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85 lines (63 loc) · 2.46 KB


File metadata and controls

85 lines (63 loc) · 2.46 KB

Exercise 4 Solution

The camera board is shown as transparent using the % modifier, and will not be present in the generated STL file. The model is drawn with the main part flat, so that the mounting holes will not need any scaffolding.

// A Raspberry Pi camera mount.

$fs = .2;
$fa = 5;

// Dimensions of the camera board.
cameraWidth = 25;
cameraHeight = 24;
aperatureWidth = 8;
aperatureYOffset = 5.5;
cameraBoardThickness = 1;

holeYOffset = 9.5;
holeXSpacing = 21;
holeYSpacing = 12.5;
holeDiameter = 2;

mountMargin = 3;
mountBottomMargin = 10; // To accommodate the cable.
mountWidth = cameraWidth + 2*mountMargin;
mountHeight = cameraHeight + mountMargin + mountBottomMargin;

mountThickness = 3;

baseWidth = 15;
mountingHoleSpacing = 15;
mountingHoleDiameter = 3;

aperatureMargin = 1;

maxModelSize = 30;

// The camera board.
%translate([mountBottomMargin, -cameraWidth/2, mountThickness])
cube(size=[cameraHeight, cameraWidth, cameraBoardThickness]);

// The mount base.
rotate([0, -90, 0])
difference() {
  translate([0, -mountWidth/2, 0])
  cube(size=[baseWidth + mountThickness, mountWidth, mountThickness]);

  translate([baseWidth/2 + mountThickness, -mountingHoleSpacing/2, 0])
  cylinder(d=mountingHoleDiameter, h=2*maxModelSize, center=true);

  translate([baseWidth/2 + mountThickness, mountingHoleSpacing/2, 0])
  cylinder(d=mountingHoleDiameter, h=2*maxModelSize, center=true);

// The main part of the mount.
difference() {
  translate([0, -mountWidth/2, 0])
  cube(size=[cameraHeight + mountMargin + mountBottomMargin,
             cameraWidth + 2*mountMargin,

  translate([holeYOffset + mountBottomMargin, -holeXSpacing/2, 0])
  cylinder(d=holeDiameter, h=2*maxModelSize, center=true);

  translate([holeYOffset + mountBottomMargin, holeXSpacing/2, 0])
  cylinder(d=holeDiameter, h=2*maxModelSize, center=true);

  translate([holeYOffset + holeYSpacing + mountBottomMargin, -holeXSpacing/2, 0])
  cylinder(d=holeDiameter, h=2*maxModelSize, center=true);

  translate([holeYOffset + holeYSpacing + mountBottomMargin, holeXSpacing/2, 0])
  cylinder(d=holeDiameter, h=2*maxModelSize, center=true);

  translate([mountBottomMargin + aperatureYOffset,
              -(aperatureWidth + aperatureMargin)/2,
  cube(size=[aperatureWidth + aperatureMargin,
             aperatureWidth + aperatureMargin,

Camera mount