The present repository contains the data and the code for analysing the data related to a publication involving the RoLDSIS method. RoLDSIS stands for “Regression on Low-Dimension Spanned Input Space”. The data for an electroencephalography (EEG) experiment involving phonemic identification is included in the repository. The scripts in the R language, for processing and analysing the data, as well as producing the figures that appear in the following article:
Santana, A., Barbosa A., Yehia H., and Laboissière R. (2021) A dimension reduction technique applied to regression on high dimension, low sample size neurophysiological data sets. BMC Neurosci 22(1). DOI: 10.1186/s12868-020-00605-0.
The code can be obtained with the following command:
git clone RoLDSIS
N.B.: Developers with write access right to the repository should do, instead:
git clone RoLDSIS
The system packages R
, make
, and pdftk
are needed. The necessary
R packages are installed as required by the scripts.
In GNU/Linux systems, the analysis of the data and the generation of the figures are done with the following commands :
cd RoLDSIS/script
- paths.r: Definition of paths for saving figures and results
- dwt-parameters.r: Definition of DWT parameters
- geom-lib.r: Geometry supporting function
- dwt-lib.r: DWT supporting functions
- scalogram.r: Plot the DWT scalogram
- remove-spikes.r: Remove spikes from signals, using DWT
- chisq-to-normal.r: Convert Chi-squre to normal distribution
- cross-validation.r: Basic cross-validation function
- compare-methods.r: Regression methods
- run-cv.r: Main script for running the cross-validation
- figure-cv-scalogram.r
- figure-cv-errors.r
- figures-mean-erp.r
- figures-roldsis-results.r
- figures-id-exp.r
- figure-trials-observation.r
- VOT/Snn.dat: Results from the phonemic identification task
- Snn/cross-validation.dat: Raw EEG data
: Results of phonemic identification experiment for subject nnerp-VOT-Ativo-Snn.pdf
: Average ERPs for the five stimuli for subject nncv-direction-Snn.pdf
: RoldSIS result represented in scalogram for subject nncv-projections-Snn.pdf
: RoLDSIS projected responses for subject nncv-errors.pdf
: Cross-validation errors for RoLDSIS, LASSO, Ridge Regression, and SPLScv-scalograms.pdf
: Histograms for the regression methods of regressed coefficientstrials-observation.pdf
: RMS prediction error for all subjects using different number of averaged points
- doc/RoLDSIS.pdf: Early version of the paper describing the method
The files in this repository are made available under the conditions of the GNU Public License, version 3 or later. No warranties. The RolDSIS has been submitted for publication. If you use the software or the data of this repository, please give credit.
- Copyright © 2020 Rafael Laboissière
- Copyright © 2020 Adrielle de Carvalho Santana
- Copyright © 2020 Hani Camille Yehia