- Introduction
- About Us
- Architecture and Modules
- Supported Platforms and Programming Languages
- �Release Notes
- Framework
- Getting Started
- Graphics & Animation
- Cocos2d Coordinate System
- Sprite, Layer and Scene
- Particle System
- Transitions
- Flipbook Animation
- Skeletal Animation
- Tile Map
- Actions
- Effects
- Renderer
- Mechanism to Work on Multiple Resolutions
- Audio
- Overview of GUI system
- UI Containers
- UI Widgets
- UI Layouts
- Label
- Data Structure
- Physics
- Network
- Events System
- Scheduler and Timer Callbacks
- Inputs
- Handling Touch Events
- Handling Accelerometer Events
- Memory Management
- Max Size of Textures on Each Platform
- Scripting
- Usage of binding-generator
- Lua
- Javascript
- Debugging
- CCLog
- CCConsole
- File Stream
- Intergrating with 3rd SDK
- Cocos2d-html5
- Highlighted release note of Cocos2d-JS v3.0a2
- Changelog of Cocos2d-JS v3.0a2
- Upgrade guide to Cocos2d-JS v3.0a2
- Startup
- New features and API changes in version 3.0:
- New workflow with cocos console
- New event manager
- New property API
- Game creation
- Construction and inheritance
- Cocos2d-html5 modulization
- Pure configuration file
- Basic data refactoration
- Singleton objects refactoration
- Unified create functions
- Loading resource with cc.loader
- System information in cc.sys
- Path management with cc.path
- Asynchronised process with cc.async
- Modification to cc.saxParser
- Modification to cc.spriteFrameCache
- About cc.FileUtils
- About cc.log
- Other change from v2.2.2 to v3.0
- Bake Node (In progress)
- Simplified action APIs (In progress)
- Studio
- Tutorials
- Build a Game with CocoStudio
- Pakour Game with Javascript