Application link -
Contracts deployed on Ropsten test-net:
- Post-> 0xCC11252eccB8141616099cC8adb9868927dE9cB6
- Profile-> 0xc6f2A25E1EF3A946e1C8567b9D3Ec9177eC6f977
- Make a profile on network to create post, like/comment on other's post. Profile requires name, bio and profile image (all needed).
- Profile can be created from "Your Profile" section. User cannot interact (like, comment, post) if user profile is not created. Only one profile permitted per address.
- Create a post with image and caption. Others can comment and like on your post. You can delete anyone's comment you dont want on your post.
- Owner of DappNet (me) can delete posts and comments on anyone's post if inappropriate content is posted.
- View your activity, Posts created/deleted, Posts liked/cancel liked, Comment you posted/deleted on any post in "Your Activity".
- Responsiveness of the application.
- The contract can be further optimized for gas.
- Responsiveness and better UI
- Optimized smart contract
- Features:
- Follow/unfollow a user (similar to what we have on general socila media platforms, like Instagram)
- Convert your post into a NFT or a yeild generating asset
- Explore(home)
- If your wallet is connected, and your profile is created on the DappNet, you can:
- Create post
- Like/Comment on other's post
- Delete Like/Comment on other's post
- If your wallet is connected, and your profile is created on the DappNet, you can:
- Your Activity
- If you have created your profile on the DappNet, you can view all your activity
- Your Profile
- You can create profile here (Note: without creating profile you won't be able to interact on DappNet)
- All the posts which you have created can be seen here.
State variables:
mapping(address => string[3]) public address_name_imgHash_bio
function updateName(string memory _name) external {}
- set first element of array in address_name_imgHash_bio as _name
function updateImg(string calldata _imgHash) external {}
- set second element of array in address_name_imgHash_bio as _imgHash
function updateBio(string calldata _bio) external {}
- set third element of array in address_name_imgHash_bio as _bio
function getter(uint256 index) external view returns (string memory) {}
- returns details for function caller
function getter_Address(address add, uint256 index) external view returns (string memory) {}
- returns details for any address
- import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
- import "hardhat/console.sol";
State variables:
address public owner;
Counters.Counter private postId;
struct Posts {
uint256 id;
string description;
string img_hash;
address author;
uint256 likes;
uint256 comments;
} -
event postCreated( // to log post creation
uint256 indexed id,
string description,
string img_hash,
address indexed author
); -
event postDeleted( // to log post creation
uint256 indexed id,
string description,
string img_hash,
address indexed deleteor // either author or contract owner
); -
mapping(uint256 => Posts) public id_Post;
mapping(uint256 => address[]) public id_likedAdd; // will store addresses of users who have liked postId
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public address_id_liked; // to keep track of posts liked by each address
// address_id_liked will store the postId and uint(1/0->not liked, 2->liked) for every address -
event postLiked( // to log post like
uint256 indexed id,
address indexed liker,
address author,
string img_hash
); -
event postLikeCancled( // to log post like cancled
uint256 indexed id,
address indexed likeCanceler,
address author,
string img_hash
); -
mapping(uint256 => string[]) public id_comments; // will store comments for every postId
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => string[])) public address_id_comments; // will store comments given by addresses on each postId
mapping(uint256 => mapping(string => address)) public id_comment_poster; // will store addresses of comment posters on a particular postId
// id_comment_poster will not be updated while deleting comment -
event commented( // to log comment posting
uint256 indexed id,
address indexed commentPoster,
string comment,
address author,
string img_hash
); -
event commentDeleted( // to log comment deletion from a post uint256 indexed id,
address indexed commentDeletor,
string comment,
address author,
string img_hash
***constructor() ***
- to set owner to deployer address
modifier postIdExists(uint256 _postId) {}
- verify if postID exists
function createPost(string calldata _description, string calldata _img_hash) external {}
- Check if image is selected to upload
- increment postId
- modify state variable (id_Post)
- emit postCreated event
function deletePost(uint256 _postId) external postIdExists(_postId) {}
- verify, function caller should be either post author or owner
- emit postDeleted event
- delete post element from id_Post
function updatePost(uint256 _postId, bool img_change, bool description_change, string calldata _img_hash, string calldata _description) external postIdExists(_postId) {}
- function caller should be the author of the post
- if bool img_change is true, img_has will be updated in id_Post (verify img_has is inputted begore updating id_Post)
- if bool description_change is true, description will be updated in id_Post (verify img_has is inputted begore updating id_Post)
function likePost(uint256 _postId) external postIdExists(_postId) {}
- verify if function caller has not liked the post before (address_id_liked[msg.sender][_postId] != 2)
- update state variables address_id_liked and id_likedAdd
- emit postLiked event
function cancleLike(uint256 _postId) external postIdExists(_postId) {}
- verify if function caller has liked the post before (address_id_liked[msg.sender][_postId] == 2)
- update state variables id_Post, address_id_liked, id_likedAdd
- emit postLikeCancled event
function commentPost(uint256 _postId, string calldata _comment) external postIdExists(_postId) {}
- update state variables id_comments, address_id_comments, id_comment_poster, id_Post
- emit commented event
function deleteComment(uint256 _postId, string calldata _comment) external postIdExists(_postId) {}
- if function caller is comment poster
- update address_id_comments, id_comments to replace comment with "nan"
- update id_Post to reduce number of comments
- if function caller is post author or contract owner
- update id_comments to replace comment with "nan"
- update id_Post to reduce number of comments
- if function caller is none of the above
- revert
- emit commentDeleted
- if function caller is comment poster
function getAllPosts() external view returns (Posts[] memory) {}
- getting all posts from id_Post and storing them into an array
- returning this array
function getCommentsPost(uint256 _postId) external view returns (string[] memory) {}
- returns array of strings from id_comments, for _postId
function getCommentPoster(uint256 _postId, string calldata _comment) external view returns (address) {}
- returns address of comment poster from id_comment_poster state variable (id_comment_poster[_postId][_comment])
function idLikedAddresses(uint256 _postId) external view returns (address[] memory) {}
- returns array of addresses who have liked the post (id_likedAdd[_postId])