.6.0 you need to make use of XSUAA Spring Boot Starter in order to leverage autoconfiguration. Make use of the Xsuaa Spring Boot Starter dependency as explained here.

NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException, APPLICATION FAILED TO START

    Parameter 1 of method xsuaaJwtDecoder in required a single bean, but 2 were found...

In case you use the xsuaa-spring-boot-starter, read the autoconfiguration section.

Multiple XSUAA Bindings (broker & application)

If your application is bound to two XSUAA service instances (one of plan application and another one of plan broker), you run into the following issue:

IllegalStateException: Found more than one Xsuaa bindings. Please consider unified broker plan or use client library.


Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Found more than one xsuaa binding. There can only be one.
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassParser.processPropertySource(

The library does not support more than one XSUAA binding. Follow these steps, to adapt your Spring Security Configuration.

Configuration property name<>.credentials is not valid

We recognized that this error is raised, when your instance name contains upper cases. Alternatively you can then define your XsuaaCredentials Bean the following way:

public XsuaaCredentials xsuaaCredentials() {
    final XsuaaCredentials result = new XsuaaCredentials();
    result.setXsAppName(environment.getProperty("<<xsuaa instance name>>.credentials.xsappname"));
    result.setClientId(environment.getProperty("<<xsuaa instance name>>.credentials.clientid"));
    result.setClientSecret(environment.getProperty("<<xsuaa instance name>>.credentials.clientsecret"));
    result.setUaaDomain(environment.getProperty("<<xsuaa instance name>>.credentials.uaadomain"));
    result.setUrl(environment.getProperty("<<xsuaa instance name>>.credentials.url"));
    return result;

ResourceAccessException during Token Exchange

In case you retrieve ResourceAccessException during token exchange similar to the one below, you need to make sure your RestOperations bean is configured with a SSL context. This needs to be equipped with the certificate of your uaa identity service provider.

org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on POST request for "": readHandshakeRecord; nested exception is readHandshakeRecord

Find further information here and here.

Application crashes when no XsuaaTokenFlows could be found

If you have switched to X.509 credential type and your application crashes during start, then you may need to add a dependency to org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5 in order to autoconfigure a default RestOperations bean (XsuaaAutoConfiguration ).

Field xsuaaTokenFlows in sample.spring.xsuaa.SecurityConfiguration required a bean of type '' that could not be found.

JWT verification failed ... no suitable HttpMessageConverter found

In case RestTemplate is not configured with an appropriate HttpMessageConverter the Jwt signature validator can not handle the token keys (JWK set) response from Xsuaa. Consequently, the JWT signature can not be validated and it may fail with the following error:

JWT verification failed: An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: Couldn't retrieve remote JWK set: org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException: Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type [class java.lang.String] and content type [application/octet-stream]

In case you use


You can configure your Xsuaa RestTemplate like that, e.g. as part of your SecurityConfiguration configuration class:

public RestOperations xsuaaRestOperations() {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
    mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter.setSupportedMediaTypes(Arrays.asList(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM));
    return restTemplate;

Test utilities

  • java-security-test offers test utilities to generate custom JWT tokens for the purpose of tests. It pre-configures a WireMock web server to stub outgoing calls to the identity service (OAuth resource-server), e.g. to provide token keys for offline token validation. Its use is only intended for JUnit tests.


  • spring-security-xsuaa-usage
    demonstrating how to leverage Xsuaa and Spring Security library to secure a Spring Boot web application including token exchange (user, client-credentials, refresh, ...). Furthermore, it documents how to implement SpringWebMvcTests using java-security-test library.