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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +--- + +# Open Gaming License V1.0a + +The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is +Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. +1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark +owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” +means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations +(including into other computer languages), notation, modification, correction, +addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other +form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) +“Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly +display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the +game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines +to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an +enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as +Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this +License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but +specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and +product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; +creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, +incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, +poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio +representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, +personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, +locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or superadvanced +training or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark +or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of +the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; +(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that +are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated +products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, +“Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate +and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or +“Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. +2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains +a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in +terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content +that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except +as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied +to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. +3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your +acceptance of the terms of this License. +4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, +the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty–free, non–exclusive +license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. +5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original +material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your +original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed +by this License. +6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE +portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of +any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You +must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the +COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. +7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, +including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in +another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that +Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co–adaptability +with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work +containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, +independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered +Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not +constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of +any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and +interest in and to that Product Identity. +8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly +indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game +Content. +9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish +updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this +License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally +distributed under any version of this License. +10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every +copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. +11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open +Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written +permission from the Contributor to do so. +12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the +terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due +to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any +Open Game Material so affected. +13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply +with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming +aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. +14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, +such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it +enforceable. +15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE +Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System +Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors +Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary +Gygax and Dave Arneson. diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4c1312 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Warlock class for Pathfinder Second Edition + +Adds Foundry VTT compendiums for a third party Warlock class adapted from "The Faithful Few" © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog; Author: Kevin Glusing under the Open Game License (OGL). diff --git a/build.mjs b/build.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2f00e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/build.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import archiver from "archiver"; +import { createWriteStream } from "fs"; +import { mkdir, readFile, rm, writeFile } from "fs/promises"; +import packageJson from "./package.json" assert { type: "json" }; + +await rm("./dist", { recursive: true, force: true }); +await mkdir("./dist"); +let moduleJson = JSON.parse((await readFile("./module.json", "utf-8"))); +moduleJson.description = packageJson.description; +moduleJson.version = packageJson.version; +moduleJson.url = packageJson.repository.url; +moduleJson.manifest = `${packageJson.repository.url}/releases/latest/download/module.json`; +moduleJson.download = `${packageJson.repository.url}/releases/download/v${packageJson.version}/${packageJson.name}-v${packageJson.version}.zip`; +await writeFile(`./dist/module.json`, JSON.stringify(moduleJson, undefined, 2), "utf-8"); + +const output = createWriteStream(`./dist/${packageJson.name}-v${packageJson.version}.zip`); +const archive = archiver("zip"); +archive.pipe(output); + +archive.file("./LICENSE.md", { name: "LICENSE.md" }); +archive.file("./README.md", { name: "README.md" }); +archive.file(`./dist/module.json`, { name: "module.json" }); +archive.directory("./src/static", false); +archive.directory("./out", false); + +await archive.finalize(); diff --git a/compile.mjs b/compile.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c0d93c --- /dev/null +++ b/compile.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +import { compilePack } from "@foundryvtt/foundryvtt-cli"; +import moduleJson from "./module.json" assert { type: "json" }; + +for (const pack of moduleJson.packs.map(pack => pack.name)) { + await compilePack(`src/packs/${pack}`, `out/packs/${pack}`); +} diff --git a/extract.mjs b/extract.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e9ac2f --- /dev/null +++ b/extract.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +import { extractPack } from "@foundryvtt/foundryvtt-cli"; +import moduleJson from "./module.json" assert { type: "json" }; + +for (const pack of moduleJson.packs.map(pack => pack.name)) { + await extractPack(`out/packs/${pack}`, `src/packs/${pack}`); +} diff --git a/module.json b/module.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3b206b --- /dev/null +++ b/module.json @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +{ + "id": "warlock-pf2e", + "title": "Warlock-PF2E", + "description": "__DESCRIPTION__", + "version": "__VERSION__", + "compatibility": { + "minimum": "11", + "verified": "11" + }, + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Richard Robertson", + "url": "https://github.com/RichardRobertson" + } + ], + "esmodules": [ 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Trigger A creature within 5 feet of you is reduced to 0 Hit Points and dies.
\nYou gain temporary Hit Points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.
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\nAt 3rd level, that spell gains Heightened (+1), dealing +1d6 bludgeoning damage for every +1 level by which the spell is heightened. The target must attempt a basic Reflex saving throw against your spell DC.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "dangerous-waters", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "actionType": { + "value": "free" + }, + "category": null, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "deathNote": false, + "frequency": { + "max": 1, + "per": "day" + } + }, + "_id": "lN9PmXRF1IvSyZAK", + "img": "icons/magic/water/wave-water-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708784681161, + "modifiedTime": 1708786036540, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!lN9PmXRF1IvSyZAK" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-actions/Drain_Familiar_zQcSWHhAauLh31uZ.json b/src/packs/warlock-actions/Drain_Familiar_zQcSWHhAauLh31uZ.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6775f78 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-actions/Drain_Familiar_zQcSWHhAauLh31uZ.json @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +{ + "name": "Drain Familiar", + "type": "action", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirements You Cast a Spell on your previous turn and haven't acted yet on your turn.
\nYou expend the power stored in your familiar. During your turn, you regain the ability to cast the spell you Cast on your previous turn, without spending a spell slot. You must Cast that Spell and meet its other requirements this turn or lose it.
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\nYou gain temporary Hit Points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.
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\nAt 15th level, and again at 19th level, choose Perception, Fortitude, or Reflex. Your proficiency rank for that choice increases to master. If you chose Fortitude or Reflex, when you roll a successful save, you get a critical success instead.
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\nAt 11th level, you proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to master.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "learn-from-the-past", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 5 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null, + "subfeatures": { + "proficiencies": { + "reflex": { + "rank": 2 + } + } + } + }, + "_id": "WAYJCNxy3a6Uoaog", + "img": "icons/commodities/cloth/thread-and-needle.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708740726310, + "modifiedTime": 1708741566033, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!WAYJCNxy3a6Uoaog" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Life_Siphon_3hH2rlS4pXSrapDm.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Life_Siphon_3hH2rlS4pXSrapDm.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fecea07 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Life_Siphon_3hH2rlS4pXSrapDm.json @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +{ + "name": "Life Siphon", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zvvHOQV78WKUB33l] focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. When you Cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zvvHOQV78WKUB33l], you also gain temporary Hit Points equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier that last one minute.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "Note", + "text": "When you Cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zvvHOQV78WKUB33l], you also gain temporary Hit Points equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier that last one minute. @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-effects.Item.fRL9y92UvqrdKAdm]", + "selector": "spell-healing", + "predicate": [ + "item:slug:life-siphon" + ] + } + ], + "slug": "life-siphon", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 9 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "3hH2rlS4pXSrapDm", + "img": "icons/magic/holy/meditation-chi-focus-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708780037308, + "modifiedTime": 1708869369710, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!3hH2rlS4pXSrapDm" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Light_Armor_Expertise__Warlock__LFGsHJalljDNpvC1.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Light_Armor_Expertise__Warlock__LFGsHJalljDNpvC1.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c22d27 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Light_Armor_Expertise__Warlock__LFGsHJalljDNpvC1.json @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +{ + "name": "Light Armor Expertise (Warlock)", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You've learned how to dodge while wearing light or no armor. Your proficiency ranks for light armor and unarmored defense increase to expert. If you have the sea legs pact feature, your proficiency rank increases to master instead.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.defenses.unarmored.rank", + "value": 3, + "predicate": [ + "feature:sea-legs" + ] + }, + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.defenses.light.rank", + "value": 3, + "predicate": [ + "feature:sea-legs" + ] + } + ], + "slug": "light-armor-expertise-warlock", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 13 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null, + "subfeatures": { + "proficiencies": { + "unarmored": { + "rank": 2 + }, + "light": { + "rank": 2 + } + } + } + }, + "_id": "LFGsHJalljDNpvC1", + "img": "icons/equipment/chest/breastplate-purple.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 500000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708098432163, + "modifiedTime": 1708702706783, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!LFGsHJalljDNpvC1" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Lightning_Reflexes_269K6PI2JsA1a4Q8.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Lightning_Reflexes_269K6PI2JsA1a4Q8.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..248bf15 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Lightning_Reflexes_269K6PI2JsA1a4Q8.json @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +{ + "name": "Lightning Reflexes", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Your reflexes are lightning fast. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to expert.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.saves.reflex.rank", + "value": 3, + "predicate": [ + { + "or": [ + "feature:sea-legs", + "feature:learn-from-the-past" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "key": "Note", + "selector": "reflex", + "text": "PF2E.SpecificRule.SaveSuccessToCriticalSuccess.Reflex", + "outcome": [ + "success" + ], + "predicate": [ + "feature:sea-legs" + ] + }, + { + "key": "AdjustDegreeOfSuccess", + "selector": "reflex", + "adjustment": { + "success": "one-degree-better" + }, + "predicate": [ + "feature:sea-legs" + ] + } + ], + "slug": "lightning-reflexes", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 11 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null, + "subfeatures": { + "proficiencies": { + "reflex": { + "rank": 2 + } + } + } + }, + "_id": "269K6PI2JsA1a4Q8", + "img": "icons/magic/lightning/bolt-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 100000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708097902561, + "modifiedTime": 1708779102736, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!269K6PI2JsA1a4Q8" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Occult_Spellcasting_wfKiZxlVvTYXAzxH.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Occult_Spellcasting_wfKiZxlVvTYXAzxH.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd6f1dc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Occult_Spellcasting_wfKiZxlVvTYXAzxH.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Occult Spellcasting", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Your patron has deemed you worthy of the occult magic you now channel. You can cast spells using the Cast a Spell activity, and you can supply material, somatic, and verbal components when casting spells. Because you're a warlock, you rely on all components of a spell to cast it properly. When you Cast a Spell with one or two components, you can add a material component to that spell to also Cast a Invocation (see below).
\nEach day, you can cast up to two 1st-level spells. You must know spells to cast them, and you learn them via the spell repertoire class feature. The number of spells you can cast each day is called your spell slots.
\nAs you increase in level as a warlock, your number of spells per day increases, as does the highest level of spells you can cast, as shown on Table: Warlock Spells per Day.
\nSome of your spells require you to attempt a spell attack roll to see how effective they are, or have your enemies roll against your spell DC (typically by attempting a saving throw). Since your key ability is Charisma, your spell attack rolls and spell DCs use your Charisma modifier.
\nWhen you get spell slots of 2nd level and higher, you can fill those slots with stronger versions of lower-level spells. This increases the spell's level to match the spell slot. You must have a spell in your spell repertoire at the level you want to cast in order to heighten it to that level. Many spells have specific improvements when they are heightened to certain levels. The Signature Spells feat lets you heighten certain spells freely.
\nSome of your spells are cantrips. A cantrip is a special type of spell that doesn't use spell slots. You can cast a cantrip at will, any number of times per day. A cantrip is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, which equals the highest level of spell you can cast as a warlock. For example, as a 1st-level warlock, your cantrips are 1st-level spells, and as a 5th-level warlock, your cantrips are 3rd-level spells.
\nYou learn the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-spells.Item.QEkox47jJe0zqaEV] cantrip, which acts as a ranged weapon with which you can attack your enemies.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "occult-spellcasting", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "wfKiZxlVvTYXAzxH", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 2400000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708094564876, + "modifiedTime": 1708786958797, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!wfKiZxlVvTYXAzxH" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Otherworldly_Patron_iOKpBm2cqGa1qOyv.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Otherworldly_Patron_iOKpBm2cqGa1qOyv.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29b67ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Otherworldly_Patron_iOKpBm2cqGa1qOyv.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Otherworldly Patron", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "As a warlock, you are a mortal bound to a greater being to whom you or a loved one has promised your soul through a pact. The most common otherworldly patrons, along with their areas of concern, and the benefits you get for signing a pact with that patron can be found at the end of this section. Your patron grants you greater proficiency in one saving throw, skill, or weapon. If your patron grants training in a weapon is uncommon, you also get access to that weapon.
\nYour otherworldly patron also adds spells to your spell list. You learn and can cast these just like you can any spell on the occult spell list, once you can learn spells of their level as a warlock. Some of these spells aren't normally on the occult list, but they're occult spells when you learn them this way.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "adjustName": false, + "choices": { + "filter": [ + "item:tag:otherworldly-patron" + ] + }, + "flag": "otherworldlyPatron", + "key": "ChoiceSet", + "prompt": "Otherworldly Patron" + }, + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "{item|flags.pf2e.rulesSelections.otherworldlyPatron}", + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "otherworldly-patron", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "iOKpBm2cqGa1qOyv", + "img": "icons/magic/control/debuff-energy-hold-pink.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 2200000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708094757886, + "modifiedTime": 1708702706783, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!iOKpBm2cqGa1qOyv" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Pact_Boon_mVgd8DIRDssgFqni.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Pact_Boon_mVgd8DIRDssgFqni.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d3c6f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Pact_Boon_mVgd8DIRDssgFqni.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Pact Boon", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You have earned the favor of your patron. Choose a pact boon.
