When you start a new game you should expect to see a grid with multile floating/ocilating circular bases you will need to defend. You can scroll through the map using the mouse or trackpad. Defend your bases for 100 levels to win!
Clicking the map will attempt to place a turret. Turrets are used to destroy enemy mosters that will destroy your bases. In order to be able to place a turret, your availible energy must be greater than the cost of the turret. Placing a turret will deplete your availble energy. When a wave is started or enemy is destroyed energy will be generated for you to use and your total score will increase. Pressing the space bars will casue the next wave to spawn early, assuming your computers frame rate can handle the increased load. Moving forward a wave will span the same total mosters but in parallel. A multiplier is applied to enery and score produced by monsters destoryed based on the current level, thus moving forward waves quickly (faster than the game will natrually have it) is essential to getting on the leader board.
Sponsor my efforts to become an official beta tester!
Leaderboards will be reset with every major/minor release. Patch releases that do not effect gameplay or game ballancing will not cause a reset.
First, install the necessary dependencies using:
npm install
This project has been created using webpack-cli, you can now run the project with the following command:
npm run serve