ChangeLog: Cocos2d-html5-v3.0 alpha @ March.15, 2014
Refactor some properties of all rendering classes with getter setter for providing javascript user friendly APIs, document reference.
function for cc.Node and its descendants to permit modify multiple properties at the same time with a key-value object. -
Refactor foundational data structures for better maintainability, document reference.
Add event manager to cocos2d-html5, all events are dispatched via cc.eventManager to event listener, document reference.
Refactor cc.Application to, document reference.
Refactor singleton Classes to javascript object, document reference.
Refactor all createWithXXX functions into unified create function with different parameters, document reference.
to config the paths of engine scripts, document reference. -
is replaced withproject.json
, document reference. -
Refactoring cc.loader, document reference.
CocoStudio GUI updated to 3.0, and ccs prefix of UI widgets have been changed to ccui.
CocoStudio v1.3.0 has been supported in v3.0.
richText has been supported in v3.0.
to register controller of ccb. -
to handle operations of file path, document reference. -
to handle async operations, document reference. -
Add cc.NodeGrid in v3.0.
. -
move to, document reference.
Refactor CCEGLView.js for better maintainability.
Refactor CCScheduler.js for better maintainability.
Remove arguments.callee which is forbidden in ECMAScript strict mode.
Refactor Array clean function for better performance.
Refactor some functions about array operation, document reference.
Refactor FadeIn/FadeOut to fix a bug that it always start from/to 255.
Rewrite functions in CCNS.js with regex.
Move CCFormatHelper and CCNS content into CCCommon.js.
Refactor cc.Screen to support all browsers.
Add retina display support for Apple devices to cc.view.
Add "allLayers" function to cc.TMXTiledMap.
Make cc.p and cc.size support two types of parameters.
cc.DrawNode supports all functions of cc.DrawingPrimitive on Canvas mode.
WebAudioEngine is supported on iOS now.
Use event on cc.canvas to make full screen.
Add a browser white list that support multiple audio playback at the same time.
Removed in/hasOwnProperty usage in engine for better performance.
Refactoring CCCommon.js, delete some unused functions, rename some functions for better maintainability.
Add analytics plugin protocol ,Flurry plugin and ProtocolAds.js plugin protocol.
Arguments length check replaced by undefined check for better performance.
Fix legacy Function.prototype.bind support.
Bugs fix:
- Avoid CCLabelTTF enter in infinite loop while character's width larger than the dimension width
- Add jsDoc Flags to cc.NodeRGBA and cc.LayerRGBA
- Fixed a bug that Schedule doesn't restart when widget is re-added after being removed
- Correction of split logic in CCLabelTTF
- Fixed a bug that armature animation does not display correctly on canvas mode
- Correct gui widget clone functions
- Fixed a bug of cc.SpriteFrameCache that filePath is needed in
- Add a condition check to avoid texture out of range bug
- Fixed a bug of cc.Editbox that its position is incorrect when its parent node isn't root node.
- Fixed a SimpleAudioEngine's state error.
- Fixed a bug of cc.TMXTileMap that its
should be a dictionary object - Fixed a bug of cc.DrawNode that it need to deep-copy verts in
- Fixed a bug of UILabelBMFont that variable
should be_stringValue
- Fixed a bug in SceneReader's
function - Fixed a bug when margin not set in ccs.Margin
- Fixed a bug of cc.TMXLayer that its
works incorrectly.
Known Issues: