Releases: ReCodEx/web-app
- Fix bugs in simple form
- Better UX when creating local account from CAS account
1ade57f Fix bugs in simple config forms (#169)
5a53664 Merge pull request #167 from ReCodEx/empty-local-password
a70ba33 Update of user edit form to correctly reflect situation when local password is empty and should not be required. Also some minor improvements in the form were made incidentally.
- human readable Pascal exit codes
- possibility to create local password for CAS accounts
- submission failures page for admins
- deduplication of data in local state of the app
b1eef25 Bugfix: proper skin setting to ejs template
9c59570 Bug fixes (#165)
5c934a0 Enable change of AdminLTE skin colours
e1c05e1 Merge pull request #164 from ReCodEx/submission_failures
f5eb6ff Validate note length, reset form after submit
d041922 Allow resolve a submission failure
547a0e6 Fixing idiotic bugs from previous PR.
b25310f Local login (#162)
a0648ac Improve fix ui (#163)
cef83f8 Basic submission failures page
e046512 WIP: empty submission failures page
135c5f1 Private/public consolidation (#161)
6e1fa17 Forgotten message for Pascal exit code 0.
- new loading screen to make sure the bundle is loaded
- allow caching bundle and static content in browser
- use XML format to validate CAS ticket - better compatibility
ebc10bd Renaming Oauth to cas (#160)
54a0d4a Unimportant minor adjustment of colors on loading screen...
d30e4d0 Merge pull request #158 from ReCodEx/better-bundle-loading
c07fb3a Fixing build process, caching, and bundle loading.
94e8f8e Merge pull request #157 from ReCodEx/group-points-bugfix
a9e2a1e Bug in reducers that load bestSolutions fixed.
- fix issue with CAS login on Android and sometimes desktop Firefox
- fix refreshing components when adding a supervisor to group and resubmitting reference solution
- display point stats in assignment overview component
- multirow comments
- add custom messages for Pascal exit codes
acb414c Ux improvements2 (#156)
b28baf9 Merge pull request #155 from ReCodEx/fixes
4bf586a Display point stats in assignment overview
fd205cb Refresh reference evaluations after resubmit
1cb1ec8 Fix loading issue on new students and supervisors
354299a Show course ID for student SIS groups
250283f README - update link to wiki, delete unnecessary license notice
a1d2c41 Fixing several bugs. (#151)
b8598fe Fix incorrect formatting
efce550 Merge pull request #148 from ReCodEx/simple_exercise_form
a8a5d48 Adding tooltips to some buttons.
8c7a2bb Fix linter
e992691 Merge branch 'simple_exercise_form' of into simple_exercise_form
2a6ccb4 Reload evaluations after resubmit
8d5d3c4 Validation added into simple config form -- input file duplicates are now detected.
8d867c4 Merge branch 'simple_exercise_form' of into simple_exercise_form
88273fa Smart fill button is now operational.
9a1c1fb Fix linter and tests
3289261 Update icons
f4067df Rewriting Expanding fields to be completely compatible with redux-form. Fixing multiple bugs in simple edit form related to expanding fields and to recent change in test id
entification (using id instead of name).
6c31c98 Updating translations.
237c252 Fixing problems with react 16. Updating behavior of simple edit page. Adding dirty and active state and CSS styles to common form fields.
d175e9f Identify tests by their ids
d71995d Newer webpack
10847ea React v16 + update of some dependencies
cca2da4 Fix unhandled error in pipeline edit form
facb8fe Merge branch 'master' of into simple_exercise_form
a773445 Additional forms polishing and fixes for simple bugs.
88f9edf Refresh all data when environment configs are changed.
6508094 Merge branch 'simple_exercise_form' of into simple_exercise_form
eae3dd3 Updating exercise config forms and localization.
c4c0fc1 Merge branch 'simple_exercise_form' of into simple_exercise_form
b1b4ab0 Refetch config and limits after changing tests
50cf7dd Fixing bug and adding reset button to test edit form.