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\nAt 13th level, your proficiency ranks in light armor and unarmored defense increase to master.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "sea-legs", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 5 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null, + "subfeatures": { + "proficiencies": { + "reflex": { + "rank": 2 + }, + "unarmored": { + "rank": 2 + }, + "light": { + "rank": 2 + } + } + } + }, + "_id": "bzrlR2QlmgqKXMKj", + "img": "icons/magic/water/wave-water-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 900000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708693698243, + "modifiedTime": 1708741619651, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!bzrlR2QlmgqKXMKj" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Signature_Patron_Spell_tISOSl6GUoX0FElE.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Signature_Patron_Spell_tISOSl6GUoX0FElE.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59dad4c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Signature_Patron_Spell_tISOSl6GUoX0FElE.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Signature Patron Spell", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "During your daily preparations, you can choose one patron spell in your spell repertoire. That spell is a signature spell for you until the next time you make your daily preparations.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "signature-patron-spell", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 5 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "tISOSl6GUoX0FElE", + "img": "icons/magic/control/silhouette-hold-change-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708722314914, + "modifiedTime": 1708780519696, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!tISOSl6GUoX0FElE" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Spell_Repertoire__Warlock__NQaLJA29nciYRwSL.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Spell_Repertoire__Warlock__NQaLJA29nciYRwSL.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f7d866 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Spell_Repertoire__Warlock__NQaLJA29nciYRwSL.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Repertoire (Warlock)", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn one 1st-level spell of your choice and four cantrips of your choice, as well as an additional spell and cantrip from your otherworldly patron (see below). You choose these from the common spells from the occult list, or from other occult spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell level.
\nYou add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see Table: Warlock Spells per Day), you add a spell of the same level to your spell repertoire. When you gain access to a new level of spells, your first new spell is always your patron spell, but you can choose the other spells you gain.
\nAt 2nd level, you select another 1st-level spell; at 3rd level, you gain a new patron spell and one other 2nd-level spell, and so on. When you add spells, you might choose a higher-level version of a spell you already have so that you can cast a heightened version of that spell.
\nThough you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa.
\nYour Level | \nCantrips | \n1st | \n2nd | \n3rd | \n4th | \n5th | \n6th | \n7th | \n8th | \n9th | \n10th | \n
1 | \n5 | \n2 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
2 | \n5 | \n3 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
3 | \n5 | \n3 | \n2 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
4 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
5 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n2 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
6 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
7 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n2 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
8 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
9 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n2 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
10 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
11 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n2 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
12 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
13 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n2 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
14 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n— | \n— | \n— | \n
15 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n2 | \n— | \n— | \n
16 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n— | \n— | \n
17 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n2 | \n— | \n
18 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n— | \n
19 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n11 | \n
20 | \n5 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n3 | \n11 | \n
1: @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.8FPCxz1Xs1qU7jOl] class feature gives you a 10th-level spell slot that works a bit differently from other spell slots.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "spell-repertoire-warlock", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "NQaLJA29nciYRwSL", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 2000000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708095103146, + "modifiedTime": 1708786973043, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!NQaLJA29nciYRwSL" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Stabilize_MU7OT2attY4nmt3M.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Stabilize_MU7OT2attY4nmt3M.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50298e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Stabilize_MU7OT2attY4nmt3M.json @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +{ + "name": "Stabilize", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You add the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SnjhtQYexDtNDdEg] cantrip to your spell repertoire as a warlock cantrip, and gain a focus pool of 1 Focus point.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "stabilize", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "healing", + "holy", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "MU7OT2attY4nmt3M", + "img": "icons/magic/holy/meditation-chi-focus-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 1800000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708638270836, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!MU7OT2attY4nmt3M" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Telepath_mesWuO4RQF5CUFhN.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Telepath_mesWuO4RQF5CUFhN.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..618674b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Telepath_mesWuO4RQF5CUFhN.json @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{ + "name": "Telepath", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You can communicate telepathically with creatures within 60 feet with whom you share a language. The communication is two-way once you establish it, so a creature you contact can also communicate with you. Once per day, when an ally you can communicate telepathically with fails a Will save, you can roll your own Will save as a reaction and substitute it for the ally's save. This is a fortune effect.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-actions.Item.2EhSunE5zN9a3rVq", + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "telepath", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 9 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "mesWuO4RQF5CUFhN", + "img": "icons/magic/control/silhouette-hold-change-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708722373222, + "modifiedTime": 1708781391838, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!mesWuO4RQF5CUFhN" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Council_of_Fiends_573BAgNdeZanawFm.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Council_of_Fiends_573BAgNdeZanawFm.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d39d9b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Council_of_Fiends_573BAgNdeZanawFm.json @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +{ + "name": "The Council of Fiends", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "The Council of Fiends was formed when a small group of demon lords learned they could garner more power through making pacts similar to devils and their contracts. Now, not only have they bastardized that practice, but they enjoy the ire it draws from their lawful counterparts.
\nAnathema Actively following laws you don't personally believe in or failing to put an enemy down after it has served its purpose is anathema to the Council of Fiends.
\nWeapon: You are trained with the scimitar.
\nPatron Spells cantrip: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.kBhaPuzLUSwS6vVf]; 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]; 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.pZTqGY1MLRjgKasV]; 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VosLNn2M8S7JH67D]; 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IarZrgCeaiUqOuRu]; 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.E3X2RbzWHCdz7gsk]; 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5BbU1V6wGSGbrmRD]; 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XS7Wyh5YC0NWeWyB]; 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BKIet436snMNcnez]; 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.10VcmSYNBrvBphu1]
\nBloodlust (1st): You draw power from the destruction left in the wake of battle. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.aohPQSzwdsysuMWX] warlock feat.
\nFiendish Luck (5th): Once per minute, when you fail an attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check, you can reroll the triggering check as a reaction with the fortune trait, but you must use the new result, even if it's worse than your first roll.
\nAt 15th level, and again at 19th level, choose Perception, Fortitude, or Reflex. Your proficiency rank for that choice increases to master. If you chose Fortitude or Reflex, when you roll a successful save, you get a critical success instead.
\nDemonic Resistance (9th): You gain resistance equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and poison.
\nAbyssal Wrath (15th): You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.crF4g9jRN1y84MSD] focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.attacks.weapon-base-scimitar.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 10, + "value": 1 + }, + { + "start": 11, + "value": 2 + } + ], + "field": "actor|level" + } + } + ], + "slug": "the-council-of-fiends", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [ + "otherworldly-patron" + ], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "img": "icons/magic/unholy/silhouette-evil-horned-giant.webp", + "folder": null, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": { + "core": {} + }, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1707787646656, + "modifiedTime": 1708739815303, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_id": "573BAgNdeZanawFm", + "sort": 200000, + "_key": "!items!573BAgNdeZanawFm" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Faerie_Court_IpeBMMNZ2slTfmNi.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Faerie_Court_IpeBMMNZ2slTfmNi.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04f4db7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Faerie_Court_IpeBMMNZ2slTfmNi.json @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "name": "The Faerie Court", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "The first group to face off against the Chaos when it attempted to destroy reality, the Faerie Court has since grown enough to rival the archfey who denied those attacks. While still a collection of fey from wildly different areas of the Overrealm, the court gets along well enough through its various checks and balances.
\nAnathema Despoiling natural places and Flagrantly disrespecting an animal or fey that is not hostile toward you is anathema to the Faerie Court.
\nWeapon: You are trained with all bows.
\nPatron Spells cantrip: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.atlgGNI1E1Ox3O3a]; 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.hs7h8f4Z1ZNdUt3s]; 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.HRb2doyaLtaoCfi3]; 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IihxWhRfpsBgQ5jS]; 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zR67Rt3UMHKC5evy]; 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bay4AfSu2iIozNNW]; 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.WPXzPl7YbMEIGWfi]; 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.O6VQC1Bs4aSYDa6R]; 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Jvyy6oVIQsD34MHB]; 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qDjeG6dxT4aEEC6J]
\nFey Beguiler (1st): You can turn your words into a friendly offer or a deadly threat. You gain the Beguiler warlock feat. When you cast an invocation or patron spell, you also cause yourself or one target to be concealed for 1 round. Such obvious concealment can't be used to Hide.
\nFey Disappearance (5th): You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.mBojKJatf9PTYC38] focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
\nDimensional Steps (9th): You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zjG6NncHyAKqSF7m] focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
\nYou're Mine (15th): You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.x2LALaHXO7644GQA] focus spell. If you have spent at least 2 Focus Points since the last time you Refocused, you recover 2 Focus Points when you Refocus instead of 1.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.attacks.weapon-group-bow.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 10, + "value": 1 + }, + { + "start": 11, + "value": 2 + } + ], + "field": "actor|level" + } + } + ], + "slug": "the-faerie-court", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [ + "otherworldly-patron" + ], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "IpeBMMNZ2slTfmNi", + "img": "icons/magic/nature/beam-hand-leaves-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 400000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708657002285, + "modifiedTime": 1708741623231, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!IpeBMMNZ2slTfmNi" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Great_Old_Ones_TVcrwMDiq06c6L9k.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Great_Old_Ones_TVcrwMDiq06c6L9k.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..978d447 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Great_Old_Ones_TVcrwMDiq06c6L9k.json @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "name": "The Great Old Ones", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "The Great Old Ones are ageless beings from beyond time and space, directly responsible for the spread of the Chaos and the shattered worlds as they stand today. Even in defeat, they continue to sow seeds of destruction, offering their power to any willing or mad enough to accept it.
\nAnathema Failing to challenge the beliefs and teachings of an agent of the divine is anathema to the Great Old Ones. This does not require you to fight such individuals, or to reveal your true nature, only to offer an alternative or contrary stance.
\nPatron Spells cantrip: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gISYsBFby1TiXfBt]; 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4koZzrnMXhhosn0D]; 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.tlSE7Ly8vi1Dgddv]; 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.K2WpC3FFoHrqX9Q5]; 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qwlh6aDgi86U3Q7H]; 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2w4OpAGihn1JSHFD]; 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.8Umt1AzYfFbC4fui]; 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.8kJbiBEjMWG4VUjs]; 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.8AMvNVOUEtxBCDvJ]; 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ItZgGznUBhgWBwFG]
\nWeapon: You are trained with the starknife.
\nAberrant Whispers (1st): You channel your patron's maddening whispers at an enemy. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.qFWG1sdrGmSQ778s] warlock feat.
\nSignature Patron Spell (5th): During your daily preparations, you can choose one patron spell in your spell repertoire. That spell is a signature spell for you until the next time you make your daily preparations.
\nTelepath (9th): You can communicate telepathically with creatures within 60 feet with whom you share a language. The communication is two-way once you establish it, so a creature you contact can also communicate with you. Once per day, when an ally you can communicate telepathically with fails a Will save, you can roll your own Will save as a reaction and substitute it for the ally's save. This is a fortune effect.
\nResolve (15th): You gain the resolve warlock class feature.
\nAt 17th level, your unbelievable training grants you mental resiliency. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to legendary. When you roll a success at a Will save, you get a critical success. When you roll a critical failure at a Will save, you get a failure instead. When you fail a Will save against a damaging effect, you take half damage.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.attacks.weapon-base-starknife.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 10, + "value": 1 + }, + { + "start": 11, + "value": 2 + } + ], + "field": "actor|level" + } + } + ], + "slug": "the-great-old-ones", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [ + "otherworldly-patron" + ], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "TVcrwMDiq06c6L9k", + "img": "icons/magic/control/silhouette-hold-change-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708717537972, + "modifiedTime": 1708741628747, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!TVcrwMDiq06c6L9k" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Merciless_Sea_5XmoKFyjbQxboYcK.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Merciless_Sea_5XmoKFyjbQxboYcK.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf6c605 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Merciless_Sea_5XmoKFyjbQxboYcK.json @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "name": "The Merciless Sea", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "For as long as land-bound creatures have traveled the waters of their worlds, they have paid respect to the Merciless Sea. Those who call on her even while away from her shores appreciate the raw strength of cold, torrential, unforgiving magic.
\nAnathema Failing to carry some part of the sea with you and regularly thanking her for her gifts is anathema to the Merciless Sea. When you have a reasonable opportunity to return to the sea, even for a day, you must make every effort to do so.
\nWeapon: You are trained with the trident.
\nPatron Spells cantrip: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gYjPm7YwGtEa1oxh]; 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jfVCuOpzC6mUrf6f]; 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.9XHmC2JgTUIQ1CCm]; 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.9AAkVUCwF6WVNNY2]; 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.pkcOby5prOausy1k]; 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.z2mfh3oPnfYqXflY]; 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.TDNlDWbYb58Y55Da]; 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.bVtkBJvGLP69qVGI]; 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wi405lBjPcbF1DeR]; 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.r4HLQcYwB62bTayl]
\nTidal Surge (1st): You can create a cascade of water out of nothing. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.B4DkzpPrLCbwBMMU] warlock feat.
\nSea Legs (5th): You learn how to bend with the movement of a ship, even when on land. Your proficiency ranks in Reflex saves, light armor, and unarmored defense increase to expert.
\nAt 11th level, your proficiency rank in Reflex saves increases to master. When you roll a success at a Reflex save, you get a critical success instead.
\nAt 13th level, your proficiency ranks in light armor and unarmored defense increase to master.
\nDownpour (9th): You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.K4LXpaBWrGy6jIER] focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
\nBounty of the Sea (15th): When you are within at least 1 inch of water, you can spend 1 Focus Point and 2 actions with the concentration, healing, and interact traits to gain fast healing 5 for 1 minute. This fast healing ends if you leave the water.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.attacks.weapon-base-trident.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 10, + "value": 1 + }, + { + "start": 11, + "value": 2 + } + ], + "field": "actor|level" + } + } + ], + "slug": "the-merciless-sea", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [ + "otherworldly-patron" + ], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "5XmoKFyjbQxboYcK", + "img": "icons/magic/water/wave-water-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708722865879, + "modifiedTime": 1708739770201, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!5XmoKFyjbQxboYcK" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Sisters_of_Fate_WIKotW3vSzSP7cXs.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Sisters_of_Fate_WIKotW3vSzSP7cXs.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44b0216 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Sisters_of_Fate_WIKotW3vSzSP7cXs.json @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "name": "The Sisters of Fate", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "It is said the Fates were once three mortal sisters who stole their power from an otherworldly being, rather than earn it. Their lack of foresight ultimately led to a cursed existence; they would live forever, blind, save for a single eye they could pass between them to see past, present, and future.
