License terms for this project vary by part type. Copyrights are by the original Authors. Please do not delete any credits or license files that are included in this project.
The complete text of the licenses used may be found under Licenses/.
- Roth 2.0 Copyright 2018 by Shin Ingen, who can be found at
The following mesh body parts are licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later:
- Upper Body
- Lower Body
- Bento Hands
- Feet
- Built with Blender 2.8 with Avastar 2.8 beta.
- The mesh head is CC-BY Linden Lab.
- The fingernails and toenails are Virtual World Licence by Sundance Haiku.
- The UV map is CC-BY Linden Lab.
- The Avastar rig contains components licensed as CC-BY-3.0 by
- R2 Logo is CC-BY Serie Sumei.
Various Authors and contributors to the Git Repo in alphabetical order are:
- Ada Radius
- Ai Austin
- Chimera Firecaster
- Elenia Boucher
- Fred Beckhusen
- Fritigern Gothly
- Joe Builder
- Lelani Carver
- Leona Morro
- Mike Dickson
- Noxluna Nightfire
- Sean Heavy
- Serie Sumei
- Shin Ingen
- Sundance Haiku
The 'R2' logo may be used to indicate projects or products that are either based on or compatible with the RuthAndRoth project mesh bodies.
Licenses for the included skins are summarized in Skins/