Releases: ReCodEx/web-app
- Submit lockout handling and visualization.
- Adding a submit button to the solutions detail page (quicker resubmit for students).
- Adjusting and fixing various ACL issues.
22b3abc Bump @babel/traverse from 7.17.0 to 7.23.2
5562010 Bump crypto-js from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0
c6f67a2 Fixing access control for group info page.
6d15946 Showing the lockedReason from can-submit endpoint if the submissions are locked out.
ff6d5c9 Adding email icon to author's of ref. solution (in the box with ref. solution details).
93dcd59 Adding submit button to solutions detail page.
c2a585c Fixing ALC hints for plagiarism source download.
25a1437 Adjusting visibility of group attach/detach buttons on the edit exercise page based on ACLs.
7ca2981 Adjusting visibility of add-user controls based on ACLs.
- Redesigning status icon for assignment solutions.
- Adding notification action button to exercise-related pages.
- Enabling judge selection for Prolog environment.
- Adjusting token generation form and adding plagiarism and ref-solution scopes.
721e306 #! v2.9.0
5e28e53 Adjusting token generation form and adding plagiarism and ref-solution scopes.
c76894c Redesigning status icon for assignment solutions.
f83abc1 Replacing deprecated evalutationStatus and isCorrect fields from submission entity.
4c817cc Bump get-func-name from 2.0.0 to 2.0.2
114a7e5 Enabling judge selection for Prolog environment.
992ec01 Adding notification action button to exercise-related pages.
- Modifications of exercise UI (editing author and admins, archived status).
- New reference solutions page (only promoted ref. solutions are now shown on the main page of the exercise).
- Action buttons added to reference solutions to change visibility.
- Several minor ux improvements, unifying appearance, refactoring,
32e5ff2 #! v2.8.0
7ecab5d Copying user external IDs into clipboard on click.
871290d Fixing the issue (#486) with the wording of relative time after a deadline.
3d208f7 Refactoring action buttons.
cbf8a5e Fixing bugs.
5020f45 Adding a comment thread to each exercise.
247dd5d Improving reference solution filters and saving the configuration in local storage.
1f081cc Additional updates related to new reference solutions organization (only promoted ref. solutions on Exercise page, adding filters to reference solution table, ...).
65bab5d Adding a separate reference solutions page to exercise-related pages. The visibility status of the reference solutions is visualized and buttons are added to change the visibility state.
86083e8 Handling new archiving feature of exercise (setting, adjusting list filters, and visualization).
0d8d920 Fixing remove user icon.
7a17b93 Unifying appearance of major action buttons on edit pages.
0d259d8 Adding visualization and editing support for exercise admins and for changing the author of the exercise.
- Updating yarn packages (migration to React 18 and React Router 6).
- Many minor UI and UX improvements (especially visualization of assignment solutions and their lists).
- Enabling summary review comments and adding a comment thread to the solution source codes page.
- Fixing bugs and performance optimizations.
17b4623 #! v2.7.0
63f1306 Another round of minor dep. updates.
45b33c3 Upgrading React Router to 6.x.
9430f3d Upgrading to React 18.x
f8b75f3 Auxiliary dependencies major updates.
5e8b103 Upgrading dependencies to nearest minor versions.
0f3d64f Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2
b7e35f3 Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4
2184ed4 Using a double click as a shortcut to open item details in item lists (exercises, assignments, solutions...). This is opt-in, configurable in user UI settings.
90adee6 Improving how some buttons (tests and runtime environments) are displayed on exercise config page.
8abad50 Updating edit assignment form to pre-initialize the send notification checkbox with respect to whether an async job (with the notification) is scheduled or not.
12f0d35 Comment thread added on solution source files page (hiding at the right, revealing by clicking on its tab).
1f3a066 Review summary (a global comment that is not attached to any file:line) added.
7f16431 Making revisions more eye-catching and easily accessible for students.
93b6593 Fixing issues related with layout rendering and box highlighting (along with related bugs).
6aeb6c6 Additional view modes for assignment solutions.
dd220be Changing view mode selection of assignment solutions from two check boxes to a drop-down button selector.
7808d23 Renaming AssignmetStats to AssignmentSolutions for consistency (and adjusting routing as well).
76eef4a Removing unnecessary reload of page when bonus points or points override are updated.
62c8dd6 Preventing unexpected actions on solutions' detail page (all solution table dialog).
10dfb70 Adding a pending indicator to solution actions button.
0c8f9e1 Fixing bug that causes error when solution is deleted in the solution detail's page dialog.
5416190 Additional quick point-overrides implemented as solution actions.
5c2a564 Refactoring solution actions (buttons) into one component (container) which works for top-level buttons as well as inline button-dropdown.