\nAnathema Knowingly leaving something to chance, playing games of chance you cannot win through strategy, or failing to consider every possible outcome when there is time to do so is anathema to the Sisters of Fate.
\nWeapon: You are trained with the shortsword.
\nPatron Spells: cantrip: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.izcxFQFwf3woCnFs]; 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gb7SeieEvd0pL2Eh]; 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.41TZEjhO6D1nWw2X]; 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ZYoC630tNGutgbE0]; 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.uNsliWpl8Q1JdFcM]; 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SwUiVavHKMWG7t5K]; 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.uqlxMQQeSGWEVjki]; 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.AlbpWWN87yGegoAF]; 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4MOew29Z1oCX8O28]; 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qsNeG9KZpODSACMq]
\nBit of Luck (1st): The sisters smile upon you. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.kJbEGMCqSLZCHuE8] warlock feat.
\nLearn from the Past (5th): You or an ancestor of yours has lived this life before, giving you insight on what actions to take. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to expert.
\nAt 11th level, you proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to master.
\nWatch the Present (9th): You can, at all times, see the potential outcome of the immediate situation, which gives you the upper hand when watching for trouble. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to master.
\nGlimpse the Future (15th): You notice subtle fluctuations in events that have yet to transpire. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to legendary.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.attacks.weapon-base-shortsword.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 10, + "value": 1 + }, + { + "start": 11, + "value": 2 + } + ], + "field": "actor|level" + } + } + ], + "slug": "the-sisters-of-fate", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [ + "otherworldly-patron" + ], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "WIKotW3vSzSP7cXs", + "img": "icons/commodities/cloth/thread-and-needle.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708739782402, + "modifiedTime": 1708741551557, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!WIKotW3vSzSP7cXs" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Tenth_Circle_8FPCxz1Xs1qU7jOl.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Tenth_Circle_8FPCxz1Xs1qU7jOl.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d333e50 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Tenth_Circle_8FPCxz1Xs1qU7jOl.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "The Tenth Circle", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Your patron has revealed to you one of its greatest secrets in the form of magic beyond that of mere mortals. Add two common 10th-level occult spells to your repertoire. You gain a single 10th-level spell slot you can use to cast one of those two spells using warlock spellcasting. You don't gain more 10th-level spells as you level up, unlike other spell slots, and you can't use 10th-level slots with abilities that give you more spell slots or that let you cast spells without expending spell slots.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "the-tenth-circle", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 19 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "8FPCxz1Xs1qU7jOl", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 300000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708098833067, + "modifiedTime": 1708702706783, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!8FPCxz1Xs1qU7jOl" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Undying_Masters_BIPbJzw2RXV47zY5.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Undying_Masters_BIPbJzw2RXV47zY5.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc2ba39 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/The_Undying_Masters_BIPbJzw2RXV47zY5.json @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "name": "The Undying Masters", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "The Undying Masters are not living, nor are they undead. They exist beyond such mortal concepts, and they beckon any who will learn from them to do the same. Sometimes, warlocks following this patron are referred to, however incorrectly, as necromancers. In truth, they hold as much disdain for such beings as they do clerics.
\nAnathema Controlling undead, raising undead, or failing to defeat an undead not controlled by an ally of yours, is anathema to the Undying Masters. You can work with an ally who controls undead, but you must actively avoid fighting alongside an undead creature unless failing to do so would kill you or an ally.
\nWeapon: You are trained with the scythe.
\nPatron Spells cantrip: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.kcelf6IHl3L9VXXg]; 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wdA52JJnsuQWeyqz]; 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rthC6dGm3nNrt1xN]; 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.N1Z1oLPdBxaSgrEE]; 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.FM3SmEW8N1FCRjqt]; 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IqJ9URobmJ9L9UBG]; 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.fd31tAHSSGXyOxW6]; 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0jadeyQIItIuRgeH]; 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.M0jQlpQYUr0pp2Sv]; 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.fkDeKktdmbeplYRY]
\nStabilize (1st): You can stave off even your own death, for a time. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.MU7OT2attY4nmt3M] warlock feat. If you have at least 1 Focus Point when you are reduced to 0 Hit Points, you spend that Focus Point as a free action to automatically Cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SnjhtQYexDtNDdEg] on yourself.
\nUnending Breath (5th): Your proficiency rank in Fortitude saves increases to expert. You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to 5 + your level + your Constitution modifier. When you spend a Focus Point, you can hold it for up to 10 minutes instead. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
\nAt 9th level, your proficiency rank in Fortitude saves increases to master. When you roll a success at a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead.
\nLife Siphon (9th): You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zvvHOQV78WKUB33l] focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. When you Cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zvvHOQV78WKUB33l], you also gain temporary Hit Points equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier that last one minute.
\nTimeless Body (15th): You cease aging. In addition, you gain a +2 status bonus to saving throws against poisons and diseases, and you gain resistance to poison damage equal to half your level.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.attacks.weapon-base-scythe.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 10, + "value": 1 + }, + { + "start": 11, + "value": 2 + } + ], + "field": "actor|level" + } + } + ], + "slug": "the-undying-masters", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [ + "otherworldly-patron" + ], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "BIPbJzw2RXV47zY5", + "img": "icons/magic/holy/meditation-chi-focus-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708741596822, + "modifiedTime": 1708780410040, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!BIPbJzw2RXV47zY5" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Tidal_Surge_B4DkzpPrLCbwBMMU.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Tidal_Surge_B4DkzpPrLCbwBMMU.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..332c33e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Tidal_Surge_B4DkzpPrLCbwBMMU.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Tidal Surge", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.iAnpxrLaBU4V6Sej] focus spell as a warlock focus spell, and a focus pool of 1 Focus Point.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "tidal-surge", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "B4DkzpPrLCbwBMMU", + "img": "icons/magic/water/wave-water-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 700000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708638386944, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!B4DkzpPrLCbwBMMU" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Tome_of_Secrets_rykAXeKXVxnLSlCX.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Tome_of_Secrets_rykAXeKXVxnLSlCX.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d067a53 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Tome_of_Secrets_rykAXeKXVxnLSlCX.json @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +{ + "name": "Tome of Secrets", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You are an expert in Arcana. Your knowledge of pacts and your patron is more academic than other warlocks. You gain one extra spell of each level you can cast (1st through 9th). You keep a book of occult spells similar to a wizard's spellbook. You add all the spells in your spell repertoire to this book for free, and you can add additional occult spells to the book by paying the appropriate cost and using your Occultism skill, similarly to how a wizard can Learn Spells to add those spells to his spellbook.
\nDuring your daily preparations, choose any one spell from your book of occult spells. If it isn't in your spell repertoire, add it to your spell repertoire until the next time you prepare. If it's already in your spell repertoire, add it as an additional signature spell for that day.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.skills.arc.rank", + "value": 2 + } + ], + "slug": "tome-of-secrets", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [ + "pact-boon" + ], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 3 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "rykAXeKXVxnLSlCX", + "img": "icons/sundries/books/book-backed-blue-gold.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 800000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708096953051, + "modifiedTime": 1708723329630, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!rykAXeKXVxnLSlCX" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Unending_Breath_QPvGPI2UkhCiGlsU.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Unending_Breath_QPvGPI2UkhCiGlsU.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03697c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Unending_Breath_QPvGPI2UkhCiGlsU.json @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +{ + "name": "Unending Breath", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Your proficiency rank in Fortitude saves increases to expert. You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to 5 + your level + your Constitution modifier. When you spend a Focus Point, you can hold it for up to 10 minutes instead. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
\nAt 9th level, your proficiency rank in Fortitude saves increases to master. When you roll a success at a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.saves.fortitude.rank", + "value": 3, + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "actor|level", + 9 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "add", + "path": "system.resources.focus.max", + "value": 1 + }, + { + "key": "Note", + "selector": "fortitude", + "text": "PF2E.SpecificRule.SaveSuccessToCriticalSuccess.Fortitude", + "outcome": [ + "success" + ], + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "actor|level", + 9 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "adjustment": { + "success": "one-degree-better" + }, + "key": "AdjustDegreeOfSuccess", + "selector": "fortitude", + "type": "save", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "actor|level", + 9 + ] + } + ] + } + ], + "slug": "unending-breath", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 5 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null, + "subfeatures": { + "proficiencies": { + "fortitude": { + "rank": 2 + } + } + } + }, + "_id": "QPvGPI2UkhCiGlsU", + "img": "icons/magic/holy/meditation-chi-focus-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708778817272, + "modifiedTime": 1708779752005, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!QPvGPI2UkhCiGlsU" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Warlock_Invocations_ijnf2KlhziVs2pfo.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Warlock_Invocations_ijnf2KlhziVs2pfo.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37ddc2e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Warlock_Invocations_ijnf2KlhziVs2pfo.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Warlock Invocations", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Invocations are special cantrips that you can use as often as you like, provided you have a spell slot available of the right level. Invocations are in addition to the cantrips you choose from the occult list. Generally, only feats can give you more invocations. Unlike other cantrips, you can't swap out invocations gained from warlock feats at a later level, unless you swap out the specific feat via retraining.
\nTo cast an invocation, you must have at least 1 spell slot remaining of its base level or higher. Unlike other cantrips, you choose to which level you will heighten an invocation when you cast it. If you run out of spell slots of that level, any ongoing effects from your invocation at that level end immediately. You can cast only one invocation each turn, and you can only have one invocation of each level active at a time. You can Dismiss an invocation as part of the same action required to Cast a Spell at that level.
\nThe three types of invocations are channel, essence, and invoke. Channel invocations add an effect to your energy blast. Essence invocations change the base form of your energy blast in some way. Invoke invocations call directly on otherworldly power to mimic some spells and special effects.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "warlock-invocations", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "ijnf2KlhziVs2pfo", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 2300000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708095312316, + "modifiedTime": 1708786912420, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!ijnf2KlhziVs2pfo" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Watch_the_Present_VXZqzEtoEfTqA47h.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Watch_the_Present_VXZqzEtoEfTqA47h.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d73378a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Watch_the_Present_VXZqzEtoEfTqA47h.json @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{ + "name": "Watch the Present", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You can, at all times, see the potential outcome of the immediate situation, which gives you the upper hand when watching for trouble. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to master.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "watch-the-present", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 9 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null, + "subfeatures": { + "proficiencies": { + "perception": { + "rank": 3 + } + } + } + }, + "_id": "VXZqzEtoEfTqA47h", + "img": "icons/commodities/cloth/thread-and-needle.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708740945205, + "modifiedTime": 1708740989822, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!VXZqzEtoEfTqA47h" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Weapon_Expertise__Warlock__ary4OJz9wsxffrNj.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Weapon_Expertise__Warlock__ary4OJz9wsxffrNj.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e63a680 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/Weapon_Expertise__Warlock__ary4OJz9wsxffrNj.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Weapon Expertise (Warlock)", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Training and magic improved your weapon technique. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and your patron's weapon increases to expert. If you have the eldritch weapon pact boon, your proficiency rank for that weapon increases to master.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.attacks.eldritch-weapon.rank", + "value": 3, + "predicate": [ + "feature:eldritch-weapon" + ] + } + ], + "slug": "warlock-weapon-expertise", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 11 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null, + "subfeatures": { + "proficiencies": { + "simple": { + "rank": 2 + } + } + } + }, + "_id": "ary4OJz9wsxffrNj", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 600000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708098107916, + "modifiedTime": 1708705878470, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!ary4OJz9wsxffrNj" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class-features/You_re_Mine_y7Ktgmz435G5BHz8.json b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/You_re_Mine_y7Ktgmz435G5BHz8.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..daed1c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class-features/You_re_Mine_y7Ktgmz435G5BHz8.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "You're Mine", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.x2LALaHXO7644GQA] focus spell. If you have spent at least 2 Focus Points since the last time you Refocused, you recover 2 Focus Points when you Refocus instead of 1.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "youre-mine", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 15 + }, + "category": "classfeature", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "y7Ktgmz435G5BHz8", + "img": "icons/magic/nature/beam-hand-leaves-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708716531940, + "modifiedTime": 1708716577903, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!y7Ktgmz435G5BHz8" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-class/Warlock_Zet5aHVdfHQcVbiW.json b/src/packs/warlock-class/Warlock_Zet5aHVdfHQcVbiW.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60c3622 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-class/Warlock_Zet5aHVdfHQcVbiW.json @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +{ + "name": "Warlock", + "type": "class", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You were a student of magic, learning what you could of the powers that create such amazing and outlandish results as spells. As you delved deeper into the occult, you discovered something else; an otherworldly being that watches you, offering greater power in the form of an ancient pact. Maybe you saw this as an opportunity to gain an advantage over other spellcasters your age who were just now coming into their own, or maybe an ancestor of yours promised your soul to long before you were born.
