Generelt Rus Informations System
Always write in English.
"Rus", "russer" and "rkg" are excepted from this
Danish : English
rus = rus
russer = russer
rkg = rkg
vejleder = tutor
mentor = mentor
rustur = tour
hytte = hut
install python3 through your package manager
install pip (python-pip or python3-pip) through your package manager
sudo pip install virtualenv (might be necessary)
Get the GRIS repo:
git clone
Run the setup script
Create a postgres database, or use an existing.
A config file has been created in You should modify it to your needs.
Start the build in webserver:
Visit the page in your browser at
Beaware that python defaults to python2 in ubuntu!
When the setup script detects that you are running on an ubuntu system or you
call it with as follows, pip will get downloaded manually by the script.
./setup ubuntu
On ubuntu you might also have to install:
and use ./setup-ubuntu instead
if bcrypt is not working on arch linux you might try the following:
sudo cp /usr/lib/ffi.h /usr/local/include
sudo cp /usr/lib/ /usr/local/lib
sudo cp /usr/lib/libffi-3.0.13/include/ffitarget.h /usr/local/include
sudo cp /usr/lib/libffi-3.0.13/include/ffi.h /usr/local/include
The webserver will automatically detect changes in files, there is no need to restart it manually all the time.
See in the docs folder for the preferred workflow.
Folder Description
applications/ sub-application files for each module
templates/ sub-application templates for each module
import generic python modules
from flask import ...
from lib import ...
from import ...
import config
from application. ... import ...
in /usr/lib/python3.3/
in find_loader on line 501 and 502