As mentioned in the README TruffleRuby does not yet support
openssl and C extensions, therefore we apply a few patches internally to make
and bundler
work out of the box. Gems with C extensions will
install but nothing will be compiled. If the gem does not contain a pure Ruby
implementation of the C extension the gem will not function properly ( e.g.
, Active Record drivers, etc).
The patches require wget
and curl
to be installed, The patches will be
eventually removed.
Use a Ruby manager to switch to TruffleRuby e.g. rbenv shell truffleruby
see Configuring Ruby managers.
Note: Only bundler 1.14.x
is supported.
gem install bundler --version 1.14.6
, update
, and exec
work as expected.
bundle install
bundle update
bundle exec an_application_executable.rb
Next step: Playing Optcarrot