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A general ledger, suitable for managing any system with financial events


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Systems that manage money do so by managing its movement - by tracking where it moved from, where it moved to, how much moved and why. QLedger is a service that provides APIs to manage the structured movement of money.

The there are two primitives in the system: accounts and transactions. Money moves between accounts by means of a transaction.

A transaction may have multiple lines - each line represents the change (delta) of money in one account. A valid transaction has a total delta of zero - no money is created or destroyed, and all money moved out of any account(s) has moved in to other account(s). QLedger validates all transactions made via the API with a zero delta check.

Phrased another way, the law of conversation of money is formalized by the rules of double entry bookkeeping - money debited from any account must be credited to another account (and vice versa), implying that all transactions must have at least two entries (double entry) with a zero sum delta. QLedger makes it easy to follow these rules.

Accounts do not need to be predefined - they are called into existence when they are first used.

All accounts and transactions are identified by a string identifier, which also acts an idempotency and an immutability key. Transactions once sent to the ledger cannot be changed - any 'modification' or reversal requires a new transaction. The safe recovery mechanism for all network errors is also a simple retry - as long as the identifier does not change the transaction will never be inadvertently duplicated.


Transaction can be created as follows:

POST /v1/transactions

  "id": "abcd1234",
  "lines": [
      "account": "alice",
      "delta": -100
      "account": "bob",
      "delta": 100

Transactions with a total delta not equal to zero will result in a 400 BAD REQUEST error.

Transaction timestamp by default will be the time at which it is created. If necessary(such as migration of existing transactions), can be overridden using the timestamp property in the payload as follows:

POST /v1/transactions

  "id": "abcd1234",
  "timestamp": "2017-01-01 13:01:05.000",


The timestamp in the payload should be in the format 2006-01-02 15:04:05.000.

Transactions can have arbitrary number of key-value pairs maintained as a single JSON data which helps in grouping and filtering them by one or more criteria.

The data can be arbitrary JSON value as follows:

  "data": {
    "active": true,
    "status": "completed",
    "codes": ["O123", "C123", "F123"],
    "client_data": {
      "interval": {
        "invoice": "monthly"
    "amount": 2000,
    "expiry": "2017-12-01T05:00:00Z"

The transactions can be created with data as follows:

POST /v1/transactions

  "id": "abcd1234",
  "lines": [
      "account": "alice",
      "delta": -100
      "account": "bob",
      "delta": 100
  "data": {
    "christmas-offer": "",
    "status": "completed",
    "products": {
      "qw": {
          "tax": 14.5
    "months": ["jan", "feb"],
    "date": "2017-01-01"

Transactions can be updated multiple times with data. The existing data is always overwritten with the new data value.

The transaction with ID abcd1234 is updated with data as follows:

PUT /v1/transactions

  "id": "abcd1234",
  "data": {
    "christmas-offer": "",
    "hold-on": "",
    "status": "completed",
    "active": true,
    "products": {
      "qw": {
          "tax": 18.0
    "months": ["jan", "feb", "mar"],
    "date": "2017-01-01",
    "charge": 2000


An account with ID alice can be created with data as follows:

POST /v1/accounts

  "id": "alice",
  "data": {
    "product": "qw",
    "date": "2017-01-01"

An account can be updated with data as follows:

PUT /v1/accounts

  "id": "alice",
  "data": {
    "product": "qw",
    "date": "2017-01-05"

Searching of accounts and transactions

The transactions and accounts can be filtered from the endpoints GET /v1/transactions and GET /v1/accounts with the search query formed using the bool clauses(must and should) and query types(fields, terms and ranges).

Query types:

fields query

Find items where the specified column exists with the specified value in the specified range.

