All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Keep a Changelog.
- MBDYN: allow 'Name' option for more elements, e.g. structuralForce
- EWST: add structural external force automatically if not present
- MBDYN: don't use 'stable' option for setdiff for Octave compatibility
- EWST: work around Octave bug #56172 in wsim.hydroSystem
- correct
- MBDyn: added cuboidalbody convenience class
- MBDyn: added pipeBody convenience class
- MBDyn: added ability to plot node labels in preprocessor visualisation
- MBDYN: added problem assembly related options UseInAssembly and AssemblyTolerance
- MBDYN: added get*ByLabel methods for mbdyn.pre.system
- MBDYN: report component names in output of mbdyn.postproc.displayNetCDFVarNames
- MBDYN: add support for plugin variables
- MBDYN: Allow non-inline scalar function declaration
- Now return index of matching string in checkAllowedStrings functions
- EWST: allow empty PTOs to be ignored by wsim.wecSim
- EWST: +wsim/linearPowerTakeOff.m: correct input args in help text
- Added this change log to track changes across versions
- MBDyn: added many components to MBDyn interface
- MBDyn: added support for stream file driver to communicate arbitrary data to MBDyn during simulation.
- MBDyn: aded support for stream output to communicate MBDyn simulation data to an external software.
- MBDyn: added netcdf support on MS Windows
- MBDyn: added support for GiNaC element on MS Windows
- EWST: added 'iterate' option for added mass calculation for improved stability
- EWST: added many features to help debug models, e.g. wave type which is actually just a sinusoidal force
- EWST: added many features to Nemoh interface, exposing more underlying Nemoh options
- Added tools to assist with creating quad meshes (mainly for Nemoh)
- EWST: fixed bug which meant gravity element could not be used and gravity needed to be added manually for non-hydro bodies
- Fixed windows build system, particularly missing symbols linker problem due to Mingw compiler bug
- Various Octave incompatibilites, added workarounds for various Octave bugs
- EWST simulations which worked around the gravity bug described above, will require modification