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Releases: ReCodEx/web-app


03 Feb 22:24
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  • Redesign of SIS Integration page.
  • New Arduino environment support.
  • Various ux improvements, added missing labels and comments,
  • Many bugs fixed (especially a nasty one in SSR).


ca33484 #! v1.25.0
05ceec5 Adding arduino identifiers to simple environments (so it works with simple config forms).
ea3d7ba Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7
9e0bdb4 Fixed bug in exercise config form and used supplementary files are now prevented from being deleted.
7879f32 Fixed tiny bug in assignment stats table (records of students that left the group are no longer displayed).
966d755 Taking advantage of new noAdmin flag in create group API endpoint in forms that create new groups.
400c2d1 Implementing collective archiving dialog for SIS groups administration.
735806f Added modal form in SIS administration to plant semestral groups all in one submit.
2007ab6 Implementing new simple checkbox field (for situations where on-off toggle is inappropriate).
9269b96 Improving SIS term editing form.
3c1a47d Updating SIS supervised courses component to match changes in API (splitting groups and courses). Improving visualization of pending operations.
a5ef80d Updating SIS integration to match API changes (splitting group and SIS records). Updating visualization of student's SIS integration view to take advantage of the API changes (show course info as well).
5e70692 Improving appearance of SIS integration component, namely the supervisor's view. The group creation and binding forms have been moved into modal dialogues.
a929f4a Better handling of SSR loadAsync failures.
35bd13d Fixing bug in score config explanation info dialog.
c81d777 Updating obsolete warning at delete button of exercise edit form.


07 Dec 00:32
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  • Updating results table to handle the split log (displaying stdout and stderr separately).
  • Integrating new mergeJudgeLogs flag of exercises and assignments into UI (forms, sync notifier, and result table).
  • Showing exit signals in submission result table.
  • Improving labels and explanations.


bb1f2f8 #! v1.24.0
cd9d255 Bump highlight.js from 9.18.1 to 10.4.1
98e625b Showing exit signals in submission result table.
2f025ec Improving appearance and labels of forms, adding explanations.
7080a4c Integrating new mergeJudgeLogs flag of exercises and assignments into UI (forms, sync notifier, and result table).
759d1ac Updating results table to handle the split log (displaying stdout and stderr separately).
7768a8a Add versions matrix to CI
54d9fb6 When running 'npm test' run only test framework and not linter
df3a388 Remove travis configuration
00d6e99 Add github actions support


22 Nov 21:28
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  • Fixing bugs.


f9ea934 #! v1.23.0
c7cafae Fixing bug in user name comparator.
554a42a Fixing bug that crushes edit limits page when limits are partially filled and hw-group changes.
a14f099 Hotfix of last release.


19 Sep 16:30
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  • Migrating from Mono to .NET Core 3.1.


8f5e2ae #! v1.22.1
acd68f8 Disabling debug resubmit for .NET code env (until we reduce result archive size with filtering).
bdbebc8 Improved submission error reporting.
08a0706 Updating webapp to be ready for C# .NET Core.
a72e228 Bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1
3ccc507 Bump decompress from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1
b8d16fe Updating spec file for RPM builds.


13 Aug 22:05
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  • Refactoring score (tests) edit form and implementing AST tree expression editor
  • Implementing "explain" button for (reference) solution score that shows dialog that explains how solution correctness was computed
  • Improving error reporting for exercise configuration (entangling error messages with links to forms where the problem should be fixed)
  • Adding support for 'detaining' flag of groups
  • Showing evaluation failures to regular users
  • Multiple minor ux improvements


