The Letters of the Revolution Project: An Inquiry Into the Correspondence Networks of the U.S. Founding Fathers.
This repository has been created as part of the Letters of the Revolution project which seeks to study the correspondence networks of the Founding Fathers of the United States with a social network analysis approach. The study is based on data obtained from Founders Online and People of the Founding Era.
Research question: How could we, through the use of Social Network Analysis, critically identify, describe and analyze the emergence of a new political founding elite in the wake of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783)?
The project repository has been thematically structured with there being a directory for the various data files, Gephi graphs, Juypiter Notebooks, Visualizations and various other materials.
- data This directory contains the data files utilized by this project.
- gephi_files This directory contains two gephi files based on the network data generated: One raw version and one cooked version.
- juypiter_notebooks This directory contains the main Juypiter Notebooks used for preprocessing the data, data exploration and statistical analysis.
- visualizations This directory contains the most important visualizations used within the project.