Released on September 12, 2022.
- Enables searching through workflows list.
- Workflows are now displayed on the workflows page even before any runs have been created.
- Adds canceled state to operator lifecycle; when upstream operators fail, downstream operators and artifact are now marked as canceled rather than being marked as permanently in progress.
- Adds ability to connect new SQLite DB from UI.
- Redesigns integration viewing page to explicitly show DB tables rather than the previous select menu.
- Fixes bug where browser console throws error when there is no write operator in workflow DAG.
- Fixes bug where operators previously could not return
All Changes
All commits
- Reorder AWS credentials check for S3 storage by @hsubbaraj-spiral in #438
- Eng 85 allow users to search through workflows by @eunice-chan in #428
- ENG-1644 Fix go lint errors related to using deprecated io/ioutil package. by @agiron123 in #436
- [UI] Create mapping from untyped artifact to generic by @kenxu95 in #440
- [1/2] ENG-1625 Adds route implementation to fetch a single workflow dag result by @likawind in #425
- Shows users workflows without any runs by @saurav-c in #429
- Add from and to for artf response by @likawind in #441
- ENG-1612: Adds canceled state to operator lifecycle by @vsreekanti in #430
- ENG-1094: Adds ability to connect to new SQLite DB by @vsreekanti in #445
- Fix integration test created_at issue by @eunice-chan in #420
- Fix bug where artifact from published flow uses latest data by @kenxu95 in #443
- ENG-1579: Fix bug where browser console throws error when there is no load operator by @vsreekanti in #447
- ENG-1399: Redesigns integration details page to explicitly show DB tables by @vsreekanti in #446
- ENG-1653 Disable strict mode on frontend by @agiron123 in #444
- Fixes Airflow connect integration request by @saurav-c in #451
- Fix bug where artifact with None value doesn't work with flow_run.artifact() api by @cw75 in #448
- Fixes Airflow schedule string for manual workflows by @saurav-c in #450
- Fix bug where type enforcement blocks save of lazily evaluated artifact by @kenxu95 in #455
- Ready for release 0.0.14 by @cw75 in #462