\nWhether you signed the pact yourself or not, you are beholden to the entity now. Your best option is to embrace your bond, draw from it, and use it to define your own fate as a warlock.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "warlock", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [], + "rarity": "rare" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "keyAbility": { + "value": [ + "cha" + ] + }, + "items": { + "NScxk": { + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.wfKiZxlVvTYXAzxH", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "name": "Occult Spellcasting", + "level": 1 + }, + "Aq4cS": { + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.iOKpBm2cqGa1qOyv", + "img": "icons/magic/control/debuff-energy-hold-pink.webp", + "name": "Otherworldly Patron", + "level": 1 + }, + "cPZRY": { + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.NQaLJA29nciYRwSL", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "name": "Spell Repertoire (Warlock)", + "level": 1 + }, + "4whX7": { + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.ijnf2KlhziVs2pfo", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "name": "Warlock Invocations", + "level": 1 + }, + "D7Qgs": { + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.mVgd8DIRDssgFqni", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "name": "Pact Boon", + "level": 3 + }, + "1iryL": { + "uuid": "Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.VKRjmXxBFLrJK01c", + "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/features/classes/signature-spells-sorcerer.webp", + "name": "Signature Spells", + "level": 3 + }, + "CZp1N": { + "uuid": "Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.cD3nSupdCvONuHiE", + "img": "icons/sundries/books/book-backed-silver-gold.webp", + "name": "Expert Spellcaster", + "level": 7 + }, + "2hBIT": { + "uuid": "Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.70jqXP2eS4tRZ0Ok", + "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/features/classes/magical-fortitude.webp", + "name": 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index 0000000..b0d7555 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Eldritch_Weapon_l4lrhNSBzwTplhnq.json @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "name": "Eldritch Weapon", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "When you conjure your energy blast, it can take the shape of a melee weapon with which you are trained. Choose 1 weapon as your eldritch weapon. You are an expert with this weapon. It gains the backstabber trait. When you Strike a creature that has the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] condition with your eldritch weapon, you deal extra precision damage equal to twice the number of weapon damage dice.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ChoiceSet", + "choices": { + "filter": [ + { + "gte": [ + "self:level", + "item:level" + ] + }, + { + "or": [ + "feat:essence-weapon", + "item:melee" + ] + }, + { + "or": [] + } + ], + "itemType": "weapon" + }, + "flag": "weapon" + }, + { + "key": "Strike", + "damage": { + "base": { + "damageType": "force" + } + } + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-eldritch-weapon", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "magical", + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "duration": { + "value": -1, + "unit": "unlimited", + "expiry": "turn-end", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": { + "core": {} + }, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1707879394151, + "modifiedTime": 1708786181992, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_id": "l4lrhNSBzwTplhnq", + "sort": 200000, + "_key": "!items!l4lrhNSBzwTplhnq" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Energy_Blast_8nTUZhGt9c1BN9xg.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Energy_Blast_8nTUZhGt9c1BN9xg.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8d298c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Energy_Blast_8nTUZhGt9c1BN9xg.json @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +{ + "name": "Energy Blast", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Your hands take on an eerie purple glow in the vague shape of a ranged weapon with which you are trained. In your hands, the weapon gains the agile and free-hand traits, if it does not already have them, and you add half your Charisma modifier to damage rolls with it (this counts as the propulsive trait). You can Dismiss your energy blast.
\nYour energy blast does not use ammunition, but you must still spend the listed number of actions to \"reload\" it. You can spend an action to use your occult spell attack roll with your energy blast until the end of your next turn.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ChoiceSet", + "choices": { + "filter": [ + { + "gte": [ + "self:level", + "item:level" + ] + }, + { + "or": [ + "feat:essence-weapon", + "item:ranged", + "item:trait:thrown" + ] + }, + { + "or": [] + } + ], + "itemType": "weapon" + }, + "flag": "weapon" + }, + { + "key": "Strike", + "damage": { + "base": { + "damageType": "force" + } + } + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-energy-blast", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "magical", + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "duration": { + "value": -1, + "unit": "unlimited", + "expiry": "turn-end", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": { + "core": {} + }, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1707879394151, + "modifiedTime": 1708786181992, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_id": "8nTUZhGt9c1BN9xg", + "sort": 200000, + "_key": "!items!8nTUZhGt9c1BN9xg" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Feat_Effect__Bloodlust_WEHz0PExk86NJ9Jf.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Feat_Effect__Bloodlust_WEHz0PExk86NJ9Jf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec687f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Feat_Effect__Bloodlust_WEHz0PExk86NJ9Jf.json @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{ + "name": "Feat Effect: Bloodlust", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain temporary Hit Points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). You lose any remaining temporary Hit Points after 1 minute.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "TempHP", + "value": "max(1,@actor.abilities.con.mod)" + } + ], + "slug": "bloodlust", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 1, + "unit": "minutes", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "img": "icons/magic/unholy/silhouette-evil-horned-giant.webp", + "folder": null, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": { + "core": {} + }, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1707792342260, + "modifiedTime": 1708785959764, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_id": "WEHz0PExk86NJ9Jf", + "sort": 0, + "_key": "!items!WEHz0PExk86NJ9Jf" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Feat_Effect__Bounty_of_the_Sea_lltOKTrhzaVHFZkM.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Feat_Effect__Bounty_of_the_Sea_lltOKTrhzaVHFZkM.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35f4cf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Feat_Effect__Bounty_of_the_Sea_lltOKTrhzaVHFZkM.json @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{ + "name": "Feat Effect: Bounty of the Sea", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "When you are within at least 1 inch of water, you can spend 1 Focus Point and 2 actions with the concentration, healing, and interact traits to gain fast healing 5 for 1 minute. This fast healing ends if you leave the water.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "FastHealing", + "value": 5 + } + ], + "slug": "bounty-of-the-sea", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "healing" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 15 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 1, + "unit": "minutes", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "lltOKTrhzaVHFZkM", + "img": "icons/magic/water/wave-water-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708738734830, + "modifiedTime": 1708785968588, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!lltOKTrhzaVHFZkM" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Essence_Forged_noNSgLynOOcigJvV.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Essence_Forged_noNSgLynOOcigJvV.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5235671 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Essence_Forged_noNSgLynOOcigJvV.json @@ -0,0 +1,799 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Essence-Forged", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You transform your eldritch weapon into a +1 weapon with which you are trained. In your hands, the weapon gains the effect of one 4th-level or lower property rune. When you Strike a creature that has the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] condition with that weapon, you deal an extra [[/r 1d6[precision]]] precision damage.
\nHeightened (6th) The weapon becomes a +2 greater striking weapon with which you are trained instead, and the rune can be 12th-level or lower.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ChoiceSet", + "choices": [ + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.fanged.Name", + "value": "fanged" + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.authorized.Name", + "value": "authorized" + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.crushing.Name", + "value": "crushing" + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.underwater.Name", + "value": "underwater" + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.kinWarding.Name", + "value": "kin-warding" + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.returning.Name", + "value": "returning" + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.merciful.Name", + "value": "merciful" + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.ghostTouch.Name", + "value": "ghost-touch" + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.bane.Name", + "value": "bane" + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.earthbinding.Name", + "value": "earthbinding", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.cunning.Name", + "value": "cunning", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.hooked.Name", + "value": "hooked", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.disrupting.Name", + "value": "disrupting", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.pacifying.Name", + "value": "pacifying", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.fearsome.Name", + "value": "fearsome", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.demolishing.Name", + "value": "demolishing", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.hauling.Name", + "value": "hauling", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.shifting.Name", + "value": "shifting", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.energizing.Name", + "value": "energizing", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.conducting.Name", + "value": "conducting", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.wounding.Name", + "value": "wounding", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.called.Name", + "value": "called", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.deathdrinking.Name", + "value": "deathdrinking", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.flurrying.Name", + "value": "flurrying", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.rooting.Name", + "value": "rooting", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterFanged.Name", + "value": "greater-fanged", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.giantKilling.Name", + "value": "giant-killing", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.bloodbane.Name", + "value": "bloodbane", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.corrosive.Name", + "value": "corrosive", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.flaming.Name", + "value": "flaming", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.frost.Name", + "value": "frost", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.shock.Name", + "value": "shock", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.thundering.Name", + "value": "thundering", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterCrushing.Name", + "value": "greater-crushing", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.ashen.Name", + "value": "ashen", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.coating.Name", + "value": "coating", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.extending.Name", + "value": "extending", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.grievous.Name", + "value": "grievous", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.swarming.Name", + "value": "swarming", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.anchoring.Name", + "value": "anchoring", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.impactful.Name", + "value": "impactful", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.serrating.Name", + "value": "serrating", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.hopeful.Name", + "value": "hopeful", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterHauling.Name", + "value": "greater-hauling", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.holy.Name", + "value": "holy", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterRooting.Name", + "value": "greater-rooting", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.unholy.Name", + "value": "unholy", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.brilliant.Name", + "value": "brilliant", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterFearsome.Name", + "value": "greater-fearsome", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "parent:level", + 6 + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.dancing.Name", + "value": "dancing", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.spellStoring.Name", + "value": "spell-storing", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterBloodbane.Name", + "value": "greater-bloodbane", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterExtending.Name", + "value": "greater-extending", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.keen.Name", + "value": "keen", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterDisrupting.Name", + "value": "greater-disrupting", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.majorFanged.Name", + "value": "major-fanged", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterGiantKilling.Name", + "value": "greater-giant-killing", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterCorrosive.Name", + "value": "greater-corrosive", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterFlaming.Name", + "value": "greater-flaming", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterFrost.Name", + "value": "greater-frost", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.majorRooting.Name", + "value": "major-rooting", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterShock.Name", + "value": "greater-shock", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterThundering.Name", + "value": "greater-thundering", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.ancestralEchoing.Name", + "value": "ancestral-echoing", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.bloodthirsty.Name", + "value": "bloodthirsty", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterAshen.Name", + "value": "greater-ashen", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.Actor.Speed.Label", + "value": "speed", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterImpactful.Name", + "value": "greater-impactful", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.vorpal.Name", + "value": "vorpal", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterAnchoring.Name", + "value": "greater-anchoring", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + }, + { + "label": "PF2E.WeaponPropertyRune.greaterBrilliant.Name", + "value": "greater-brilliant", + "predicate": [ + "feat:essence-of-the-legend" + ] + } + ], + "flag": "spell-effect-essence-forged-rune", + "prompt": "PF2E.SpecificRule.Prompt.Rune" + }, + { + "key": "DamageDice", + "selector": "eldritch-weapon-damage", + "diceNumber": 1, + "dieSize": "d6", + "predicate": [ + "target:condition:off-guard", + { + "not": "self:effect:essence-of-the-legend" + } + ], + "category": "precision" + }, + { + "key": "WeaponPotency", + "selector": "eldritch-weapon-attack", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 5, + "value": 1 + }, + { + "start": 6, + "value": 2 + } + ], + "field": "item|level" + }, + "label": "PF2E.RuleElement.WeaponPotency" + }, + { + "key": "Striking", + "selector": "eldritch-weapon-damage", + "value": 2, + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "item|level", + 6 + ] + } + ], + "label": "PF2E.RuleElement.Striking" + }, + { + "key": "AdjustStrike", + "definition": [ + "item:slug:eldritch-weapon" + ], + "mode": "add", + "property": "property-runes", + "value": "{item|flags.pf2e.rulesSelections.spell-effect-essence-forged-rune}" + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-essence-forged", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "magical", + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 2 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 24, + "unit": "hours", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "noNSgLynOOcigJvV", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 300000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708137009917, + "modifiedTime": 1708786170576, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!noNSgLynOOcigJvV" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Essence_of_the_Legend_hBt5ohN1A47LNbUW.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Essence_of_the_Legend_hBt5ohN1A47LNbUW.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9d81c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Essence_of_the_Legend_hBt5ohN1A47LNbUW.json @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Essence of the Legend", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You transform your eldritch weapon into a +3 major striking weapon with which you are trained. In your hands, the weapon gains the backstabber and deadly d6 traits, if it does not already have them. When you Strike a creature that has the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] condition with that weapon, you deal an extra 2d6 precision damage.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "WeaponPotency", + "selector": "eldritch-weapon-attack", + "value": 3, + "label": "PF2E.RuleElement.WeaponPotency" + }, + { + "key": "Striking", + "selector": "eldritch-weapon-damage", + "value": 3, + "label": "PF2E.RuleElement.Striking" + }, + { + "key": "DamageDice", + "selector": "eldritch-weapon-damage", + "diceNumber": 2, + "dieSize": "d6", + "predicate": [ + "target:condition:off-guard" + ], + "category": "precision" + }, + { + "key": "AdjustStrike", + "definition": [ + "item:slug:eldritch-weapon" + ], + "mode": "add", + "property": "weapon-traits", + "value": "deadly-d6" + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-essence-of-the-legend", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 10 + }, + "duration": { + "value": -1, + "unit": "unlimited", + "expiry": null, + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "hBt5ohN1A47LNbUW", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708656574491, + "modifiedTime": 1708786175652, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!hBt5ohN1A47LNbUW" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Essence_of_the_Wraith_I6QWV3uoxz0hLeBP.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Essence_of_the_Wraith_I6QWV3uoxz0hLeBP.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b93cbae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Essence_of_the_Wraith_I6QWV3uoxz0hLeBP.json @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Essence of the Wraith", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Your energy blast becomes translucent and ghostly, and it can affect material and incorporeal creatures and objects. It gains the effects of the ghost touch property rune.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "AdjustStrike", + "definition": [ + { + "or": [ + "item:slug:energy-blast", + "item:slug:eldritch-weapon" + ] + } + ], + "mode": "add", + "property": "property-runes", + "value": "ghost-touch" + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-essence-of-the-wraith", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 1, + "unit": "minutes", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "I6QWV3uoxz0hLeBP", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708654681063, + "modifiedTime": 1708786385018, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!I6QWV3uoxz0hLeBP" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_Entropy_Aye3cGnjcZbcQH6d.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_Entropy_Aye3cGnjcZbcQH6d.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8754cc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_Entropy_Aye3cGnjcZbcQH6d.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Invoke Entropy", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You divert tiny objects and bits of magic as they fly at you. Anyone making a ranged attack against you must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|showDC:all|dc:5] flat check or the attack misses with no effect.
