A rebar plugin
$ rebar3 compile
Add the plugin to your rebar.config:
{plugins, [
{rebar3_ospkg, {git, "http://github.com/regikul/rebar3_ospkg", {tag, "v0.1.2"}}}
Then just call your plugin directly in an existing application:
$ rebar3 do release, ospkg -n $PACKAGE_VERSION -t $PACKAGE_TYPE
===> Fetching ospkg
===> Compiling ospkg
<Plugin Output>
Currently supports only deb
packages. Generate files with names like $RELEASENAME_$RELEASEVER-$PACKAGEVER.deb
in directory of the current release.
{ospkg, [
{install_dir, "/opt"},
{deb, [
{files_dir, {app_with_conf, "priv/debian"}},
%% DEBIAN/control
{provides, "packagename"},
{maintainer, "Ivan Petrov <some@email.somewhere>"},
{architecture, "all"},
{section, "net"},
{description, "Here goes description for your package"},
{depends, "package0, package1 (>= 1.2)"},
{'pre-depends', "package3, package4"},
{conflicts, ""},
{replaces, ""},
{recommends, ""},
{suggests, ""}
Only DEBIAN/control
and DEBIAN/md5sums
are generated by the plugin. All other deb-related files must be in location poined by files_dir
Currently plugin can not be called alone, due to relx eating all command line args. You can generate packages like that:
$ rebar3 do release, ospkg -n $PACKAGE_VERSION -t $PACKAGE_TYPE
I would like to thank AgoraDoxa LLC for their feedback and opportunity to use this tool in real world projects.