Example fields:

  • Field {"id": {"eq": "ACME.CREDIT"}} filters items where the column id is equal to ACME.CREDIT
  • Field {"balance": {"ne": 0}} filters items where the column balance is not equal to 0.
  • Field {"balance": {"lt": 0}} filters items where the column balance is less than 0
  • Field {"timestamp": {"gte": "2017-01-01T05:30"}} filters items where timestamp is greater than or equal to 2017-01-01T05:30
  • Field {"id": {"ne": "ACME.CREDIT"}} filters items where the column id is not equal to ACME.CREDIT
  • Field {"id": {"like": "%.DEBIT"}} filters items where the column id ends with .DEBIT
  • Field {"id": {"notlike": "%.DEBIT"}} filters items where the column id doesn't ends with .DEBIT

The supported field operators are lt(less than), lte(less than or equal), gt(greater than), gte(greater than or equal), eq(equal), ne(not equal), like(like patterns), notlike(not like patterns).

terms query

Filters items where the specified key-value pairs in a term exists in the data JSON.

Example terms:

  • Term {"status": "completed", "active": true} filters items where data.status is completed AND is true
  • Term {"months": ["jan", "feb", "mar"]} filters items where values jan, feb AND mar in data.months array
  • Term {"products":{"qw":{"tax":18.0}}} filters items where subset {"qw": {"tax": 18.0}} in products object
range query

Filters items which the specified key in data JSON exists in the specified range of values.

Example range:

  • Range {"charge": {"gte": 2000, "lte": 4000}} filters items where data.charge >= 2000 AND data.charge <= 4000
  • Range {"date": {"gt": "2017-01-01","lt": "2017-06-31"}} filters items where > '2017-01-01' AND < '2017-01-31'
  • Range {"type": {"is": null}} filters items where data.type is NIL
  • Range {"type": {"is": null}} filters items where data.type is not NIL
  • Range {"action": {"in": ["intent", "invoice"]}} filters items where data.action is ANY of ("intent", "invoice")
  • Range {"action": {"nin": ["charge", "refund"]}} filters items where data.action is NOT ANY of ("charge", "refund")

The supported range operators are lt(less than), lte(less than or equal), gt(greater than), gte(greater than or equal), eq(equal), ne(not equal), like(like patterns), notlike(not like patterns), is(is null checks), isnot(not null checks), in(ANY of list), nin(NOT ANY of list).

Bool clauses:

The following bool clauses determine whether all or any of the queries needs to be satisfied.

must clause

All of the query items in the must clause must be satisfied to get results.

The must clause can be equated with boolean AND

Example: The following query matches requests to match accounts which satisfies ALL of the following items:

  • Field balance > 0
  • Term data.type is credit AND is true
  • Term data.months with values jan, feb AND mar
  • Range >= 2000 AND >= 4000
  • Range > '2017-01-01' AND < '2017-06-31'

GET /v1/accounts

  "query": {
      "must": {
        "fields": [
            {"balance": {"gt": 0}}
        "terms": [
            {"type": "credit", "active": true},
            {"months": ["jan", "feb", "mar"]}
        "ranges": [
            {"coupon": {"gte": 2000, "lte": 4000}},
            {"date": {"gt": "2017-01-01","lt": "2017-06-31"}}
should clause

Any of the query items in the should clause should be satisfied to get results.

The should clause can be equated with boolean OR

Example: The following query matches requests to match transactions which satisfies ANY of the following items:

  • Field id = '2017-06-31T05:00:45'
  • Term data.type is AND order_id is 001
  • Range data.timestamp >= '2017-01-01T05:30'

GET /v1/accounts

  "query": {
      "should": {
        "fields": [
            {"id": {"eq": "intent_QW_001"}}
        "terms": [
            {"type": "", "order_id": "001"}
        "ranges": [
            {"timestamp": {"gte": "2017-01-01T05:30"}}


  • This search API follows a subset of Elasticsearch querying format.

  • Clients those doesn't support passing search payload in the GET, can alternatively use the POST endpoints: POST /v1/transactions/_search and POST /v1/accounts/_search.

  • A search query can have both must and should clauses.

  • Transactions in the search result are ordered chronological by default.

Environment Variables:

Please read the documentation of all QLedger environment variables here