\nHeightened (+1) The DC increases by 1.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "spell-effect-invoke-entropy", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 24, + "unit": "hours", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "Aye3cGnjcZbcQH6d", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708654681063, + "modifiedTime": 1708786385018, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!Aye3cGnjcZbcQH6d" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Dwarven_Lords_j1xz7rt9gSCVjo5S.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Dwarven_Lords_j1xz7rt9gSCVjo5S.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c07b76d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Dwarven_Lords_j1xz7rt9gSCVjo5S.json @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Invoke the Dwarven Lords", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain darkvision, the ability to see 60 feet even in total darkness, including that created by magical darkness.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "Sense", + "selector": "greater-darkvision", + "range": 60 + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-invoke-the-dwarven-lords", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 6 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 1, + "unit": "minutes", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "j1xz7rt9gSCVjo5S", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708654681063, + "modifiedTime": 1708786385018, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!j1xz7rt9gSCVjo5S" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Third_Eye_ByMmPp7k5Ee0pSwW.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Third_Eye_ByMmPp7k5Ee0pSwW.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39471be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Third_Eye_ByMmPp7k5Ee0pSwW.json @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Invoke the Third Eye", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You can see @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zJxUflt9np0q4yML] creatures and objects. They appear to you as translucent shapes, and they are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W] to you.
\nHeightened (6th) The spell has a duration of 10 minutes.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "Sense", + "selector": "see-invisibility" + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-invoke-the-third-eye", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 3 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 1, + "unit": "minutes", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "ByMmPp7k5Ee0pSwW", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708654681063, + "modifiedTime": 1708786385018, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!ByMmPp7k5Ee0pSwW" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Titan_b8Z9jquAtKexyiJs.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Titan_b8Z9jquAtKexyiJs.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54dd947 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Titan_b8Z9jquAtKexyiJs.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Invoke the Titan", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You become Huge (increasing your reach by 10 feet if you were Medium or smaller). You have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm] condition as long as you are Huge.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "CreatureSize", + "value": "huge", + "resizeEquipment": true, + "reach": { + "add": 10 + } + }, + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm", + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-invoke-the-titan", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "occult", + "polymorph" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 7 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 1, + "unit": "minutes", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "b8Z9jquAtKexyiJs", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708210108394, + "modifiedTime": 1708786388610, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!b8Z9jquAtKexyiJs" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Unknown_pX3IInhP1jcXkKgC.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Unknown_pX3IInhP1jcXkKgC.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5da8723 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Unknown_pX3IInhP1jcXkKgC.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Invoke the Unknown", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Your patron shields you from even the most powerful mortal divinations. Detection, revelation, and scrying effects pass right over you, your possessions, and your auras, detecting nothing unless the detecting effect has a counteract level of 20 or higher. For example, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gpzpAAAJ1Lza2JVl] would still detect other magic in the area but not any magic on you, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.uqlxMQQeSGWEVjki] wouldn't reveal you, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LQzlKbYjZSMFQawP] or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.r784cIz17eWujtQj] wouldn't find you, and so on.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "spell-effect-invoke-the-unknown", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 9 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 8, + "unit": "hours", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "pX3IInhP1jcXkKgC", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708654681063, + "modifiedTime": 1708786385018, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!pX3IInhP1jcXkKgC" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Warrior_X7DC5M60U4DXRnxj.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Warrior_X7DC5M60U4DXRnxj.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e12cd19 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Invoke_the_Warrior_X7DC5M60U4DXRnxj.json @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Invoke the Warrior", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You become trained in all martial weapons and light armor. If you were already trained in all martial weapons, you become trained in one advanced weapon of your choice instead. If you were already trained in light armor, you become trained in medium armor instead.
\nHeightened (4th) Your proficiency increases to expert. When you Cast this Spell, you also transform your clothing into a suit of armor with which you're proficient for the duration.
\nHeightened (8th) Your proficiency increases to master. If you were already a master in both light and medium armor, you become a master in heavy armor.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.attacks.martial.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 3, + "value": 1 + }, + { + "start": 4, + "end": 7, + "value": 2 + }, + { + "start": 8, + "value": 3 + } + ], + "field": "item|level" + } + }, + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.defenses.heavy.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "start": 8, + "value": "3*min(1,@actor.system.proficiencies.defenses.light.rank,@actor.system.proficiencies.defenses.medium.rank)" + } + ], + "field": "item|level" + } + }, + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.defenses.medium.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 3, + "value": "1*min(1,@actor.system.proficiencies.defenses.light.rank)" + }, + { + "start": 4, + "end": 7, + "value": "2*min(1,@actor.system.proficiencies.defenses.light.rank)" + }, + { + "start": 8, + "value": "3*min(1,@actor.system.proficiencies.defenses.light.rank)" + } + ], + "field": "item|level" + } + }, + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.proficiencies.defenses.light.rank", + "value": { + "brackets": [ + { + "end": 3, + "value": 1 + }, + { + "start": 4, + "end": 7, + "value": 2 + }, + { + "start": 8, + "value": 3 + } + ], + "field": "item|level" + } + }, + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.Z7HX6TeFsaup7Dx9", + "predicate": [ + "feature:master-spellcaster" + ], + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-invoke-the-warrior", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 8, + "unit": "hours", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "X7DC5M60U4DXRnxj", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708531866810, + "modifiedTime": 1708786392437, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!X7DC5M60U4DXRnxj" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Life_Siphon_fRL9y92UvqrdKAdm.json b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Life_Siphon_fRL9y92UvqrdKAdm.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19304a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-effects/Spell_Effect__Life_Siphon_fRL9y92UvqrdKAdm.json @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +{ + "name": "Spell Effect: Life Siphon", + "type": "effect", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "When you Cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zvvHOQV78WKUB33l], you also gain temporary Hit Points equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier that last one minute.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "TempHP", + "value": "3+@actor.abilities.con.mod" + } + ], + "slug": "spell-effect-life-siphon", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "duration": { + "value": 1, + "unit": "minutes", + "expiry": "turn-start", + "sustained": false + }, + "start": { + "value": 0, + "initiative": null + }, + "tokenIcon": { + "show": true + }, + "badge": null, + "context": null, + "unidentified": false + }, + "_id": "fRL9y92UvqrdKAdm", + "img": "icons/magic/holy/meditation-chi-focus-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708868224778, + "modifiedTime": 1708868298759, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!fRL9y92UvqrdKAdm" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Advanced_Pact_epfULqr9EW5odE61.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Advanced_Pact_epfULqr9EW5odE61.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7548106 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Advanced_Pact_epfULqr9EW5odE61.json @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +{ + "name": "Advanced Pact", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain one warlock feat. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your warlock level is equal to half your character level.
\nSpecial You can select this feat more than once. Each time you select it, you gain another warlock feat.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "adjustName": false, + "choices": { + "filter": [ + "item:category:class", + "item:trait:warlock" + ], + "itemType": "feat" + }, + "flag": "advancedPact", + "key": "ChoiceSet", + "prompt": "Select a class feat at half your level." + }, + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "{item|flags.pf2e.rulesSelections.advancedPact}", + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "advanced-pact", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "archetype" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 6 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": null, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Basic Pact" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "epfULqr9EW5odE61", + "img": "icons/magic/control/debuff-energy-hold-pink.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 5200000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708787217426, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!epfULqr9EW5odE61" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Basic_Pact_ykTsRiAKBKoS9H7G.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Basic_Pact_ykTsRiAKBKoS9H7G.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e01929f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Basic_Pact_ykTsRiAKBKoS9H7G.json @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +{ + "name": "Basic Pact", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level warlock feat of your choice.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "adjustName": false, + "choices": { + "filter": [ + "item:category:class", + "item:trait:warlock", + { + "lte": [ + "item:level", + 2 + ] + } + ], + "itemType": "feat" + }, + "flag": "basicPact", + "key": "ChoiceSet", + "prompt": "PF2E.SpecificRule.Prompt.LevelOneOrTwoClassFeat" + }, + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "{item|flags.pf2e.rulesSelections.basicPact}", + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "basic-pact", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "archetype" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Warlock Dedication" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "ykTsRiAKBKoS9H7G", + "img": "icons/magic/control/debuff-energy-hold-pink.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 4800000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708786585706, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!ykTsRiAKBKoS9H7G" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Basic_Warlock_Spellcasting_sEXSyvz7hVPbk4Ib.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Basic_Warlock_Spellcasting_sEXSyvz7hVPbk4Ib.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4807d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Basic_Warlock_Spellcasting_sEXSyvz7hVPbk4Ib.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "name": "Basic Warlock Spellcasting", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.DOc3Pf8wmVxanTIv] benefits. Each time you gain a spell slot of a new level from the warlock archetype, add a common occult spell or another spell you learned or discovered to your repertoire, of the appropriate spell level.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "basic-warlock-spellcasting", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "archetype" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Warlock Dedication" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "sEXSyvz7hVPbk4Ib", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 4900000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708786770322, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!sEXSyvz7hVPbk4Ib" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Beguiling_Speaker_yUzdxRzDH0ozH2Yz.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Beguiling_Speaker_yUzdxRzDH0ozH2Yz.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e6de12 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Beguiling_Speaker_yUzdxRzDH0ozH2Yz.json @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +{ + "name": "Beguiling Speaker", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "The Faerie Court turns your words to power on your lips. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.aTBGS5m1DcYn2UOg] warlock feat. If you commit acts anathema to the Faerie Court, you lose all feats and abilities requiring that patron but retain your other warlock feats and abilities.
\nIf you gained @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.aTBGS5m1DcYn2UOg] as a pact feature, you gain the other focus spell granted by that feature. Once per day, you can use an action to expend a 1st-level or higher warlock spell slot to regain 1 Focus Point, up to your usual maximum.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.aTBGS5m1DcYn2UOg", + "predicate": [ + { + "not": "feat:beguiler" + } + ], + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "beguiling-speaker", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 2 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "yUzdxRzDH0ozH2Yz", + "img": "icons/magic/nature/beam-hand-leaves-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 4600000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708638504132, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!yUzdxRzDH0ozH2Yz" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Book_of_Shadows_OScw35uMr2uiHVba.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Book_of_Shadows_OScw35uMr2uiHVba.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43a8518 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Book_of_Shadows_OScw35uMr2uiHVba.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "name": "Book of Shadows", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Add one arcane enchantment, illusion, or necromancy spell to your tome of secrets for each spell level you can cast. When you add it to your spell repertoire during your daily preparations, it becomes a warlock occult spell of its level. You must add the spell to your spell repertoire at the level you want to cast it in order to heighten it to that level.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "book-of-shadows", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Tome of Secrets pact boon" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "OScw35uMr2uiHVba", + "img": "icons/sundries/books/book-backed-blue-gold.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 2100000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708647462507, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!OScw35uMr2uiHVba" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Channel_Darkness_KdsEPXnIxOJwgHtJ.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Channel_Darkness_KdsEPXnIxOJwgHtJ.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a379d8a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Channel_Darkness_KdsEPXnIxOJwgHtJ.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Channel Darkness", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You learn the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-spells.Item.zFbSSerQLz2klkSp] invocation, which allows you to blind enemies struck by your energy blast.
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\nIf you gained @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.B4DkzpPrLCbwBMMU] as a pact feature, once per day, you can use an action to expend a 1st-level or higher warlock spell slot to regain 1 Focus Point, up to your usual maximum. At 3rd level, that spell gains Heightened (+1), dealing +1d6 bludgeoning damage for every +1 level by which the spell is heightened. The target must attempt a basic Reflex saving throw against your spell DC.
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\nYou can maintain a spell with hardly a thought. You immediately gain the effects of a Sustain a Spell action, allowing you to extend the duration of one of your active warlock spells.
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" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "ActiveEffectLike", + "mode": "upgrade", + "path": "system.attributes.familiarAbilities.value", + "priority": 9, + "value": 4 + } + ], + "slug": "enhanced-familiar", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Commanding Leash pact boon" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "wm2TwWjROu8S8EKk", + "img": "icons/magic/control/debuff-energy-hold-pink.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 4300000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708647620483, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!wm2TwWjROu8S8EKk" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Essence_Chain_rWG6MI7JdrUypoBr.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Essence_Chain_rWG6MI7JdrUypoBr.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c48915 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Essence_Chain_rWG6MI7JdrUypoBr.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Essence Chain", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You learn the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-spells.Item.M6VweYTDK2KiGAqf] invocation, which allows you to attack multiple enemies at a time with your energy blast.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "essence-chain", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 12 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "rWG6MI7JdrUypoBr", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 3800000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708654313382, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!rWG6MI7JdrUypoBr" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Essence_Forged_wHQNqp8ybuIXjATw.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Essence_Forged_wHQNqp8ybuIXjATw.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fca5ff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Essence_Forged_wHQNqp8ybuIXjATw.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "name": "Essence-Forged", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You learn the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-spells.Item.qZC2FllkOUIwBsEH] invocation, which makes your eldritch weapon a greater threat to your enemies.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "essence-forged", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Eldritch Weapon pact boon" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "wHQNqp8ybuIXjATw", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 4200000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708647817548, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!wHQNqp8ybuIXjATw" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Essence_Weapon_TqS89NWYTknYUyuz.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Essence_Weapon_TqS89NWYTknYUyuz.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9b693b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Essence_Weapon_TqS89NWYTknYUyuz.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Essence Weapon", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You learn the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-spells.Item.QEkox47jJe0zqaEV] cantrip. If you have that cantrip already, your energy blast can take the shape of any melee weapon with which you are trained instead.
