Bash script containing common ffmpeg usages so I don't have to keep looking them up.
Just copy or link ffnpeg
to your $PATH
Run with -h
to get usage info.
Usage: ffnpeg [options] <command> [options] file ...
Available Commands:
segment Splits media into segments of a given length
split Splits the media at the timestamp
trim Trims media to the given timestamps
convert Converts one or more files into a different format
concat Concats one or more videos
extract Extracts the audio or video from the video
musicvid Combines an audio file with a static image
replace Replaces the audio of a video
Universal Options:
-d deletes input file afterwards (use with caution!)
-c turn off -c copy (needed when converting between codecs)
-y overwrite output files without asking
-p runs ffmpeg on each file in parallel
-q turn on quiet mode
-l PATH sets location of output file
-n NAME sets the output filename and extension
-s SUFFIX adds a suffix to the output filenames
-e FORMAT sets the output's extension. Will overwrite -n's extension
ffnpeg contains several commands.
You can run -h
with those commands to get the usage info for them.
I'm pretty sure the split
and trim
commands don't work properly,
and at this point I don't have any intent of fixing them.
(I wrote this script and didn't touch it for a year and now I have no idea how any of it works.)
Just don't use those commands I guess.