78e82fe Merge branch 'simple_exercise_form' of into simple_exercise_form
f73a09b Final polishing of tests edit form.
967467b Better fields validation, visual improvements
18a228f Exercise config reflects changes in test count
1fa274f Rename additional files to attchment files (#147)
a8bb4a1 New items for assignment synchronization
78aab5d Merge branch 'simple_exercise_form' of into simple_exercise_form
264efdd Updating names of judges.
0158a94 Adapt to changed API format
a6dc91f Changing logger middleware to get configuration from .env.
e3efcb7 Finishing work on simple limits form.
2d18ef2 Simple limits edit form rewritten once more + now supports field validation and cloning buttons.
45fdd90 Merge branch 'master' of into simple_exercise_form
66b6ffb Merge pull request #146 from ReCodEx/json_everywhere
387179a Fixing an issue of empty JSON bodies.
ef58f33 Merge branch 'simple_exercise_form' of into simple_exercise_form
6faf47c Refactoring and modifying limits edit form (WiP).
fcd1055 Special handling for uploading files
52b62ac Use JSON instead of urlencoded form data
64e7e6e Fixes to exercise config form and empty configs
8df5b4c Edit simple exercise configuration form validation
671ed62 Edit RE form validation
b16ec8d Edit tests form validation
179c8a7 Add more standard judges
2846c88 Find pipelines for each test, support out file too
21a35ac Simple form starting to work ...
c32503f Kibibyte rulez.
29a85d3 Fixing issue with inadequate bytes pretty printer.
d63ba8e Merge branch 'master' of into simple_exercise_form
d537017 Merge pull request #145 from ReCodEx/fixes
f33c5de Fixed problem with deleting exercises on exercise overview page.
920caad Fixing bug on users overview page. Details (assignments) of groups that user cannot see (due to permissions) are no longer requested from API.
cbb317d Merge pull request #144 from ReCodEx/fixes
ed64bc1 Fixing problem with submission details page (when solution has no submissions).
67adf8d Merge pull request #143 from ReCodEx/fixes
1929e28 Fix dashboard SIS panel to correctly fetch public groups instead of groups when accessing group names.
e806161 Redux Dev Server is started only if specified correctly in .env. Forgotten translation of exercise name in AssignmentStats.
14d5cf9 (tag: v1.3.0) Merge pull request #140 from ReCodEx/sis-create-group-update-sidebar
d4ccb73 (origin/sis-create-group-update-sidebar) Fixing ESLint bug.
1b7175f Sidebar is now refreshing when new group is created from SIS course.
234f366 Merge pull request #139 from ReCodEx/fixes
bc9ede6 Logging disabled when Redux Dev Tools are on the scene.
ab0d2aa Fixed problems in selectors in reductors created by latest API changes.
0080564 Merge pull request #137 from ReCodEx/new_submissions
5cd9cce Allow switching on failed submissions too
b070bb0 Merge branch 'master' into new_submissions
385c683 Merge branch 'new_submissions' of into new_submissions
c811d14 Show number of submitted solututions
f7e121e Various fixes
9092d40 Localized group description does not have to be filled (it may be empty).
94679a3 Submission can be null in results table
7f931d1 Merge pull request #138 from ReCodEx/fix-create-sis-group
d2ba1d5 Fixed ESLint bugs.
3105b00 Merge branch 'master' of into fix-create-sis-group Finalization of SIS groups bug fix.
029bfde Better submission evaluations selector
02de08f Intermediate commit (WP).
5150502 Fix submission loading error
c2d0e23 Small improvement in form presentation.
3ec60d3 Dashboard SIS groups issue with rerendering resolved.
ae88f7a (new_submissions) WIP: show all submissions of a solution
13bf271 Fix download of results archive
4d24d12 WIP: Show other student submissions to supervisors
b75be00 Fix reference solutions
e234019 Old behaviour, new data format inside
11647ef Solution list data schema updated
49046f0 Merge pull request #133 from ReCodEx/pipelines-references
786227b Fixed bug with SIS group creation.
