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@krulis-martin krulis-martin released this 22 Jul 09:53
· 55 commits to master since this release


  • Implementing support for configurable exit codes (which exit codes are considered successful in solution testing)
  • Adding execution goals for Maven
  • Promoting the project to full ESM
  • Major upgrade of (almost) all pkg dependencies


3b4a379 #! v2.12.0
808cd02 Refactoring exit codes translation.
a697767 Implementing success exit codes config and proper visualization.
2136f39 Fixing bug (missing download button for logs on reference solution detail page).
003546c Adding exec targets (goals) in exercise tests configuration.
10d90ad Updating .spec file.
857bbd5 Upgrading packages that required ESM.
f52b51e Promoting entire project to ESM.
3e0860d Upgrading React ACE.
f58b198 Another range upgrade.
3dfd5b0 Upgrading immutable.js to 4.x.
ef0f0c5 Upgrading yarn.lock and masking deprecated error messages in the console log.
f65c5c1 Gradually switching to redux toolkit.
0e667ec Moving towards better ESM compatibility.
e4c6e42 Upgrading react-ace editor.
f1abcd6 Upgrading webpack dev server.
22c6111 Upgrading css and less loaders.
f641abc Upgrading ES linter, migrating to flat configuration.
cd0ea49 Upgrading reselect, pretty-ms, and markdown-it.
03eea4c Upgrading jsDom and JWT decoder.
d70714f Upgrading yarn pkgs within range limitations.