db9cd5a Making edit environments form collapsed into a read-only table (when filled) so it saves room on the edit exercise config page.
136151c Improving appearance of active buttons (bootstrap overrides).
93f95e2 Bump serialize-javascript from 2.1.2 to 3.1.0
33e141c Fixing bugs, polishing, adding debug checks and logging since the universal calculator and its expression editor are still experimental features.
f92a2c5 Finalization of universal score calculator component and its utilization for showing solution results explanation.
fea1709 Fixing minor bugs related to exercise error reporting and URL hash manipulation.
9bd17c8 Finalizing the conversions of configurations when calculator is changed (especially universal -> weighted).
72e4a2f Implementing tree-wide transformations for optimizations and for conversion of universal config into weighted config (if possible). Some additional refactoring and improvements (in validity checking)-
d7da6f5 First complete version of universal score (expression in AST) editor that allows saving the data.
b45fb27 Improved appearance of expression editor.
4e350b7 Adding undo/redo operations and a modal dialog with quick reference.
f9998c9 AST editor now implements all node functions (thorough testing still required).
d5cf248 First implementation of AST representation and corresponding React component for visualization and editing (with fundamental set of operations only).
ad6e4da Preparing exercise tests form to support more complex score calculators.
f3c32b0 Merge pull request #384 from ReCodEx/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/elliptic-6.5.3
a58484f Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3
517f539 Updating exercise config forms so that Haskell will support custom judges.
0e99022 Fixing GroupDetail page so that exercises in a group reload correctly if the group is changed but navigation stays on the page.
541ae40 Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4
6f9a594 Adding support for highlighting boxes (selected by URL fragment) and using this in links leading to different boxes of exercise config forms.
b2ea08b Aggregating callout banners for exercise pages and replacing backend verification error messages with localized messages (based on semantic annotations).
27aedeb A form for creating exercise in a group was added to main exercises page.
96b3e96 Warning added when user fills whitespace in args lists.
7c16c89 Creating explanation help box (and adding two sample utilizations).
b3236a0 Scrolling up the ExerciseEdit page on enter.
92c9199 Python recursion error exit code message.
69be78c Changing solution endpoint URLs to match last routes refactoring (evaluation -> submission renaming).
d62c4f3 Showing score config dialog for reference solutions (and slight refactoring of Ref. solution detail page).
a933095 Adjusting score config edit form for new API (using embedded JSON structure instead of encoded YAML).
f90d4de Implementing visualization of score config associated with assignment solution.
81501cb Updating redux exercise score config module to support loading of submission exercise configs.
0aa8329 Recognizing both 'uniform' and 'weighted' score calculators in EditExerciseConfig page.
59ce9c3 Adjusting score getting/setting procedures to match changes made in API.
620ca07 Adding support for 'detaining' flag of groups which prevents students from leaving groups.
bf6b653 Showing evaluation failures to regular users.
db5bd86 Minor ux improvements (adding "created at" property to assignment detail sheet).
73a7a85 Updating specs file for COPR builds.


30 Mar 20:50
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  • Adding comment threads for assignments (as public discussion).
  • Implementing new solution file limits to UI (exercise and assignment forms, info tables, and submission checks).
  • Modifications in exercise config forms to support Scala, Groovy, Kotlin, and Bash.
  • Upgrading dependencies (fixing security issues).
  • Improving some ux issues (especially in solutions tables).


e148ce4 Adding user settings switch for new assignment email notifications.
8a04ebb Upgrading font-awesome libraries.
38643e3 Adding comment threads for assignments (as public discussion).
d10e9f5 Upgrading some package dependencies to fix security issues.
1875b85 Fixing bug from previous PR (submission limits).
10320f3 Modifications in exercise config forms to support Scala, Groovy, Kotlin, and Bash.
5da60d5 Implementing new solution file limits to UI (exercise and assignment forms, info tables, and submission checks).
adeb27d Merge pull request #368 from ReCodEx/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/acorn-6.4.1
7cf5e75 Bump acorn from 6.1.1 to 6.4.1
0954d64 Solution table icons refactored and unified in both tables.
3e2fe52 Improving appearance of solution tables. Refactoring some buttons along the way.
d5ad284 Fixing bugs and fixing page loading failure message.


