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"Expertët Zbatojn'" is the fifth song from the double album "Ti e Do Drejt'sin".

In the first verse, the song shows that the wicked will be dragged away from the robberies they have made themselves. While his plan will fall on his head, and his violence in the head.

The verse then refers to the righteous if he turns away from himself and commits iniquity, none of the righteous deeds he has done will be remembered. For the flip, he has made and for the sin, he has committed, he is powerless, he has not accepted to act with justice.

Often the verses are about commanders who are stubborn and partners with thieves. Because they all want bribes and go after corruption. When they judge, they do not give the right to the foundations and the legal case does not come before them. Then I refer to the slanderer since he is a shameless deceiver, who extorts his friend and does all the evil in society, his way is his own fault.

While the chieftains tend to make a profit by violence, the priests teach for a fee, while the prophets receive fortune for money. And yet, they continue to rely on and always say: aren't the inhabitants of the Temple among us? No evil will befall us. The verse then takes the side of justice so that the country becomes stable. Then experts are the ones who apply justice to the poor so that justice reaches the top instead of a strong foundation for great things. Slowly let the actual reality come before you, where the reign of peace has no end with the key of David against the apostates. The divine rule refers to the seventh angel who is steadfast and stands as a righteous sprout with righteous works from now to eternity. This will be done by the zeal of the Lord of hosts, but he who asks for a bribe will be overthrown. The unrighteous gain takes the bribe that comes secretly from the bosom and twists the words of righteous men.

To open your mouth, to judge with justice, and to defend the cause of the suffering of the poor. Let's not be biased in judgment.

Let us listen to the small and the great and do not be afraid of the man who is a snare, for judgment belongs to God.

Then the verse tells of a case that may be difficult, and we must present it to the judge, and the watchers to hear it. Again the chorus goes to the experts who apply justice to the oppressed and all the people say: that indeed, the righteous will enjoy the fruits of actions.

Indeed, in bible dictionaries, Higgaion means a murmuring of the tone of the harp, and it is a musical sign that is probably a pause in the instrumental interlude, also the word is rendered as a meditation and imagination to judge for excites supporters. So forever judge righteously and do what is right, to deliver the one who has been wronged from the hand of the deceiver, and does not mistreat any orphan, or widow. Do not use violence against them. Don't shed innocent blood. Do not judge by outward appearance or words that have fallen into your ears.

Then the verse goes on about the one who loves righteousness and hates lawlessness, and that's why the friend girl, your wife, means the love we have to preach.

In the last verse, the metaphor turns out that I saw the sky open and behold, a bow a crown. The one who sat on the horse, which is called in Greek mythology, is the real Pegasus. While "ruah", from Hebrew, means 'breath'.

Composition The song compose is a cover mix and has a 140 BPM/Tempo vivace.

In the beat, the bass line editor is a clone of Ritmo, with kick hip-hop, snare hip-hop, and hi-hat. Strings are common with bass boost trap music at 110 Hz and a ratio of 4:1. The song has a waltz time signature of 3/4, so the rhythm mainly goes as '1,2,3 or bass top, top'.