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Releases: ReCodEx/web-app


14 Feb 14:49
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  • Fixing bugs.
  • Downgrading React to 18 (19 not bundling properly).


46b5adf #! v2.15.1
806d6a9 Fixing issue #567 (error when adding user's in groups)
ea50c45 Downgrading to react 18.
eaa91f5 Upgrading dependencies.


12 Feb 22:42
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  • Adding support for ReCodEx 3rd-party extensions.
  • Fixing appearance for narrow screens and sidebar handling.
  • Adding snippets for smarter copy-pasting (parts of) review comments.
  • Adding select/clear all buttons to group selection in collective assignment creation form.
  • Adding a warning icon for ZIP files with invalid entry names and fixing solution files display filter to handle backslashes in ZIP files.
  • Adding a QR code with a link to the current page in the header drop-down.
  • Pkg dependencies upgrade, fixing bugs.


ed0c889 #! v2.15.0
28aaec8 Merge branch 'master' of
08bce4e Deprecation of SIS integration page.
488f72c Pkg upgrade (#565)
21a9668 Adding QR code with link to current page in the header drop-down.
816efff Adding snippets for smarter copy-pasting (parts of) review comments.
6cdd87f Fixing SIS integration for supervisors.
1ff664c Adding current URL for the return in the extension URLs.
57b863a Implementing extension links appearance on the sidebar and redirection handling.
349c453 Adding select/clear all buttons to group selection in collective assignment creation form.
4a18de0 Unifying appearance of points and correctness (%) in solution tables.
59a9d24 Minor code refactoring in main ejs template.
66221cb Fixing appearance for narrow screens and sidebar handling.
499f862 Adding a warning icon for ZIP files with invalid entry names.
2127402 Fixing solution files display filter to handle backslashes in ZIP files.


15 Dec 21:48
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  • Migration to AdminLTE4 and Bootstrap 5.
  • Major upgrade of all dependencies.
  • Minor appearance and ux improvements.


d957cd0 #! v2.14.0
ab3f5ab Bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8
4809e0e Improving appearance of markdown input fields and their previews.
fa4d0a4 Updating buttons on dashboard's review-requests list so the users will not accidentally delete solutions.
d87200d Upgrading minor package versions.
b523ce1 Bump @eslint/plugin-kit from 0.2.0 to 0.2.3
6520139 Fixing bugs and adding x-mas appearance modification.
7c8c19b Improving sidebar appearance in collapsed mode.
04c4a55 Fixing batch of minor appearance issues.
843dbc1 Huge bulk of style fixing. Overlays fixed, icon overlays integrated to minimize code redundancy.
f9177c3 Upgrading to bootstrap 5 and AdminLTE 4 and fixing the most critical things that broke in the migration.
323e8f0 Bump http-proxy-middleware from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7
03fd282 Upgrading immutable.js to 5.x
f07774b Simple upgrade of yarn dependencies.


20 Oct 21:35
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  • Enabling group points limit (as an alternative to relative point threshold).
  • Improving visualization of completed group requirements.
  • Allows expanding text fields to correctly process multi-line paste operations (splitting lines into separate fields).


3634e05 #! v2.13.2
1b8a0e3 Allowing expanding text field correctly process multi-line paste operations (splitting lines into separate fields).
c4f0238 Improving visualization of passing group points limits.
1c3f0c8 Adjusting group edit/create forms and group info table for the new absolute pointsLimit.


03 Oct 12:43
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  • Fixing issues with reviews and review requests in archived groups.
  • Updating package dependencies.
  • Improving responsiveness for mobile devices (Home and Dashboard).


2f9288c Bump uplot from 1.6.30 to 1.6.31
5544575 Improving appearance of home page and dashboard for mobile devices.
ef54de6 Adding archived-group info on assignment solutions page and hiding close all reviews callout in archived groups.
f5b1ad0 Bump micromatch from 4.0.7 to 4.0.8
f3a0655 Upgrading dependencies. (#543)


13 Aug 11:24
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  • Adding a checkbox to the assignment edit form to show/hide absolute values for time and memory limits.
  • Adding a solution indicator that a student requests a review.


fd680bb #! v2.13.0
5868622 Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1
4d43889 Modifying dashboard's pending reviews list so it has similar format like review requests list.
401e7c5 Adding review-request filter for assignment solutions table.
68455e7 Adding a list of solutions with requested reviews on teacher's dashboard.
e0819b3 Updating redux storage to reflect optimization changes in solution set-flag endpoint response.
0c8d42f Adding review-request indicator in students' results table.
d8bf8bf Implementing review request buttons and indicators.
89a51cb Adding new email-notification check boxes to user edit settings form.
c748409 Adding canViewMeasuredValues flag in assignment edit form so the teacher can choose whether students see absolute memory and time values in the test results.
ac97779 Updating .spec file.
171ff67 Renaming server.js to server.mjs, so it is properly executed as ESM script by nodejs.