849bf6c Adding attempt index column to assignment solutions page.
- Source code similarities (suspected plagiarism) are being indicated and visualized in the UI.
- Enabling compiler arguments for Arduino environment.
33bbe2d #! v2.6.0
522fc9d Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8
2546e78 Bump webpack from 5.73.0 to 5.76.0
b96c404 Fixing bugs, appearance improvements.
2889228 Some callouts added so that the teacher will not miss there are plagiarisms detected in solution lists.
0ec89d6 Implementing plagiarism file comparator and related page for visualization.
af82ed0 Fixing appearance of solution files button.
6027a15 Suspected plagiarism indicator icon added in solutions tables.
4615c37 Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.34 to 0.5.39
f539b45 Bump terser from 5.10.0 to 5.16.1
dfe7c19 Enabling compiler arguments for Arduino environment.
792065d Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2
- Adding collective update functions for exercise assignments (e.g., syncing multiple assignments with the exercise at once).
- UX improvements, bug fixes.
7321d07 #! v2.5.2
59858dd UX improvements in source code views, diffs, and reviews.
ce8bf1c Refactoring and fixing sorting issues.
6a635c8 Adding collective update functions for exercise assignments (e.g., syncing multiple assignments with the exercise at once).
1d36bc4 Fixing permission hints in assignment navigation links.
- Adjusting the web app to use a new setter endpoint (instead of toggle) for the privacy status of comments.
643f605 #! v2.5.1
827c3cd Switching from deprecated toggle to set API endpoint for thread comments' privacy flag.
daf8559 Reloading can-submit info right after a solution is submitted.
- Code reviews implemented.
- Fixing bugs.
bfe7a42 Dashboard overview of pending reviews.
42b946a Adding notification of pending reviews and "close all" buttons to assignment stats and group user solutions pages.
101286e Code reviews implemented (review state buttons, adding/editing/removing actions and forms on the source codes page, indicators, messages and notifications).
751d84b Implementing redux module and selectors for handling solution reviews.
4371fe3 Hotfix for a bug in assignment solvers fetch function that caused unhandled promise rejection.
3294892 Adding "restart" parameter to systemd .service file.
- Implementing UI for creating iCal export links (issue #393)
- Reimplementing source code viewers
- Adding new page with all solution source codes together
- Implementing diff feature to compare two solution source files
- Users may select in UI config whether to display First name or Last name first in user listings and the actual format of date time fields
- User-invitation dialog for teachers added to regular user group-members management
- Management for group invitation links
- Splitting group detail page into assignments page and students page
- Fixing issue #459
- Upgrading package dependencies
- Various ux and appearance improvements
ab11e60 #! v2.4.0
5de194c Renaming /detail group route to /assignments (to be in sync with previous re-branding).
aa3071b Implementing the UI for group invitations (both management and student interface).
699e9a1 Re-branding GroupDetail to GroupAssignments (and similarly some group-related components).
9bc047b Separating students and their results from group detail page into new group students page.
9257e2b Allowing groups to be selected in the invitation form.
4416fb2 Accept invitation page for finishing the invited registration process implemented.
bd2b16d Adding an invitation form in a modal dialog, so that supervisors can invite new users in ReCodEx.
c72fc43 Implementing comparison of files from different solutions using diff-view component.
7964edd Implementing diff-view for source codes.
7613028 Creating a separate page with all source code files of a solution displayed at once.
add9c9a Re-implementing source code viewer component (using prism-based syntax highlighter instead of ACE editor).
6768475 Adding interface on EditUser page to handle users' calendar tokens.
19ad1fe Making relative time for submission detail relative to the deadline.
71c7669 Improving download filename of ZIP archive of solution source files.
9b8df02 Fixing solvers reload after user submission.
e6be966 Adjusting UI to use new attemptIndices and assignment-solver records provided now in API to better track assignment solution attempts.
4775236 Making the user name format more configurable in UI (a user may select to show last name first in listings now).
17b0d48 Allowing user to explicitly set date format (en/cs) throughout the UI.
cab652d Fixing translations management.
d2adff0 Improving appearance of date time, adding full time in overlay for comment times.
261f278 Fixing confusing messages at Login page (redirect + user already logged in), replacing atob() and btoa() while at it.
c716ad2 Upgrading package dependencies.
8780210 Fixing spec file and COPR builds.
503be15 Fixing linting rules and CI configuration.
0adf098 Upgrading packages.
b3b3cfe Updating yarn lock file (making modules compatible with nodejs 18 and yarn 3.2.1)
1cf89e4 Upgrading yarn configs.
313ab64 Adjusting labels and icons for comment threads.
469d0db Updating group membership descriptions.