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Jitsi-SAML2JWT is a project to easily use SAML authentification with JWT, the new recommended Jitsi-Meet authentification mechanism.


The legacy Shibboleth auth mechanism in Jitsi Jicofo will be removed by the Big Jitsi Auth Refactoring (see this post).

So to continue to use SAML with Jitsi, we need a independent system securised by SAML protocol to generate the JWT token.

This project provides 2 things :

  • Stand Alone JWT generator : a simple JWT generator written in PHP using authentification informations provided by an external SAML Proxy SP.

  • A full running Docker file to deploy the token generator with a Shibboleth SAML SP because sometime it seems complex to deploy Shibboleth by hand.

Auhtentification Principle

The authentification call flow with a SAML SP and the JWT server looks like this :

Configuration Env variables

Before any installation you should create the .env file with your own informations.

> mv .env_ref .env

Then edit the .env values.


#JWT Token Generator

#Web server
  • ENABLE_SHIBBOLETH enable and install the local Shibooleth Service Provider.

  • SHIBBOLETH_TEMPLATE_XML with shibboleth2.xml template to use (direct idp, with a discovery service or a prebuild federation one).

  • SP_ENTITY_ID with the Identity of your SAML Service Provider.

  • METADATA_URL with the remote SAML metadata information url (idp or provided by a federation).

  • SSO_URL with the target SAML SSO url for user redirection (idp or a discovery service).

  • ENABLE_BACKEND_JWT_REQUEST enable a extra port (8443) fro the getToken request not protected by the shibboleth SP. It shoud only be open to some backend server trafic.

  • JITSI_DOMAIN with the target Jitsi-Meet prosody virtual host.

  • JWT_APP_SECRET with prosody application secret known only to your token.

  • JWT_APP_ID with prosody application identifier.

  • JWT_TOKEN_MODE with default to use a simple token generator based only on email check or advanced to add affiliation and private features.

  • SERVER_NAME with web server name of your token generator.

Generate certificates

We provide a script to generate selfsigned certificat for Apache and Shibboleth because SAML certificate auth needs to be share with IDP or federation Metadata.

> cd tools
> bash

Stand Alone JWT generator

This instalaltion script supposed you run it on a debian like operarting system (Ubuntu >= 18 or Debian >= 11). You can run before installing the jwt server or provide your own certificat for apache in the conf/cert/apache.pem file.

> cd tools
> bash

Docker SAML SP and JWT Generator

Build Docker Image :

docker image build -t jitsisaml2jwt .

We also provide Docker image on DockerHub : [].

Start with docker compose :

docker compose up -d

SAML integration

You need to provide your sp-cert.pem and your Service Provider Metdata url (https://[SERVER_NAME]/Shibboleth.sso/SAML2/POST) informations to the remote IDP or Federation registry.

Jitsi configuration to use JWT

With Jitsi-Meet Docker version :

  • Set ENABLE_AUTH=1, AUTH_TYPE=jwt and
  • Set JWT_APP_SECRET with prosody application secret known only to your token.
  • Set JWT_APP_ID with prosody application identifier.
  • To redirect from jitsi to login set the url of this containerTOKEN_AUTH_URL=https://[server_name]/redirectWithToken?room={room}
  • To redirect from jitsi to login with tenant set TOKEN_AUTH_URL=https://[server_name]/redirectWithToken?room={room}&tenant='+subdir+'

If you don't use Docker version, check with community post jitsi-meet-tokens-chronicles.

JItsi-SAML2JWT Request description

Sample request :


Available request:

Request Description Return
/redirectWithToken Redirect to the configured jitsi instance adding the JWT token in destination
/getToken Get a valid Token string

Available parameters:

Key Description Mandatory Type Default value
room Restrict token to the specified room string *
tenant Restrict token and redirect to the specified teant string empty
validity_timestamp Set the max validity timlestamp of the JWT token zccording to (0 for unlimited Token) int 0