51abf9d Merge pull request #136 from ReCodEx/localized_groups
553c103 Fix group localization against API
7e4f03d Translate group description, sidebar & edit form
bf72560 Group name is localized
84637c4 Merge pull request #135 from ReCodEx/fixes
4b681c8 Group edit form localization support
1d407a7 Merge pull request #124 from ReCodEx/fix-creating-group-sis
13382a4 Buttons for normal and debug resubmit
47a0896 Hide edit exercise config form for now
e20fe0e Refresh submissions table after closing progress
b0587ee Merge branch 'master' of into fix-creating-group-sis
1d325eb Fixed bug with login form. Form is now set to POST method even if JS fails to load properly.
eb3ff2f Merge branch 'master' of into exercise-localization-improvements
ff176a3 Sorting of exercises fixed to use localized names.
d532675 Localized exercise name with other locales shown as a hint created.
47ebd4c Merge branch 'master' into fix-creating-group-sis
a6f0036 Performance optimalization
f4f46ed Fix array references
642e1f1 Remove duplicities
9476622 Merge pull request #132 from ReCodEx/fix-pipelines-graph-display
5af4c8f 🐛 Fix broken clusters
0df5a9a Fixing server redirects from 301 (permanent) to 302 (temporary). Permanent redirects mess up with browser caches.
32b2eab (tag: v1.2.0) Merge pull request #130 from ReCodEx/fixes
96f63ea Completely hide forking exercise for now
8f84342 Merge branch 'master' into fixes
35cdc0a Merge pull request #129 from ReCodEx/ssr-everywhere
37440f6 SSR bug fixed.
8920f8c SSR fixes
4b61cee Fix pipeline page layout
4d55392 Forking exercise to selected group, now disabled
dcd41b1 Translate SIS course names
ef38100 Show all parent groups on more pages
cd22f9b Enable SSR on all pages
5d89b56 Merge pull request #128 from ReCodEx/fix-ssr-assignment-hangout
76cdec8 Merge branch 'master' of into fix-ssr-assig
800d9e6 SSR fixed (hopefully). Logger middleware added.
c00e6df Failed solutions can be accepted
40b6d17 Merge pull request #126 from ReCodEx/new_localization
c509fbd More transtated strings
f035a26 Change mime type of downloadable files
dede7eb (new_localization) Merge branch 'master' into new_localization
d0ec6a0 Translate assignment name and exercise fixes
a6feedd Translate exercise name and description
3982fa0 Adapt localized text form for new API
91aefbc Merge pull request #122 from ReCodEx/score_config
66da76a Merge pull request #125 from ReCodEx/file-content-endpoint-encoding-fix
d3d1fdf Fixed source viewer dialog box to use flex CSS instead of broken JS height set
3ee5f67 Updates that reflect the changes in API were made in source code preview dialo
g. The dialog now shows warnings if the code is malformed or too large.
54a31dd ✨ Add reducer for binding
b07b27f 🚧 Fix action type
2eb1493 🚧 Update dispatching action
b3fbf86 🚧 Update action creator
b6d4c67 ✨: Add reducer for creating group
49e7548 (score_config) Assignment - sync new values
9e39e5b Merge pull request #123 from ReCodEx/fix-copy-limits
2d99e11 ✅ Adapt tests
9ba120d Merge pull request #115 from ReCodEx/exercise-rights-tuning
6678ae5 🐛 Fix reducer
406879c 🚧 Fix initial values of simple limits form
66b5130 German language removed from list of offered localizations.
534a8ac Fixing unimportant test warning.
fb80677 Code cleanup.
d280f2a Fork button hidden for supervisors + refactoring in Exercise detail page. Butt
ons for reference solution are displayed based on privilegeHints. Bug fixed in EditAssignment form.