\nIf you have the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.xXy9D20Hy1NlEOU8] pact boon, you can choose with each Strike to use your energy blast as a melee or ranged weapon, and it gains the benefits of eldritch weapon regardless of its shape.
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\nSpecial If you are also using the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-spells.Item.qZC2FllkOUIwBsEH] invocation, your eldritch weapon still gains the rune from that invocation, and the rune can be 18th-level or lower.
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\nIf you gained @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.MU7OT2attY4nmt3M] as a pact feature, you can spend 1 Focus Point as a reaction when you Cast that Spell on a dying creature to Reduce the target's wounded condition by 1.
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\nIf you gained @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.kJbEGMCqSLZCHuE8] as a pact feature, you can target yourself and up to 1 willing creature with a single casting of that spell.
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" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "never-ending-breath", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 10 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "OfK5mO9cQvtZvj0E", + "img": "icons/magic/sonic/scream-wail-shout-teal.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 2200000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708652158637, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!OfK5mO9cQvtZvj0E" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Occult_Scribe_LDBYtexL4wn0XJsZ.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Occult_Scribe_LDBYtexL4wn0XJsZ.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c30121a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Occult_Scribe_LDBYtexL4wn0XJsZ.json @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{ + "name": "Occult Scribe", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "During your daily preparations, you can create two temporary scrolls containing occult spells from your tome of secrets. These scrolls follow the normal rules for scrolls, with some additional restrictions. Each scroll must be of a different spell level, and both spell levels must be 2 or more levels lower than your highest-level spell. Any scrolls you create this way become non-magical the next time you make your daily preparations. A temporary scroll has no value.
\nIf you have master proficiency in occult spell DCs, you can create three temporary scrolls during your daily preparations, and if you have legendary proficiency, you can create four temporary scrolls.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "occult-scribe", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 10 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "expert in Crafting" + }, + { + "value": "Tome of Secrets pact boon" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "LDBYtexL4wn0XJsZ", + "img": "icons/sundries/books/book-backed-blue-gold.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 1400000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708652791213, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!LDBYtexL4wn0XJsZ" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Otherworldly_Focus_l0YLBIAeNDYX8077.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Otherworldly_Focus_l0YLBIAeNDYX8077.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7326eb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Otherworldly_Focus_l0YLBIAeNDYX8077.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Otherworldly Focus", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Your connection to your otherworldly patron has granted you unusual focus. If you have spent at least 2 Focus Points since the last time you Refocused, you recover 2 Focus Points when you Refocus instead of 1.
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" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false, + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.76mjfgWdn1q9aIez" + }, + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.r2LSMa5BaSUKfldN", + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + }, + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.y6PTfbXlJnYG0EzB", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "actor|level", + 9 + ] + } + ], + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": true + }, + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.LUke86MZAy5LFw7R", + "predicate": [ + { + "gte": [ + "actor|level", + 15 + ] + } + ], + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": true + } + ], + "slug": "pact-features", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "archetype" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 6 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Warlock Archetype" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "UsayGCC1fd7JbyCn", + "img": "icons/magic/control/debuff-energy-hold-pink.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 5000000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708787036671, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!UsayGCC1fd7JbyCn" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Polyphonic_Invocation_ZxssVemfRdAMzBeO.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Polyphonic_Invocation_ZxssVemfRdAMzBeO.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16354f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Polyphonic_Invocation_ZxssVemfRdAMzBeO.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "name": "Polyphonic Invocation", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You activate two invocations, using verbal components for each. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-feats.Item.MMgwjtd7oBS6Xdmb] feat, this becomes a polymorphic invocation, using somatic components instead.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "polyphonic-invocation", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 8 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "action" + }, + "actions": { + "value": 2 + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null, + "frequency": { + "max": 1, + "per": "PT10M" + } + }, + "_id": "ZxssVemfRdAMzBeO", + "img": "icons/magic/sonic/scream-wail-shout-teal.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 3000000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708651281795, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!ZxssVemfRdAMzBeO" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Practitioner_of_Mudras_MMgwjtd7oBS6Xdmb.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Practitioner_of_Mudras_MMgwjtd7oBS6Xdmb.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50e0667 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Practitioner_of_Mudras_MMgwjtd7oBS6Xdmb.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Practitioner of Mudras", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You can make complicated hand gestures to cast invocations, instead of speaking. This lets you replace the verbal component of invocations you cast with a somatic component.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "practitioner-of-mudras", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 6 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "MMgwjtd7oBS6Xdmb", + "img": "icons/skills/social/diplomacy-unity-alliance.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 1700000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708650258908, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!MMgwjtd7oBS6Xdmb" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Sanguine_Addiction_LjynDHQP15YbCFaT.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Sanguine_Addiction_LjynDHQP15YbCFaT.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76190f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Sanguine_Addiction_LjynDHQP15YbCFaT.json @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +{ + "name": "Sanguine Addiction", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "The Council of Fiends recognizes your willingness to observe a clean kill. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.aohPQSzwdsysuMWX] warlock feat. If you commit acts anathema to the Council of Fiends, you lose all feats and abilities requiring that patron but retain your other warlock feats and abilities.
\nIf you gained @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.aohPQSzwdsysuMWX] as a pact feature, it triggers when any creature within 60 feet of you that you can see is reduced to 0 Hit Points and dies.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.aohPQSzwdsysuMWX", + "predicate": [ + { + "not": "feat:bloodlust" + } + ], + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "sanguine-addiction", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 2 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "LjynDHQP15YbCFaT", + "img": "icons/magic/unholy/silhouette-evil-horned-giant.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 1500000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708647254106, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!LjynDHQP15YbCFaT" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Elemental_moXbTgcc5RITeJSy.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Elemental_moXbTgcc5RITeJSy.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..878fb80 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Elemental_moXbTgcc5RITeJSy.json @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{ + "name": "Summon Elemental", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lpT6LotUaQPfinjj], adding it to your spell repertoire as a 5th-level occult spell. You can only summon an air or water elemental with that spell. You can choose it as a signature spell.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "summon-elemental", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 10 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Commanding Leash pact boon" + }, + { + "value": "Merciless Sea patron" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "moXbTgcc5RITeJSy", + "img": "icons/magic/water/wave-water-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 3600000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708653727422, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!moXbTgcc5RITeJSy" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Entity_veb0w7r2l1bdEAY8.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Entity_veb0w7r2l1bdEAY8.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee126e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Entity_veb0w7r2l1bdEAY8.json @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{ + "name": "Summon Entity", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.i1TvBID5QLyXrUCa], adding it to your spell repertoire as a 5th-level occult spell. You can choose it as a signature spell.
\nAn aberration you summon with @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.i1TvBID5QLyXrUCa] gains a +1 status bonus to all checks (this also applies to the creature's DCs, including its AC) for the duration of its summoning, up to 1 minute.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "summon-entity", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 10 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Commanding Leash pact boon" + }, + { + "value": "Great Old Ones patron" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "veb0w7r2l1bdEAY8", + "img": "icons/magic/control/silhouette-hold-change-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 4000000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708653838380, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!veb0w7r2l1bdEAY8" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Fey_LvMGAOSY9nOoqCcv.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Fey_LvMGAOSY9nOoqCcv.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e8c536 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Fey_LvMGAOSY9nOoqCcv.json @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{ + "name": "Summon Fey", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.hs7h8f4Z1ZNdUt3s], adding it to your spell repertoire as a 5th-level occult spell. You can choose it as a signature spell. You can choose it as a signature spell.
\nA fey you summon with @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.hs7h8f4Z1ZNdUt3s] gains a +1 status bonus to all checks (this also applies to the creature's DCs, including its AC) for the duration of its summoning, up to 1 minute.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "summon-fey", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 10 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Commanding Leash pact boon" + }, + { + "value": "Faerie Court patron" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "LvMGAOSY9nOoqCcv", + "img": "icons/magic/nature/beam-hand-leaves-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 1600000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708653935941, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!LvMGAOSY9nOoqCcv" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Fiend_CfRekmAH3uDHExIQ.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Fiend_CfRekmAH3uDHExIQ.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58d77d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Summon_Fiend_CfRekmAH3uDHExIQ.json @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{ + "name": "Summon Fiend", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.29ytKctjg7qSW2ff], adding it to your spell repertoire as a 5th-level occult spell. You can choose it as a signature spell.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "summon-fiend", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 10 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Commanding Leash pact boon" + }, + { + "value": "Council of Fiends patron" + } + ] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "CfRekmAH3uDHExIQ", + "img": "icons/magic/unholy/silhouette-evil-horned-giant.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 800000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708654056147, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!CfRekmAH3uDHExIQ" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Voice_of_Legion_jAQpYL7UykUt54Qy.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Voice_of_Legion_jAQpYL7UykUt54Qy.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e67306 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Voice_of_Legion_jAQpYL7UykUt54Qy.json @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +{ + "name": "Voice of Legion", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You activate three invocations, using verbal components for each. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-feats.Item.MMgwjtd7oBS6Xdmb] feat, this becomes a mandala array, using somatic components instead.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "voice-of-legion", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 16 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "action" + }, + "actions": { + "value": 3 + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Polyphonic Invocation feat" + } + ] + }, + "location": null, + "frequency": { + "max": 1, + "per": "PT10M" + } + }, + "_id": "jAQpYL7UykUt54Qy", + "img": "icons/magic/sonic/scream-wail-shout-teal.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 3200000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708655659094, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!jAQpYL7UykUt54Qy" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Warlock_Ascendant_Rxx3gP6FPZevja8b.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Warlock_Ascendant_Rxx3gP6FPZevja8b.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ca345d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Warlock_Ascendant_Rxx3gP6FPZevja8b.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "name": "Warlock Ascendant", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You have surpassed all others in your pursuit of the occult power of your patron. You gain an additional 10th-level spell slot.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "warlock-ascendant", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 20 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "Rxx3gP6FPZevja8b", + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 2400000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708656050110, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!Rxx3gP6FPZevja8b" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Warlock_Dedication_LMiEBqK2tLi3kzlG.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Warlock_Dedication_LMiEBqK2tLi3kzlG.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a5cf27 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Warlock_Dedication_LMiEBqK2tLi3kzlG.json @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +{ + "name": "Warlock Dedication", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "You cast spells like a warlock and gain the Cast a Spell activity. You gain a spell repertoire with two common cantrips from the occult spell list, or any other cantrips you learn or discover.
\nYou're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for occult spells. Your key spellcasting ability for warlock archetype spells is Charisma, and they are occult warlock spells. You become trained in Occultism; if you were already trained in Occultism, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.
\nChoose an otherworldly patron as you would if you were a warlock. You have that patron for all purposes and become bound by its anathema, but you don't gain any of the other abilities it grants.
\nSpecial You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the warlock archetype.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.iOKpBm2cqGa1qOyv", + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "warlock-dedication", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "archetype", + "dedication", + "multiclass" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 2 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [ + { + "value": "Charisma +2" + } + ] + }, + "location": null, + "subfeatures": { + "proficiencies": { + "spellcasting": { + "rank": 1 + } + } + } + }, + "img": "icons/magic/symbols/runes-star-pentagon-magenta.webp", + "folder": null, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": { + "core": {} + }, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708215388828, + "modifiedTime": 1708790316768, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_id": "LMiEBqK2tLi3kzlG", + "sort": 5100000, + "_key": "!items!LMiEBqK2tLi3kzlG" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-feats/Words_of_Chaos_yPNVHzj2Ml9cY2gT.json b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Words_of_Chaos_yPNVHzj2Ml9cY2gT.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c490af --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-feats/Words_of_Chaos_yPNVHzj2Ml9cY2gT.json @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +{ + "name": "Words of Chaos", + "type": "feat", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "The Great Old Ones is not the only patron who can assault the minds of your victims. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.qFWG1sdrGmSQ778s] 1st-level class feature from the Great Old Ones.
