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High-performance BitTorrent tracker compatible with UNIT3D tracker software


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High-performance backend BitTorrent tracker compatible with UNIT3D tracker software.


# Go to where UNIT3D is already installed
$ cd /var/www/html

# Clone this repository
$ git clone -b v0.1 unit3d-announce

# Go into the repository
$ cd unit3d-announce

# Copy .env.example to .env
$ cp .env.example .env

# Adjust configuration as necessary
$ sudo nano .env

# Build the tracker
$ cargo build --release

# Go into UNIT3D's base directory
$ cd /var/www/html

# Add the required environment variables to UNIT3D'S .env file:
# These values should match their respective values in UNIT3D-Announce's .env file:
$ sudo nano .env

# Enable the external tracker in UNIT3D's config
$ sudo nano config/announce.php

Reverse proxy

If you serve both UNIT3D and UNIT3D-Announce on the same domain, add the following location block to your nginx configuration already used for UNIT3D.

# Edit nginx config
$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Paste the following location block into the first server block immediately after the last existing location block.

    location /announce/ {
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_pass http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:eeee$request_uri;
        real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
        real_ip_recursive on;
        set_real_ip_from fff.ggg.hhh.iii;
  • aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:eeee is the local listening IP address and port of UNIT3D-Announce. Set this to the LISTENING_IP_ADDRESS and LISTENING_PORT configured in the .env file.
  • fff.ggg.hhh.iii is the public listening IP address of the nginx proxy used for accessing the frontend website. You can add additional set_real_ip_from jjj.kkk.lll.mmm/nn; lines for each additional proxy used so long as the proxy appends the proper values to the X-Forwarded-For header. Replace this with your proxy IP address.

Uncomment and set REVERSE_PROXY_CLIENT_IP_HEADER_NAME in the .env file to X-Real-IP.

# Reload nginx once finished
$ service nginx reload


Add a supervisor config to run UNIT3D-Announce in the background.


# Edit supervisor config
sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/unit3d.conf

Paste the following block at the end of the file:


Starting/Restarting UNIT3D-Announce

Reload supervisor

$ sudo supervisorctl reread && sudo supervisorctl update && sudo supervisorctl reload

Exiting UNIT3D-Announce

To gracefully exit the tracker:

sudo supervisorctl stop unit3d-announce:unit3d-announce_00

Global Freeleech or Double Upload Events


When using the Rust-based UNIT3D-Announce tracker, the global freeleech and double upload events are handled by the external tracker itself. This means you must activate the events in the config/other.php file within UNIT3D as normal to show the timer and then also within the .env file of the UNIT3D-Announce tracker to update user stats correctly.

To enable/disable global freeleech or double upload events, you need to adjust the following environment variables in the .env file and then restart the tracker.

# The upload_factor is multiplied by 0.01 before being multiplied with
# the announced uploaded parameter and saved in the "credited" upload
# column. An upload_factor of 200 means global double upload.
# Default: 100

# The download factor is multiplied by 0.01 before being multiplied
# with the announced downloaded parameter and saved in the "credited"
# download column. A download_factor of 0 means global freeleech.
# Default: 100



To reload the configuration without restarting the tracker, send the following curl:

curl -X POST "http://<LISTENING_IP_ADDRESS>:<LISTENING_PORT>/announce/<APIKEY>/config/reload"


To uninstall UNIT3D-announce, you need to exit the tracker and then:

# Disable the external tracker in UNIT3D's config
$ sudo nano /var/www/html/config/announce.php

# Remove any potential `location /announce/` block from the nginx configuration
$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

# Remove any potential `[program:unit3d-announce]` block from the supervisor configuration
$ sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/unit3d.conf

# Remove tracker files
$ sudo rm -rf /var/www/html/unit3d-announce

# Remove .env values from UNIT3D (`TRACKER_HOST`, `TRACKER_PORT`, and `TRACKER_KEY`)
$ sudo nano /var/www/html/.env


UNIT3D's PHP announce can handle ~250 HTTP requests per second per core on modern hardware.

Using the same hardware, UNIT3D-Announce handles ~50k HTTP requests per second per core (using wrk). Adding it behind an nginx proxy with TLS will reduce it to ~10k HTTP requests per second per core.