22 Jul 09:53
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  • Implementing support for configurable exit codes (which exit codes are considered successful in solution testing)
  • Adding execution goals for Maven
  • Promoting the project to full ESM
  • Major upgrade of (almost) all pkg dependencies


3b4a379 #! v2.12.0
808cd02 Refactoring exit codes translation.
a697767 Implementing success exit codes config and proper visualization.
2136f39 Fixing bug (missing download button for logs on reference solution detail page).
003546c Adding exec targets (goals) in exercise tests configuration.
10d90ad Updating .spec file.
857bbd5 Upgrading packages that required ESM.
f52b51e Promoting entire project to ESM.
3e0860d Upgrading React ACE.
f58b198 Another range upgrade.
3dfd5b0 Upgrading immutable.js to 4.x.
ef0f0c5 Upgrading yarn.lock and masking deprecated error messages in the console log.
f65c5c1 Gradually switching to redux toolkit.
0e667ec Moving towards better ESM compatibility.
e4c6e42 Upgrading react-ace editor.
f1abcd6 Upgrading webpack dev server.
22c6111 Upgrading css and less loaders.
f641abc Upgrading ES linter, migrating to flat configuration.
cd0ea49 Upgrading reselect, pretty-ms, and markdown-it.
03eea4c Upgrading jsDom and JWT decoder.
d70714f Upgrading yarn pkgs within range limitations.


12 Jun 21:47
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  • Adding edit dialog for the description of reference solutions
  • Implementing alternative view of output (judge) logs (modal window)
  • Showing relative time always in numeric, avoiding misunderstandings with 'yesterday'
  • Better error reporting for external authentication failures
  • Fixing bugs and visibility issues related to ACLs.
  • Refactoring, removing obsolete things, performance optimizations


a89e15d #! v2.11.1
e5dfe8b Showing relative time always in numeric, avoiding misunderstandings with 'yesterday'.
06868a7 Fixing obsolete multipart encoding in file-upload commit operation.
50181ef Adding edit dialog for description of reference solution. Optimizing related pages (redux selectors) to prevent unnecessary re-rendering.
fb5a903 Refactoring: merging ReferenceSolutionDetail into SolutionDetail (unification of regular and reference solutions).
30e0c75 Moving EvaluationTable component along with other solution-related components.
0c3d6cf Refactoring: merging ReferenceSolutionStatus into SolutionStatus component (unification of ref. and assignment solutions).
2ce7d09 Implementing alternative view of output (judge) logs -- in a modal window (which is much wider) for better readability.
b58199d Fixing bug in user switching.
dcb2160 Fixing leave button and links in archived groups for students.
7b3d09f Fixing visibility of link buttons in Archive group tree.
319d2ac Better error reporting for external authentication failures.


25 May 13:10
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  • Adding exam flags to groups and assignment
  • Implementing a secure mode for exams in groups (including user IP lock mode)
  • Improving notification and filtering of solutions suspected of plagiarism
  • Better loading error visualization (especially in 403 cases)
  • Disabling SSR (causing more trouble than benefit)
  • Security dependencies and bugs fixed


d479088 Bump ip from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9
6d7f377 Bump es5-ext from 0.10.53 to 0.10.63
b9e4a4e Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6
c3905a0 Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2
36d3641 Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2
e711b61 Bump tar from 6.1.11 to 6.2.1
46df0b0 Merge pull request #524 from ReCodEx/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ejs-3.1.10
9beeb8e Merge pull request #526 from ReCodEx/exam-groups
6be2f25 Merge branch 'master' into exam-groups
9a454df #! v2.11.0
c6ba2cd Fixing bugs, improving error reporting.
08fdca5 Improving visualization of exam groups (adding indicators to tree and lists).
52199d6 Implementing loading and visualization of group-exam locks.
416675e Fixing "access denied" visualization for locked-in students.
d61146d Improving resource error management (in redux) and page loading failures.
41c37f2 Bump ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10
91cb1d2 Adding sycl-intel runtime into known simple environments (like regular C++).
ad88159 Updating permission checks on group and assignment pages so that locked users are handled correctly.
3b4b80b Adding exam checkbox indicator in the (sub)group creation form.
4c4d3b5 Enforcing page reload when user locks himself in a group.
e31a49d Adding participating students list (for exam term) with unlock buttons so the teacher can release them.
87acb2f Implementing group exams table which lists past exams.
1fa02a0 Implementing a pending exam callout (info panel) with locking button for students.
68e609c Updating messages for 1st April.
7497ab5 Creating group exam notification bar with locking button.
9d8f997 Adding the isExam flag in assignment edit form.
6ce16c2 Creating a group exams page with group exam status and create/update form.
4f096a9 Implementing button for (un)setting the group exam flag.
966a04c Appearance modifications to prepare for exam-group settings.
0437e0c Disabling SSR for the time being.
786361e Fixing plagiarism icon permissions checking.
b4b931f Improving notification and filtering of solutions suspected from plagiarism.
9b687f6 Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.8 to 1.15.4
137ce75 Fixing typo in property identifier, which caused a bug in user solutions overview.


31 Dec 15:20
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  • Improving visualization of plagiarism similarities over multiple files.
  • Improving submission failure reporting for regular users.
  • Fixing minor issues with review comment forms.


2de23f1 #! v2.10.0
7164058 Fixing type-check warning.
c5408d5 Improving submission failure reporting for regular users.
fe3bbb0 Improving visualization of plagiarism similarities over multiple files.
0fa1927 Adjusting code fragment selector and plagiarism code box to display total coverage in the left panel (suspected code).
03a4167 Fixing minor issues with review comment forms.
64ed481 Green color for inline code in review comments