The first iteration of Pitt's Design Hub website. Design Hub is about students building solutions to real-world problems in and around the University of Pittsburgh. We are driven by design principles and strive for interdisciplinary collaboration and hands-on experiences. Get in touch at
This website is open-source (license TBD). Design Hub logo created by Madhur Malhotra.
Thanks for contributing! See some resources below for gettings started. No prior experience needed.
- Git The SCM-client-of-choice for this project (and GitHub!). You may use the GitHub GUI (Windows / Mac) for this project, but command-line interfaces (CLI) are more OS agnostic. Give it a demo here.
- Also consult the GitHub Guides, particularly the Understanding the GitHub Flow explanation.
- Python tutorial, Google App Engine (GAE)
- Skeleton documentation
- Font Awesome documentation
- Skeleton CSS framework by Dave Gamache
- Font Awesome for being (font) awesome!
- the Python Google Calendar Parser lightly modified in ianpmc's fork
- Names random name generator for Python
- slack-demo-chat for inspiration and support
- Google App Engine for hosting
- the University of Pittsburgh