IF you want me to continue improving these utilities, THEN e-mail me that you are using them. It might be useful to include your use case scenario and a description of why you want this improvement and how it helps the business you are involved in working.
SI desea que continúe mejorando estas utilidades, ENTONCES envíeme un correo electrónico que las está utilizando. Puede ser útil incluir el escenario de su caso de uso y una descripción de por qué desea esta mejora y cómo ayuda a la empresa en la que está involucrado.
You might want to read this first, then go to the WIKI page.
These are a set of functional templates. Some that I use every day in a number of working projects.
They provide a number of practical developer aids for tracking multi-dll applications accross the complete system, apply globally consistent changes to inconsistent cosmetic standards being used over a period of time, to making sure that where you are can be identified to track possible errors.
These are a collection of a lot of odd type items that have been built over a period of time and have made it into some commercial vendors utilities due to their usefullness over time being proven. There are better items than some of these utilities in comercial, free offerings, and out in the wild of the internet. There are some utilities that have made it into the skype chats or newsgroups and have been added here. There are some, same or similar requests that come up every now and then, for some of these template items.
When the author can be identified, they are given credit. When no author can be identified, that fact is noted and hopefully someone will come and claim the utility. This is just a place to collect these utilities and functionality and make it available to all for their use and enjoyment.
There a few items that are marked as "experimental" and are not completely worked out or tested in some environments. As much due diligence has been done as posible. As time progresses more testing should hopefully will be done. The SQL disconnect/reconnect templates came from different sources and work in some specific environments. Your milleage will vary. Be aware, and excercise extreme care. Do not use these SQL templates without extensive testing in a NON-PRODUCTION environment.
ClarionLive : 576 : Aug 21, 2020 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZHhJ7FmMNI&feature=youtu.be
Clarioneros : 161 : 2020-08-22 : https://clarionlive.com/clarioneros.htm (OneDrive link)
Clarioneros : 163 : 2020-09-05 : https://clarionlive.com/clarioneros.htm (OneDrive link)
ClarionLive : 707 : May 5, 2023 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwXsowDRixo [ Fun with XML and JSON! ]
Clarioneros : 243 : 2023-05-06 : https://clarionlive.com/clarioneros.htm (OneDrive link) [ Fun with XML and JSON! ]
Weapon Control Rules
Criminals are never materially handicapped by such rules; the only effect is to disarm the peaceful citizen and put him fully at the mercy of the lawless. Such rules look very pretty on paper; in practice they are as foolish and footless as the attempt of the mice to bell the cat.
Robert A. Heinlein
We don't rise to the standards we have when others are watching.
We fall to the standards we have when no one is watching.
The only work that really matters is the work that no one sees.
It shows you who you really are.
Rather than who you say you are.
Alex Hormozi