\nIf you have the @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.qFWG1sdrGmSQ778s] class feature, you can target each foe in the area when casting that spell.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "GrantItem", + "uuid": "Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-class-features.Item.qFWG1sdrGmSQ778s", + "predicate": [ + { + "not": "feat:aberrant-whispers" + } + ], + "allowDuplicate": false, + "reevaluateOnUpdate": false + } + ], + "slug": "words-of-chaos", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon" + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 2 + }, + "category": "class", + "onlyLevel1": false, + "maxTakable": 1, + "actionType": { + "value": "passive" + }, + "actions": { + "value": null + }, + "prerequisites": { + "value": [] + }, + "location": null + }, + "_id": "yPNVHzj2Ml9cY2gT", + "img": "icons/magic/control/silhouette-hold-change-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 4500000, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708647339063, + "modifiedTime": 1708790296062, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!yPNVHzj2Ml9cY2gT" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-macros/Create_Eldritch_Weapon_Strike_7QLow5FbWDDvsT4F.json b/src/packs/warlock-macros/Create_Eldritch_Weapon_Strike_7QLow5FbWDDvsT4F.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..141c1a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-macros/Create_Eldritch_Weapon_Strike_7QLow5FbWDDvsT4F.json @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + "name": "Create Eldritch Weapon Strike", + "type": "script", + "_id": "7QLow5FbWDDvsT4F", + "author": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "scope": "global", + "command": "let _actor = actor ?? token?.actor ?? game.user.character;\nif (!_actor) {\n ui.notifications.error(game.i18n.localize(\"PF2E.ActionsWarning.NoActor\"));\n return;\n}\ngame.warlockPf2e.actions.createEldritchWeaponStrike(_actor);", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708474811155, + "modifiedTime": 1708483683074, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!macros!7QLow5FbWDDvsT4F" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-macros/Create_Energy_Blast_Strike_5De57mIhpaY3YDai.json b/src/packs/warlock-macros/Create_Energy_Blast_Strike_5De57mIhpaY3YDai.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c822431 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-macros/Create_Energy_Blast_Strike_5De57mIhpaY3YDai.json @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + "name": "Create Energy Blast Strike", + "type": "script", + "_id": "5De57mIhpaY3YDai", + "author": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "scope": "global", + "command": "let _actor = actor ?? token?.actor ?? game.user.character;\nif (!_actor) {\n ui.notifications.error(game.i18n.localize(\"PF2E.ActionsWarning.NoActor\"));\n return;\n}\ngame.warlockPf2e.actions.createEnergyBlastStrike(_actor);", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708474811155, + "modifiedTime": 1708483683074, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!macros!5De57mIhpaY3YDai" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_Darkness_zFbSSerQLz2klkSp.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_Darkness_zFbSSerQLz2klkSp.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..053d2e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_Darkness_zFbSSerQLz2klkSp.json @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +{ + "name": "Channel Darkness", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirements Your last action was a successful Strike with your energy blast, and you have at least one 3rd-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYour energy blast temporarily blinds the target.
\nRequirements Your last action was a successful Strike with your energy blast, and you have at least one 3rd-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nThe ambient power of your blast draws forth elemental energy. Choose acid, cold, fire, or electricity. You deal [[/r 3d6]] damage of that type to the target, plus an additional effect if the Strike was a critical success. The target must attempt a basic Reflex Save.
\nHeightened (6th) The damage ignores the target's resistance.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "channel-elements", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 3 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "1 creature" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": { + "save": { + "statistic": "reflex", + "basic": true + } + }, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false, + "overlays": { + "xKPWc4aQ7gLzYSTw": { + "name": "Channel Elements (Acid)", + "system": { + "damage": { + "QHlDgtIdxuFrjAgX": { + "formula": "3d6", + "kinds": [ + "damage" + ], + "type": "acid", + "category": null, + "materials": [], + "applyMod": false + } + } + }, + "sort": 1, + "overlayType": "override" + }, + "MJWg304GFCHJ8zXn": { + "name": "Channel Elements (Cold)", + "system": { + "damage": { + "vsPGbXhVfYK6cl1f": { + "formula": "3d6", + "kinds": [ + "damage" + ], + "type": "cold", + "category": null, + "materials": [], + "applyMod": false + } + } + }, + "sort": 2, + "overlayType": "override" + }, + "JwmaMHLwZUO9P9RX": { + "name": "Channel Elements (Electricity)", + "system": { + "damage": { + "B7QwdCrlCKZ2Q4aG": { + "formula": "3d6", + "kinds": [ + "damage" + ], + "type": "electricity", + "category": null, + "materials": [], + "applyMod": false + } + } + }, + "sort": 3, + "overlayType": "override" + }, + "jN3j9eLNskbXP0zm": { + "name": "Channel Elements (Fire)", + "system": { + "damage": { + "Qs8HoK6d0DL2PHo9": { + "formula": "3d6", + "kinds": [ + "damage" + ], + "type": "fire", + "category": null, + "materials": [], + "applyMod": false + } + } + }, + "sort": 4, + "overlayType": "override" + } + } + }, + "_id": "TZzYxuRVyrPHyMWc", + "img": "icons/magic/control/energy-stream-link-teal.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708133580385, + "modifiedTime": 1708176965619, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!TZzYxuRVyrPHyMWc" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_Evil_0ypsbfQlddkk67Mb.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_Evil_0ypsbfQlddkk67Mb.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62676cf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_Evil_0ypsbfQlddkk67Mb.json @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +{ + "name": "Channel Evil", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirements: Your last action was a successful Strike with your energy blast, and you have at least one 8th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou speak a word so foul it enervates your target. The target must attempt a Fortitude save.
\nRequirements Your last action was a successful Strike with your energy blast, and you have at least one 2nd-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nThe target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL], and can't reduce its frightened value below 1 while it remains within 60 feet of you.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "channel-fear", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "emotion", + "fear", + "invocation", + "mental", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 2 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "1 creature" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "up to 1 minute", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "v6D72jmPCP9ixkrK", + "img": "icons/magic/control/energy-stream-link-teal.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708134775599, + "modifiedTime": 1708699472145, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!v6D72jmPCP9ixkrK" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_Power_h9q46BmfzvOC0egH.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_Power_h9q46BmfzvOC0egH.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f4cccc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_Power_h9q46BmfzvOC0egH.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Channel Power", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirements Your last action was a successful Strike with your energy blast, and you have at least one 6th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nThe force of your blast drives your enemy away. You automatically Shove the target 5 feet or cause it to become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] until the start of your next turn. The target chooses whether to be moved or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]. If it chooses to be moved, you choose the direction. If the Shove would cause it to hit a solid object, enter a square of difficult terrain, or enter another creature's space, it must become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] instead of being moved.
\nHeightened (8th) You automatically Shove the target up to 10 feet away from you and cause it to become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] until the start of your next turn. It does not get a choice.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "channel-power", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 6 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "1 creature" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "h9q46BmfzvOC0egH", + "img": "icons/magic/control/energy-stream-link-teal.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708134978443, + "modifiedTime": 1708654302105, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!h9q46BmfzvOC0egH" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_the_Butcher_L9fI8mzhc0h3EB61.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_the_Butcher_L9fI8mzhc0h3EB61.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d220c88 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Channel_the_Butcher_L9fI8mzhc0h3EB61.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Channel the Butcher", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Trigger Your energy blast kills a creature or knocks it unconscious, and another foe is within 30 feet of that creature
\nRequirements You are wielding your energy blast and have at least one 4th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYour blast's power is enhanced by the death of your enemy. Make a melee or ranged Strike with your energy blast, as appropriate, against the second foe.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "channel-the-butcher", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "1 creature" + }, + "range": { + "value": "30 feet" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "reaction" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "L9fI8mzhc0h3EB61", + "img": "icons/magic/control/energy-stream-link-teal.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708135088990, + "modifiedTime": 1708651094508, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!L9fI8mzhc0h3EB61" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Energy_Blast_QEkox47jJe0zqaEV.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Energy_Blast_QEkox47jJe0zqaEV.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..959a514 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Energy_Blast_QEkox47jJe0zqaEV.json @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +{ + "name": "Energy Blast", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Your hands take on an eerie purple glow in the vague shape of a ranged weapon with which you are trained. In your hands, the weapon gains the agile and free-hand traits, if it does not already have them, and you add half your Charisma modifier to damage rolls with it (this counts as the propulsive trait). You can Dismiss your energy blast.
\nYour energy blast does not use ammunition, but you must still spend the listed number of actions to \"reload\" it. You can spend an action to use your occult spell attack roll with your energy blast until the end of your next turn.
" + }, + "rules": [ + { + "key": "MartialProficiency", + "definition": [ + "item:slug:energy-blast" + ], + "slug": "energy-blast", + "label": "Energy Blast", + "value": 1 + }, + { + "key": "FlatModifier", + "selector": "energy-blast-damage", + "value": 0, + "type": "ability", + "ability": "cha" + }, + { + "key": "AdjustModifier", + "selector": "energy-blast-damage", + "mode": "multiply", + "value": 0.5, + "predicate": [ + "ranged" + ], + "slug": "cha" + } + ], + "slug": "energy-blast", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false, + "heightening": { + "damage": {} + } + }, + "_id": "QEkox47jJe0zqaEV", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1707878738291, + "modifiedTime": 1708869607570, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!QEkox47jJe0zqaEV" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_Chain_M6VweYTDK2KiGAqf.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_Chain_M6VweYTDK2KiGAqf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d357e0b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_Chain_M6VweYTDK2KiGAqf.json @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +{ + "name": "Essence Chain", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirements You are wielding your energy blast and have at least one 6th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou dismiss your energy blast, transforming it into a cascade of power that deals the blast's normal damage and burns through the souls of enemies to stay strong. The target must attempt a basic Reflex save. The blast arcs to another creature within 30 feet of that target, jumps to another creature within 30 feet of that target, and so on. You can end the chain at any point. You can't target the same creature more than once, and you must have line of effect to all targets. Roll the damage only once, and apply it to each target (halving or doubling as appropriate for its saving throw outcome). The chain ends if any one of the targets critically succeeds at its save.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "essence-chain", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 6 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "1 creature, plus any number of additional creatures" + }, + "range": { + "value": "30 feet" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": { + "save": { + "statistic": "reflex", + "basic": true + } + }, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "M6VweYTDK2KiGAqf", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708135211068, + "modifiedTime": 1708135404507, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!M6VweYTDK2KiGAqf" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_Forged_qZC2FllkOUIwBsEH.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_Forged_qZC2FllkOUIwBsEH.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bff3389 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_Forged_qZC2FllkOUIwBsEH.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Essence-Forged", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You are wielding your eldritch weapon, and you have at least one 2nd-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou transform your eldritch weapon into a +1 weapon with which you are trained. In your hands, the weapon gains the effect of one 4th-level or lower property rune. When you Strike a creature that has the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] condition with that weapon, you deal an extra [[/r 1d6[precision]]] precision damage.
\nHeightened (6th) The weapon becomes a +2 greater striking weapon with which you are trained instead, and the rune can be 12th-level or lower.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "essence-forged", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 2 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "24 hours", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "qZC2FllkOUIwBsEH", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708135534854, + "modifiedTime": 1708656735726, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!qZC2FllkOUIwBsEH" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_of_the_Legend_K0LLCJGIXYTyZVwW.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_of_the_Legend_K0LLCJGIXYTyZVwW.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f33736a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_of_the_Legend_K0LLCJGIXYTyZVwW.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Essence of the Legend", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You are wielding your eldritch weapon, and you have at least one 10th-level spell slot remaining.
\nYou transform your eldritch weapon into a +3 major striking weapon with which you are trained. In your hands, the weapon gains the backstabber and deadly d6 traits, if it does not already have them. When you Strike a creature that has the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] condition with that weapon, you deal an extra 2d6 precision damage.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "essence-of-the-legend", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 10 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "24 hours", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "K0LLCJGIXYTyZVwW", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708141343294, + "modifiedTime": 1708785410328, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!K0LLCJGIXYTyZVwW" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_of_the_Wraith_hea8CKAoyXWloo0V.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_of_the_Wraith_hea8CKAoyXWloo0V.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a24b64e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Essence_of_the_Wraith_hea8CKAoyXWloo0V.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Essence of the Wraith", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 4th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYour energy blast becomes translucent and ghostly, and it can affect material and incorporeal creatures and objects. It gains the effects of the ghost touch property rune.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "essence-of-the-wraith", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "1 minute", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "hea8CKAoyXWloo0V", + "img": "icons/weapons/swords/greatsword-evil-green.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708141481728, + "modifiedTime": 1708212533650, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!hea8CKAoyXWloo0V" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_Entropy_m49SIc3TjduTl7Pr.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_Entropy_m49SIc3TjduTl7Pr.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9feb2c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_Entropy_m49SIc3TjduTl7Pr.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke Entropy", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 2nd-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou divert tiny objects and bits of magic as they fly at you. Anyone making a ranged attack against you must succeed at a @Check[type:flat|showDC:all|dc:5] flat check or the attack misses with no effect.
\nHeightened (+1) The DC increases by 1.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-entropy", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 2 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "24 hours", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "m49SIc3TjduTl7Pr", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708177525180, + "modifiedTime": 1708648006559, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!m49SIc3TjduTl7Pr" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_Haste_oYBfQ49m1xNGwSa2.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_Haste_oYBfQ49m1xNGwSa2.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31bf937 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_Haste_oYBfQ49m1xNGwSa2.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke Haste", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 7th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.nlCjDvLMf2EkV2dl] and can use the additional action to Strike, Stride, or Step.