57d01d7 Merge branch 'master' of into exercise-righ
b878fcf Merge pull request #121 from ReCodEx/close_evaluation_progress
f4d3535 Add score config actions
ed15ecc Allow close evaluation progress & more
5c9fcf5 Merge pull request #120 from ReCodEx/remove-takeover-info-after-logout
608dadb 🔥 Properly save the removed state
55cafa3 Fixed bug in assignment edit form submission.
feb9faf Readme update
271ec82 Merge branch 'master' of into exercise-righ
e674ed1 Merge pull request #119 from ReCodEx/reload-page-after-takeover
b032d04 🍰 User switching enhancements
3fdad53 Merge pull request #118 from ReCodEx/fix-sidebar-scrolling
590b933 📐 Fix sidebar scrolling
4339bb7 WIP move score config form to exercise config page
89a9008 User's ordering fixed using string locale compare function.
1cebb07 Merge branch 'master' of into exercise-righ
27f99e0 Another isCorrect correction
ddcd3a5 isCorrect fixes
a45594b Merge pull request #117 from ReCodEx/evaluation_detail
109a1c3 Display points threshold on assignment page
9ea05a5 Evaluation detail props reorganization
2b20eb3 Merge branch 'master' of into exercise-righ
c9f9983 Merge pull request #116 from ReCodEx/fix_upload_files
4365cc4 Fix saving files with *.PAS extension into state
d7693fc Merge branch 'master' of into exercise-righ
3d85b6c Merge pull request #114 from ReCodEx/fixes
ebcbce3 Disable accept button on pending action
93f9592 Buttons delete and evaluate of the reference solution are now displayed based on whether the user can actually perform the action. Button create exercise at general exercise overview page is now displayed only to superadmin.
c826e2b Explicit comment refresh to reduce server workload
4298b96 Unaccept solution
a0f891f Improve messages - wrong files, accepted solutions
8f72a30 Add Exercise button (on the global exercise page) is now visible only to superadmin.
73bb8d1 Merge pull request #113 from ReCodEx/more_group_admins
b138afc Group admin role must be removed before supervisor
704e3c6 Group can have more admins
170fcab Merge pull request #110 from ReCodEx/string-sorting-locales
d69966d Fixed issue with intl injecion PropTypes.
278f443 Merge branch 'master' of into string-sorting-locales
1195074 Fix threshold validation blocking submitting form
c5c51f0 Inherit requireAuth from parent /app route
ece5648 Merge pull request #106 from ReCodEx/fix-token-expiration
3a725db Merge branch 'master' into fix-token-expiration
a412b2b Fix wrong timestamps together with API
378f34b Merge branch 'master' into string-sorting-locales
5c5d551 String sorting comparators fixed to use selected locale.
8f55a39 Bugfix: display correctly test results if time or memory value is zero.
db3e0f9 Merge pull request #109 from ReCodEx/delete_exercise_files
ce04578 Support deleting additional exercise files
884e394 Delete exercise supplementary files
6a1e97f Merge pull request #108 from ReCodEx/fixes
3f447f3 Allow removing supplementary files
331cc2c Reference solutions can be deleted
d63169a Fix assignment page permissions for different user
ef208bf Explicit assign of group admin
c47ee3a Fix result archive download names
ba6dd64 Merge pull request #107 from ReCodEx/api_search
92d6621 Exercises and pipelines are also searched via API
79cd34b Users are searched by API
b22a6cc Fix searching error
1c1480e Fix tests
ef920bd Automatically logout after token expires
c4fe7ca Merge pull request #105 from ReCodEx/fetchmany_page_loading
49c6632 Merge pull request #104 from ReCodEx/evaluation-failed-flag
6f33fd7 Add fetch many resource renderer to other pages
7c9b04b Remove unnecessary evaluationFailed flag from evaluation details
79f3512 Merge pull request #101 from ReCodEx/autoeval-ref-solution
8894e84 Mer...