12 Jan 23:30
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  • Updating main results table on GroupDetail page to display interactive dialog when clicking on particular points.
  • Interface for handling new "reviewed" flag of solutions.
  • Dialog for editing note of a solution.
  • Improving appearance of solution detail table by adding links to related solutions.
  • Adding (un)select all/invert selection features to RTE filter of the exercise list.
  • Code syntax highlighting added to markdown fields.
  • Preventing creation of an assignment if an exercise has no ref. solutions.
  • Many UX improvements (better labels, confirmation dialogs, buttons, shortcuts, missing info, styling...).


134ae2e Adding correct vertical alignment class to solutions table.
8f401af Improving appearance of solution detail table by adding links to related solutions.
d7e7aa6 Adding form in a modal for editing note of a solution.
acded8d Fixing minor issue with class names.
e7afa8d New settings checkbox added for email notification flag (submit after reviewed).
f4f9fc1 Style standalone radio inputs with unified radio appearance
dc5fd32 Style radio buttons to better fit in with other form controls
dbc27da Fixing group labels and icons of links which should have been already changed in previous PRs.
2bcf684 Interface for handling new "reviewed" flag of solutions. Refactoring "accepted" flag to use new universal set-flag API endpoint.
252da4d Adding (un)select all/invert selection features to RTE filter of the exercise list.
e2f7355 Adding private icon to exercises in a list and final polishing of previous commits.
e4be2a2 Minor handy tweaks of shadow assignment points edit form and adding forgotten translations.
089e79b Updating main results table on GroupDetail page to display interactive dialog when clicking on particular points. Related code refactored as needed and discovered bugs fixed along.
1bca9c5 Exercise fork now requires confirmation. Submit buttons slightly refactored in the process.
2c3701f Groups buttons, labels, and icons revised.
5033505 Improving exercise info icons and labels. Preventing creation of an assignment if an exercise has no ref. solutions.
9fbff66 Updating appearance of user names (both on User page and Users lists).
ff6eec8 Bump serialize-javascript from 1.4.0 to 2.1.1
ceab103 Code syntax highlighting added to markdown fields.


30 Nov 01:32
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  • User settings (notifications) updated, new flag added.
  • Filters for tags and environments added to exercise lists.
  • Exercise tags implemented.
  • Bug fixes, English labels updated.


833cec2 User settings updated and new flag added.
1df1bd2 Adding filters for environments and tags to paginated exercise list.
2a39e0e Adding tags to exercise details and exercise lists. Adjusting appearance of the list to make room for tags (and some refactoring).
f84167f Form for editing exercise tags created and placed on edit exercise page.
24f3068 Exercise tags API operations added in redux module and selectors.
30dbc7f Bug in loadAsync of user profile page.
49ed2c6 Fixing shadow assignment creation issues.
4ee37ab English fixes


25 Oct 23:33
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  • Updates in SIS module, supervisors may unbind a group.
  • Fixing bugs in error messages and their translations.
  • Group relocation feature added for superadmin.


31206e2 #! v1.18.3
36a5642 SIS group unbinding implemented. Additionally, shortcut for deleting groups was added to SIS integration module.
0df7548 Updating registration and login error messages.
baf28df Fixing show/hide menu button for the most narrow screens.
f7182ba Group relocation form added on the Edit Group page.
1435153 Fixing bug in testing http response codes.


05 Oct 19:27
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  • Better handling of unauthorized requests.
  • Improving user switching controls.
  • Adding interface for localized API error codes.


3531d6a #! v1.18.2
7f1c6df Updated caption label for exclusive runtime environments.
ce99c37 Adding interface for translating API error codes. Using this translation in login form.
1ed4db8 Updating way how the user switching controls are handled (better token refreshing, button for removing user from list).
ac7b6b2 Updating captions and localizations.
b207818 Better handling of 403 HTTP responses to detect, when the user is no longer welcome and should be logged out.