WARNING! Eden language is still in development stage.
Eden is object-oriented programming language written in Java. Main goal for this project is make a simple oop self-hosted language. Just because it's fun, and I can (can I?).
Eden is planned to be:
- Compiled
- Turing-complete
- Self-hosted (Java is used only as an initial bootstrap, once the language is mature enough I'm going to rewrite it in itself)
The stuff required for be self-hosted (In my opinion):
- Support reading from file
- Support writing to file
- Support executing external programs
- Class declarations
- Function declarations
- Method declarations
- Constructors
- Variable declarations
- Type: Integer
- Type: Boolean
- Type: Char
- Type: String (Only constants for now)
- List structure
- Stack structure
- Conditional statements (if-else)
- Loop statement (while)
You have to have installed nasm and golink on your machine.
Compiler use interpreter mode by default for now. To specify source file use -s
$ java -jar Eden.jar -s hello.eden
Also, you can compile your program to native executable. Use -c
to compile.
$ java -jar Eden.jar -c -s hello.eden
You can use -r
to execute automatically after successful compilation (temporary disabled).
$ java -jar Eden.jar -c -r -s hello.eden
Compilation process made though nasm and golink in three steps:
- Lexing, parsing
and making.asm
file - Compile
file to.obj
- Linking
file to native executable.exe
$ nasm -f win32 Test.asm
$ golink /entry:Start /console kernel32.dll user32.dll Test.obj
$ file Test
Test: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
I use 32 bit for now, for no reason, just because I can. Maybe I will change it to 64 bit later. Will see.
Example of simple class declaration for Hello world program.
class Hello {
func void main() {
~ "Hello, Eden!\n";
Prints some expression on the screen.
~ expr ;
~ 2 + 2 * 2;
~ 1 + 2;
~ -1;
Conditional statements are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
if <expr> {
// statements when expression returns 1;
} else {
// statements when expression returns 0;
// Prints 456
bool a = false;
if (a) {
~ 123;
} else {
~ 456;
// Not equal to (like != in java)
int a = expr;
if (expr = 0) {
// statements
Performs a Windows api call
result = win:"NameOfWinCall", params...;
Get a console handler and print Hello world!
through WriteFile
win-call (kernel32.dll). More info
func void writeToConsole() {
int stdOutHandle; // Std out handler
int writtenBuff; // Buffer for writing to
int sizeToWrite = 13; // How many bytes write to handler
int resultCode; // Returned code for operation
int stdOutCode = -11;
stdOutHandle = win:"GetStdHandle", stdOutCode;
resultCode = win:"WriteFile", stdOutHandle, "Hello world\n", 13, writtenBuff, 0;
if resultCode = 0 {
~ "Error with code: "; ~ resultCode; ~ "\n";
Defines a variable with different types and assign value to it.
<type> <variableName>[[= <expression>], <anotherVariableName>];
int a;
int a, b;
int a = 1;
int a = 1, b = 2;
int a = 1, b = 2, c = a + b; // c = 3
bool isX = true;
bool isY = 2 = 2; // isY = true
~ 1 + 2;
~ 4 - 2;
~ 3 * 2;
~ 4 / 2;
~ 2 * (3 + 4);
~ 2 * (3 * (4 + 6 / 6);
~ 4 = 2; // 0
~ 3 + 6 = 3 * 3; // 1
~ 4 > 2; // 1
~ 3 > 5; // 0
~ 4 < 2; // 0
~ 3 < 5; // 1