\nHeightened (10th) Once per minute, immediately after casting @UUID[Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-spells.Item.oYBfQ49m1xNGwSa2], you can use up to 3 actions, as with the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.1dsahW4g1ggXtypx] spell. Once you have finished these actions, time resumes and you finish your turn as normal.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-haste", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 7 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "1 minute", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "oYBfQ49m1xNGwSa2", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708208749705, + "modifiedTime": 1708655316584, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!oYBfQ49m1xNGwSa2" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Banshee_77uw17ZffDJVIoEv.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Banshee_77uw17ZffDJVIoEv.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa67c13 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Banshee_77uw17ZffDJVIoEv.json @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Banshee", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 3rd-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou emit the ear-piercing shriek of a banshee, which can shatter objects. You deal 2d10 sonic damage to the target, ignoring an object's Hardness if it is 4 or lower. A creature must attempt a Fortitude save
\nHeightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d10, and the Hardness the spell ignores increases by 2.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-banshee", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "sonic", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 3 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "1 creature or unattended object" + }, + "range": { + "value": "30 feet" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": { + "uQEw2qhATSPSvGER": { + "formula": "2d10", + "kinds": [ + "damage" + ], + "type": "sonic", + "category": null, + "materials": [], + "applyMod": false + } + }, + "defense": { + "save": { + "statistic": "fortitude", + "basic": false + } + }, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false, + "heightening": { + "type": "interval", + "interval": 1, + "damage": { + "uQEw2qhATSPSvGER": "1d10" + } + } + }, + "_id": "77uw17ZffDJVIoEv", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708141844586, + "modifiedTime": 1708654502178, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!77uw17ZffDJVIoEv" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Devourer_zAklq31naDyS3XeA.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Devourer_zAklq31naDyS3XeA.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3729130 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Devourer_zAklq31naDyS3XeA.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Devourer", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 7th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou counteract the target, as the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.9HpwDN4MYQJnW0LG] spell. If you succeed on the roll to counteract, you regain Hit Points equal to the target's counteract level. If you critically succeed, double the healing.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-devourer", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "healing", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 7 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "1 spell effect or unattented magic item" + }, + "range": { + "value": "60 feet" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "zAklq31naDyS3XeA", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708177238177, + "modifiedTime": 1708655393134, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!zAklq31naDyS3XeA" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Dwarven_Lords_ozcNYo6iDz6KwGu7.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Dwarven_Lords_ozcNYo6iDz6KwGu7.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32241b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Dwarven_Lords_ozcNYo6iDz6KwGu7.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Dwarven Lords", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 6th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou gain special sight that lets you see even in magical darkness.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-dwarven-lords", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 6 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "1 minute", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "ozcNYo6iDz6KwGu7", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708654401700, + "modifiedTime": 1708699377656, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!ozcNYo6iDz6KwGu7" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Fog_XswGiGdUtqsvaMcF.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Fog_XswGiGdUtqsvaMcF.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9367a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Fog_XswGiGdUtqsvaMcF.json @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Fog", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 3rd-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou call on a living fog to obscure sight in an area. All creatures within the mist become concealed, and all creatures outside the mist become concealed to creatures within it. You can Dismiss the cloud.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-fog", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock", + "water" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 3 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "60 feet" + }, + "area": { + "value": 20, + "type": "burst" + }, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "1 minute", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "XswGiGdUtqsvaMcF", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708176465646, + "modifiedTime": 1708650180027, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!XswGiGdUtqsvaMcF" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Lords_of_Air_J32DGwkJjg1mJbei.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Lords_of_Air_J32DGwkJjg1mJbei.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef57661 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Lords_of_Air_J32DGwkJjg1mJbei.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Lords of Air", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 4th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou gain the effects of a 1st-level @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LvezN4a3kYf1OHMg] spell or a 3rd-level @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.fI20AVwOzJMHXRdo] spell.
\nHeightened (5th) You can also choose to gain the effects of a 4th-level @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.A2JfEKe6BZcTG1S8] spell.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-lords-of-air", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "air", + "concentrate", + "cantrip", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 4 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "1 minute", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "J32DGwkJjg1mJbei", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708209015895, + "modifiedTime": 1708651257848, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!J32DGwkJjg1mJbei" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Lords_of_Flame_tTtqqdLgL6wQU1jd.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Lords_of_Flame_tTtqqdLgL6wQU1jd.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ecba93 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Lords_of_Flame_tTtqqdLgL6wQU1jd.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Lords of Flame", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 5th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou tear hellish flame from the Elemental Plane of Fire and bend it to your will, creating a 4th-level @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IarZrgCeaiUqOuRu]effect that you can sustain for up to 1 minute.
\nHeightened (+1) As @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IarZrgCeaiUqOuRu].
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-lords-of-flame", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "fire", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 5 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "60 feet" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "1 minute", + "sustained": true + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "tTtqqdLgL6wQU1jd", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708209558593, + "modifiedTime": 1708209741371, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!tTtqqdLgL6wQU1jd" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Lords_of_the_Unseen_us65MAb5152RXLOI.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Lords_of_the_Unseen_us65MAb5152RXLOI.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f45ee38 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Lords_of_the_Unseen_us65MAb5152RXLOI.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Lords of the Unseen", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 9th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou become invisible, as the 4th-level @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XXqE1eY3w3z6xJCB] spell.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-lords-of-the-unseen", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "illusion", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 9 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "10 minutes", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "us65MAb5152RXLOI", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708209764729, + "modifiedTime": 1708655870709, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!us65MAb5152RXLOI" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Mystic_JuvWknVy40Okxvwk.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Mystic_JuvWknVy40Okxvwk.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b837db7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Mystic_JuvWknVy40Okxvwk.json @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Mystic", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 10th-level spell slot remaining.
\nYou gain the effects of a 9th-level @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qsNeG9KZpODSACMq] spell.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-mystic", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "mental", + "prediction", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 10 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "8 hours", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "JuvWknVy40Okxvwk", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708209898180, + "modifiedTime": 1708656032487, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!JuvWknVy40Okxvwk" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Third_Eye_ufyHWay3ZcyeTOcv.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Third_Eye_ufyHWay3ZcyeTOcv.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e6193c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Third_Eye_ufyHWay3ZcyeTOcv.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Third Eye", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 3rd-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou can see @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zJxUflt9np0q4yML] creatures and objects. They appear to you as translucent shapes, and they are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W] to you.
\nHeightened (6th) The spell has a duration of 10 minutes.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-third-eye", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "revelation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 3 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "1 minute", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "ufyHWay3ZcyeTOcv", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708176593411, + "modifiedTime": 1708650237859, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!ufyHWay3ZcyeTOcv" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Titan_L2nTmCrirRAehXOL.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Titan_L2nTmCrirRAehXOL.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61cf48a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Titan_L2nTmCrirRAehXOL.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Titan", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 7th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYou become Huge (increasing your reach by 10 feet if you were Medium or smaller). You have the clumsy 1 condition as long as you are Huge.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-titan", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "polymorph", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 7 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "1 minute", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "L2nTmCrirRAehXOL", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708210006116, + "modifiedTime": 1708636672331, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!L2nTmCrirRAehXOL" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Unknown_oyoYFbcfml1qGZZI.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Unknown_oyoYFbcfml1qGZZI.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce280cc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Unknown_oyoYFbcfml1qGZZI.json @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Unknown", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 9th-level or higher spell slot remaining.
\nYour patron shields you from even the most powerful mortal divinations. Detection, revelation, and scrying effects pass right over you, your possessions, and your auras, detecting nothing unless the detecting effect has a counteract level of 20 or higher. For example, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gpzpAAAJ1Lza2JVl] would still detect other magic in the area but not any magic on you, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.uqlxMQQeSGWEVjki] wouldn't reveal you, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LQzlKbYjZSMFQawP] or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.r784cIz17eWujtQj] wouldn't find you, and so on.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-unknown", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 9 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "8 hours", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "oyoYFbcfml1qGZZI", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708212177426, + "modifiedTime": 1708655821086, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!oyoYFbcfml1qGZZI" +} diff --git a/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Warrior_fGkmKrVPvwUBe0pL.json b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Warrior_fGkmKrVPvwUBe0pL.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a2820a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/packs/warlock-spells/Invoke_the_Warrior_fGkmKrVPvwUBe0pL.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +{ + "name": "Invoke the Warrior", + "type": "spell", + "effects": [], + "system": { + "description": { + "gm": "", + "value": "Requirement You have at least one 1st-level spell slot remaining.
\nYou become trained in all martial weapons and light armor. If you were already trained in all martial weapons, you become trained in one advanced weapon of your choice instead. If you were already trained in light armor, you become trained in medium armor instead.
\nHeightened (4th) Your proficiency increases to expert. When you Cast this Spell, you also transform your clothing into a suit of armor with which you're proficient for the duration.
\nHeightened (8th) Your proficiency increases to master. If you were already a master in both light and medium armor, you become a master in heavy armor.
" + }, + "rules": [], + "slug": "invoke-the-warrior", + "_migration": { + "version": 0.917, + "lastMigration": null + }, + "traits": { + "otherTags": [], + "value": [ + "cantrip", + "concentrate", + "invocation", + "morph", + "warlock" + ], + "rarity": "uncommon", + "traditions": [ + "occult" + ] + }, + "publication": { + "title": "The Faithful Few © 2019, Samurai Sheepdog", + "authors": "Kevin Glusing", + "license": "OGL", + "remaster": true + }, + "level": { + "value": 1 + }, + "requirements": "", + "target": { + "value": "" + }, + "range": { + "value": "" + }, + "area": null, + "time": { + "value": "1" + }, + "duration": { + "value": "8 hours", + "sustained": false + }, + "damage": {}, + "defense": null, + "cost": { + "value": "" + }, + "location": { + "value": "" + }, + "counteraction": false + }, + "_id": "fGkmKrVPvwUBe0pL", + "img": "icons/magic/control/fear-fright-monster-grin-purple-blue.webp", + "folder": null, + "sort": 0, + "ownership": { + "default": 0, + "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ": 3 + }, + "flags": {}, + "_stats": { + "systemId": "pf2e", + "systemVersion": "5.13.6", + "coreVersion": "11.315", + "createdTime": 1708212829515, + "modifiedTime": 1708651658539, + "lastModifiedBy": "nVjZT7F2ynWB1qYJ" + }, + "_key": "!items!fGkmKrVPvwUBe0pL" +} diff --git a/src/static/scripts/index.mjs b/src/static/scripts/index.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4004b61 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/static/scripts/index.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +function getProficiencies(actor) { + let filters = []; + const proficiencies = actor.system.proficiencies.attacks; + for (const proficiencyName of Object.keys(proficiencies)) { + if (proficiencies[proficiencyName].rank < 1) { + continue; + } + if (proficiencyName === "unarmed" || proficiencyName === "simple" || proficiencyName === "martial" || proficiencyName === "advanced") { + if (proficiencies[proficiencyName].rank > 0) { + filters.push(`item:category:${proficiencyName}`); + } + } else if (proficiencyName.match(/^weapon-base-/)) { + const base = proficiencyName.match(/^weapon-base-(.*)/)[1]; + filters.push(`item:base:${base}`); + } else if (proficiencyName.match(/^weapon-group-/)) { + const base = proficiencyName.match(/^weapon-group-(.*)/)[1]; + filters.push(`item:base:${base}`); + } else if (proficiencies[proficiencyName].definition !== undefined) { + if (proficiencies[proficiencyName].definition.length === 1) { + filters.push(proficiencies[proficiencyName].definition[0]); + } else { + filters.push({ and: proficiencies[proficiencyName].definition }); + } + } + } + return filters; +} + +Hooks.on("ready", () => { + game.warlockPf2e = { + actions: { + createEnergyBlastStrike: async function (actor) { + const filters = getProficiencies(actor) + let energyBlastEffect = duplicate(await fromUuid("Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-effects.Item.8nTUZhGt9c1BN9xg")); + delete energyBlastEffect._id; + energyBlastEffect.flags = {}; + energyBlastEffect.system.rules[0].choices.filter[2].or = filters; + let doc = (await actor.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [energyBlastEffect]))[0]; + let weapon = await fromUuid(doc.system.rules[0].selection); + let updated = { system: { rules: duplicate(doc.system.rules) } }; + let traits = ["agile", "free-hand", "magical", "occult", "propulsive"]; + let rangeIncrement = weapon.range?.increment ?? 0; + for (const trait of weapon.system.traits.value) { + if (trait.startsWith("thrown-")) { + rangeIncrement = Math.max(rangeIncrement, Number(trait.match(/^thrown-(.*)/)[1])); + } + if (traits.indexOf(trait) === -1 && !trait.startsWith("thrown")) { + traits.push(trait); + } + } + if (actor.getRollOptions('self').includes('feat:essence-weapon')) { + traits.push(`thrown-${rangeIncrement}`); + updated.system.rules[1] = { key: "Strike", damage: { base: { damageType: "force", dice: weapon.system.damage.dice, die: weapon.system.damage.die } }, traits: traits, ability: "cha", slug: "energy-blast" }; + } else { + updated.system.rules[1] = { key: "Strike", damage: { base: { damageType: "force", dice: weapon.system.damage.dice, die: weapon.system.damage.die } }, traits: traits, range: weapon.range ?? (rangeIncrement !== 0 ? { increment: rangeIncrement } : null), ability: "cha", slug: "energy-blast" }; + } + await doc.update(updated); + }, + createEldritchWeaponStrike: async function (actor) { + const filters = getProficiencies(actor) + let eldritchWeaponEffect = duplicate(await fromUuid("Compendium.warlock-pf2e.warlock-effects.Item.l4lrhNSBzwTplhnq")); + delete eldritchWeaponEffect._id; + eldritchWeaponEffect.flags = {}; + eldritchWeaponEffect.system.rules[0].choices.filter[2].or = filters; + let doc = (await actor.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [eldritchWeaponEffect]))[0]; + let weapon = await fromUuid(doc.system.rules[0].selection); + let updated = { system: { rules: duplicate(doc.system.rules) } }; + let traits = ["agile", "backstabber", "free-hand", "magical", "occult", "propulsive"]; + let rangeIncrement = weapon.range?.increment ?? 0; + for (const trait of weapon.system.traits.value) { + if (trait.startsWith("thrown-")) { + rangeIncrement = Math.max(rangeIncrement, Number(trait.match(/^thrown-(.*)/)[1])); + } + if (traits.indexOf(trait) === -1 && !trait.startsWith("thrown")) { + traits.push(trait); + } + } + if (actor.getRollOptions('self').includes('feat:essence-weapon')) { + traits.push(`thrown-${rangeIncrement}`); + } + updated.system.rules[1] = { key: "Strike", damage: { base: { damageType: "force", dice: weapon.system.damage.dice, die: weapon.system.damage.die } }, traits: traits, ability: "cha", slug: "eldritch-weapon" }; + await doc.update(updated); + } + } + }; +});