Releases: RobertJN64/TKinterModernThemes
Version 1.10.4
Fixes function name information in debug prints when function is wrapped in a partial.
Version 1.10.3
Bump python version to 3.13
Version 1.10.2
Fixes 2 typos prevent widgetkwargs from being set correctly in certain widgets.
Version 1.10.1
Bump python version to 3.12. Min python version is now 3.8, removing dependency on typing_extensions.
Version 1.10.0
Fixed issues with multiple windows not properly using "topLevel".
Removed "forest" theme because "park" is completely identical now. The park theme was bugfixes for forest and therefore forest should not be used in production.
Clean up readme
Version 1.10.0 Release Candidate 0
Fixed issues with multiple windows not properly using "topLevel".
Removed "forest" theme because "park" is completely identical now. The park theme was bugfixes for forest and therefore forest should not be used in production.
Version 1.9.3
Fix author email in package desc.
Version 1.9.2
Add tag for 3.11 on pypi
Version 1.9.1
Add support for py 3.11
Version 1.9.0
- Fix for theme init using os.path.abspath