The "Kokiya" recipe recommendation system was designed in relation to the 2nd year software development group project module. The group members related to this project are mentioned below.
The intention of this project is to solve a problem that many members of the young generation faces given their busy schedules and their lack of knowledge and experience in cooking. The main issue is that a majority of them have very limited culinary experience and therefore does not know how to make a delicious dish out of the ingredients that is already at hand to them. So they resort to the consumption of instant food that is unhealthy or tends to buy food form delivery services that have dubious hygienic standards at high prices. The kokiya recipe recommendation system aims to deliver recipes to the user based on ingredient availability and user preferences.The database of the system was created focusing more towards the local south asian community. The technologies used in the implementation of the system was chose after a significant amount of research. Th front end component of the project was done using Flutter due to the convenience and being able to handle both android and mac formats with ease. The backend component was implemented using python language and flask api.
In order to run the system, download all the related files. In order to check the backend component, open the code in a preferred IDE and run a Flask Run command. Copy the URL obtained and paste it in to an API platform and send the http requests after checking the GET/POST methods and choosing accordingly.The API platform used in the development of this project was the Postman application. And then import the "recipe.sql" file in to the MySQL. The front end component can now be opened after running the backend component. As previously open the front end code in a preferred IDE and run Flutter run command. In order to run the application, at the moment it is neccessary to have a smart phone connected to the computer or a suitable emulator instlled in the computer