Releases: Renater/SIPMediaGW
Releases · Renater/SIPMediaGW
- Baresip upgrade (v3.15.0)
- Chromium upgrade
- APIs
- SIPMediaGW
- Scaler
- Documentation upgrade
- Development/Production deployment environments
- CPU consumption measurements
- API references
- Outgoing calls support
- Minimal MS Teams support
- SDP parsing logic in Kamailio
- Jitsi: video layout auto-adaptation
- Documentation: call flow + sipmediagw-in-depth
- Conference Mapper configuration through CONFMAPPER environment variable
- BFCP support in baresip + screen sharing in chrome
- Support of selenium 4.10.0
- Disable call termination on "SIP INFO status code 408 request timeout"
- fix_nated_sdp logic in kamailio to ease connection from NATed SIP endpoints
- Configuration and environment variables refactoring
- 'All in one' Vagrant based testing environment
- pulse audio => alsa, by default
- Update BigBlueButton browsing
- Update Baresip to release v2.10.0
- Log parser (=> call information summary)
- IVR timeout
- Update kamailio to release v5.6.3
- Pulseaudio (only) support => doesn't require a kernel module for virtual audio devices
- Jitsi and BigBlueButton browsing support (mainly tested with Jitsi:
- Helper script to launch multiple gateways on the same server
- Docker based testing environment