Already have MM Tweaks - Click here to Update to V2.29
Hello! I use Monarch Money.
I found there were opportunities to enhance the Monarch Money web application with more functionality and configuration options.
Reports / Trends
- Summarize your Monarch Money history comparing to Last month, Same month last year or Same quarter last year
- Display a monthly grid of your history for This Year, Last Year, Last 12 months or All Years including YTD totals and Monthly/Yearly average
- Customize if you want the comparison and averages to include the current month
- Different highlights for spending > 25%, > 50% and > 100%
- Drill down to monthly and year-to-date totals to see trends for your groups & categories
- Sort the data by any column and export your data to Excel or Numbers
Reports / Accounts
- Summarize all your Account balances on one screen
- Compare to different time periods (This week, Last two weeks, This month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years)
- Show Monthly Account balances with average for current year, last 6 months or last 12 months
- Quickly see total amount owed on credit cards and other Checking and Credit card balances
- See Income, Expenses and Transfers done by Account for the current month
- Sort the data by any column and export your data to Excel or Numbers
Save and restore your Report filters and other report options on Reports / Datasets. No longer have to redo your filters over each time!
Compressed & smaller font for Transactions grid to show more items
Compressed & smaller font for Budget grid to show more items
Show "Left for Spending" (Checking minus Credit Cards minis Pending) in Budget Summary & Budget Summary Dashboard.
Turn ON/OFF (hide) menu items
Hide Report Tooltip "Difference Amount" in graphs
Hide Create Rule Popup when add/changing transactions
Quickly split a transaction 50/50 by auto-filling the amounts
Correct Calendar Year pull-down to only be years of data instead of since 2000
Added "Last year YTD", "Last 12 months" and "This quarter" to pop-up calendar
Hide Accounts Net Worth Graph Panel
Highlight Pending Transactions when Settings / Preferences / Allow Edits to Pending Transactions is set to "Off".
You can install the script by using the Tampermonkey app extension in Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox and Opera Next. For the iPad, use the Safari </> Userscripts app.
Non iPad users: Install Tampermonkey for your browser by going to the following link:
iPad users: Close your Safari browser, go to App Store and install the Userscripts program: Search App store for "User Script and Style Manager" by Justin Wasack
Chrome Users - Be sure to click on Extensions / Manage Extensions and Developer mode to on in upper right before next step.
Next, Click here to install or Update MM Tweaks
Refresh/Reload the Monarch Money webpage and select Settings / Display in Monarch to configure the Tweaks.
Monarch Tweaks Calendar Year Dropdown
Monarch Tweaks Spit Transaction 50/50
Monarch Tweaks Reports / Trends Compare
Monarch Tweaks Reports / Trends Monthly Breakdown
Monarch Tweaks Reports / Trends Yearly Breakdown
Monarch Tweaks Reports / Accounts Monthly Account Average